Various Dropped FFs of mine

Chapter 69: Chronicle


'Haa…it's six uh'clock in the morning and I still can't fall asleep.' I sigh in my head and groan softly…as I open my files app on my phone and go under movies and put on Chronicle.

And to ruin my night even further a sudden pop-up ad appears on my phone screen, blocking my view of the movie.

[Are you tired of your life? Do you feel empty and incomplete?] The text scroll across my screen.

'Yes and definitely.' I reply to the questions in my head.

[Well then do I have something for you! Would you like a life filled with adventure and travel?! Who are we kidding, yes you want it! So what are you waiting for?!?!?! Hit Accept!!!]

'Fuck it, what's it gonna hurt other than giving my phone a virus?!' I think as I hit the accept button, my world explodes into a rainbow of colors before I become stuck in a black void.

(I'll still probably never know what possessed me to hit accept…but damn, I'll never change my mind…on it being the best decision of my life!)

'Ohh come on!' I cry out in my mind as my heart skips a beat…and my eyesight…fades as I feel myself being pulled to sleep.

I wake up, and I find that I'm no longer in the void; instead, I find myself in a messy room, whipping my head around quickly inspecting the room of…a teenage boy as I sit up and swing my legs over the edge of the bed.

I groan as I cup my face in my hands, because my head begins to pound… and with my mouth having the taste of stale alcohol in it I don't have to guess why as I realize I have a hangover…my hangover begins to calm down.

As my mind is filled with images about the life of a guy named Andrew Detmer, 'Oh shit, I'm the protagonist of the movie Chronicle.' I curse in my mind and let out another groan as I stand up from the bed. I walk over to the door to get a better view of myself in the mirror.

What I see is a young man of about 17 years old who is about 5 feet, 11 inches tall, with a set of pretty blue eyes, distinctive ears and greasy looking black hair…that shines with healthiness. Who I recognize as the guy who played Harry Osborn in the Garfield duo of Spider-Man movies.

'Ahh…well not the handsomest bastard around but pretty damn good looking…' I express in an internal sigh, while performing my inspection, finding thick black and purple bruising on my neck in the shape of handprints…distorted flashes of a cave, a glowing crystal inside, and then a delirious trip home and into bed, and then…a man reeking of cheap beer and vodka, straddling my stomach his hands wrapped around my throat. Flashes of him yelling about how "you and your mother, take all his money!" before his words became too distorted for me to understand because of the suffocation I was suffering and then blackness.

'Fucking bastard!' I curse internally and sigh aloud as I take a few shaky steps backwards until the backs of my knees hit the bed and make me fall backwards onto it, laying on my back my head slightly hanging off of the other side I stare up at the shelf above the computer monitor on the computer desk, spotting a tennis ball, reaching out with my right hand from the bed which is a few feet away from the desk…I visualise the ball moving, I imagine what it feels like in my hand…which surprisingly works…as I make the tennis ball shakily lift up into the air by an inch or so.

"HOLY SHIT!" I exclaim my surprise in a hushed shout, which causes me to lose concentration…which causes my telekinetic hold on the ball to fail, making the ball bounce back onto the shelf, before bouncing onto the floor.

"What the hell!" I mutter in soft wonder, as I watch the ball continue to bounce on the floor before rolling to a stop…against a pair of discarded jeans, that have been haphazardly left on the floor.

'Maybe this ain't so…bad!'

'I know the movie doesn't really give us the greatest timeline for when the boy's…powers manifest…I always figured that it was at least a few days…more likely a few weeks after the event with the crystal. Since in the movie we have to wait a few seconds for Andrew to get a new camera, but with Andrew living in poverty I always figured he has to earn the money himself to buy it…cause even though Steve asks about the camera in the movie. I doubted that he'd drop 500 plus on one for Andrew though he seems to come from a pretty well off family, and I also doubted the popular idea of Matt buying the replacement camera for him…even though he said he'd replace the other camera for Andrew if it broke.'

"So given the idea that it should have been at least a few days minimum after the incident with weird crystal in the ground…I wonder if that I'm showing powers now has to do with mine and Andrew's merger…in the movie he's a prodigy when it comes to using his powers...HAaaa, I don't know I'm just spouting nonsense right now!" I express while releasing a sigh.

With those thoughts on my mind I reach out with my right hand again to see if earlier was a fluke or not, trying to levitate the tennis ball again, and succeed in doing so…rather easily.

As I slowly start to lift the ball up into the air, stopping once it hits eye level with me, unconsciously I bring my hand up to my nose and tap my finger just above my upper lip and just under the opening of my nostrils and hear a small wet plap sound.

"Shit!" I curse softly while letting go of my mental grip over the ball making it fall back to the floor and it begins it's track of bouncing around the room until it hits another article of clothing as I grab the bottom hem of my shirt from last night the slept in and use it to stem the flow of blood from my nostrils.

'Fuck I hate bloody noses!' I curse in my mind, 'I wonder if the others are already exhibiting their new abilities…or if I have greater talent than even Andrew? Even though I took over his body…' I wonder internally as I get up off of the bed, walk over to and pluck the ball, from it's resting place on the ground not using telekinesis but good old elbow grease, and then walk over to the desk that Andrew and set the ball back down on the top shelf before sitting down at the desk.

"Haa-haa, Ha-ha-ha!" I suddenly burst into laughter, standing up from the chair continuing to laugh, feeling the control over my emotions that I've had since waking up slipping away, in my emotionally excited state and without a conscious thought from my mind, my no his books, his pillows, his lamp and his other things, begin to levitate around me, all of the items turn into a tornado spinning around me…until I feel something like a rubber band stretched and strained to the maximum, blush gushes onto the lower half of my face from my nostrils as my world spins before blackness takes me.

"So worth it!" I groan from my place on the floor with a small sad smile on my face, not caring much about the fact that I'm experiencing a nose period.

'Wonder how long I was out…probably not long since I'm still bleeding from my nose..'

"Welp…time to take a shower, then get something to eat…and then continue training my telekinesis, it's a good thing that today is Saturday." I mutter while picking up a pair of discarded boxers and using them to soak up the blood.

'Damn…am I ever glad that I have my own bathroom with a shower connected to my bedroom.' I groan as I rest my head against the tiles of the wall just underneath the shower head.

'Okay let's review what I think I know about telekinesis…from fandom wiki, Telekinesis is the ability to move, lift, vibrate, rotate, bend, break or impact objects using non-physical means. Considered by some to be pseudoscience, others refer to it as superstition and for the more extreme, a sign of the devil.'

"Yip, that's about all I remember on the description of telekinesis…I'm so fucked." I mutter flippantly as I notice that my nose has stopped bleeding, "Should probably drink a lot of water and eat some seafood to help with blood replenishing, maybe eat some liver as well."

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