Various Dropped FFs of mine

Chapter 70: Buffy The Vampire Slayer SI

Driving down route 12 on my way home, suddenly my phone starts going nuts, releasing a soft sigh. As I reach into the cubby in front of the drive selector and swipe the answer button.

'I should try harder to get the wireless connected…' I internally groan at my failure…in connecting the Bluetooth every time I have attempted to connect the phone to the car the car has thoroughly defeated me.

"I told you, you would regret leaving me!" My ex-girlfriend Kelsey's voice comes through the phone speaker in a snarl, which makes the phone rattle against the plastic of the small cubby.

'Great it's this, Fucking bitch…how'd she get this number?!' I curse in my head as I try to zone her annoying voice out in an attempt to resist the urge to retort to her tirade.

"Fuck you bitch, I made you…and you did nothing but lie to me for it!" I curse at her into the phone, overcome by the urge to fire back…as I hear her insult and threaten my family.

Kelsey's demented laugh comes through the phone speaker.

"I'm about to unmake us both baby!" Kelsey replies back to me and before I can continue this argument, suddenly I feel a car impact the passenger side of my suuuped up BMW 335D.

Sounds of shattering glass and the crumpling of metal ring in my ears as I'm pelted by pieces of glass.

"That psychotic cunt!" I shout out a curse, my hand instinctively I reach out with my right hand and push the button engine start/off button to turn off the engine, as the car flips over multiple times down the steep hill into a farmer's field, coming to rest upright on the passenger side of the car.

"Fuch." I release a long drawn out groan of a curse, as I reach for and press the seat belt release button but it doesn't work.

My head pounds in my skull, as I move my arm that feels like led and grab my tactical knife, with a seatbelt cutter out of my pocket.

'At least I didn't get crushed.' I mutter in my head while also feeling relieved that I didn't break any bones.

Bracing myself with my left arm on what's left of the driver's side door, as I slice through the seatbelt, feeling the release of pressure from the belt I breathe a little easier.

Though it's still difficult to breath, after a very laborious maneuvering I manage to get into a standing position, 'I think the best way out is through the windshield…the glass of the sunroof looks too jagged…and the metal frame is a bit too mangled…' I hypothesize as I press my hands against the waffled roof, cutting my hands on glass and sharp metal that have become weghed into the carpet/foam roof lining, while bracing myself against the driver's seat, center console and passenger seat.

Pushing against the roof with all my strength feeling it give underneath me opening up the shield more I nod to myself while, mule kicking the cracked windshield repeatedly until it falls to the ground outside of the car.

The space looks open enough for me to climb out…so I do so with a bit of caution, half way out of my car I reach up to my glove box, open it and pull out my G22, and fart can, out of the car now fully, I attach the silenced to the G22.

Cautiously moving around my car to the trunk, which replacing it with carbon fiber seems pretty dumb now, I spot Kelsey's white Mercedes-AMG GT 63 PRO 4MATIC+ with the front end smooshed in the front windshield is spider webbed and the airbag blocks the view of the steering wheel but the driver's side door is open.

"I guess it didn't work, huh baby?" Kelsey asks from behind me her words slightly slurred.

'Damnit, how'd she get behind me?' I wonder as I turn around to face her, and god does she look beautiful standing there with a Strayer Voigt Infinity 1911 pointed at me.

Though I still find her physically beautiful I can't help the derisive scoff I make, "Yeah crashing into a car with a high side impact safety rating is a dumb move, but then again I was always the one that made everything happen, you were just the dump bitch with the name and the pussy." I say scornfully and look up at the sky to see the sunset streamed orange, red, and purple across the sky…I don't bother raising my 22.

As I smile while watching as the sun slowly disappears over the horizon, though sadly, a deep black storm front is moving in.

'It would have been nice to enjoy a sunset…and see the supermoon before dying…' I say in my head and even though I didn't remember any mention of storms for the weekend, I wasn't all to surprised by the weather situation this is New York after all…suddenly lightning rips through the dark clouds, and the loud booming of thunder brings an even deeper smile to my face as I loved being able to watch lightning in black clouds without getting rained on.

"LOOK AT ME!!!" Kelsey screams at me but I don't give her the attention that she's craving by doing so.

"No, I'm going to enjoy the storm, just shoot me already." I say and as if the weather was responding to my provocation, a bolt of lightning strikes my 335D's undercarriage…as I stand up fully as lean against what's left of the rear bumper.

The sound of the lighting striking is nearly deafening due to it's close proximity.

"Hey, leave my baby alone! She's been abused enough by that psychotic cunt!" I shout while pointing at Kelsey, and a bright light sears my eyes.

My body is suddenly racked with excruciating pain, like I'm being stung by thousands of bees at once, while my muscles spasm uncontrollably…as I fly through the air.

The agony seems endless but I'm almost certain it was only for a minute, as the pain slowly dissipates, my heart starts pounding in my chest. Pumping faster and faster, past the point where it starts to feel painful and the errant thought that my heart will actually explode crosses my mind.

My vision starts to come back to me albeit with blaring spots in it when another intense light suddenly appears out of nowhere, blinding me once more…I do my best to attempt at shutting my eyelids…which is an effort in agony..a few moments pass before all feeling starts to disappear and I felt as though my body is shutting down; my arms and legs were numb, my breathing slows to the point I doubt I'm breathing at all.

'So…I guess I'm dying again twice as a kid and now like this…' I mutter in my mind as a different type of darkness envelops me.

And this seamless sensation as if I'm being pulled somewheres…subfuses my soul…opening my eyes I find myself sitting in a chair behind a desk that has a laptop computer sitting on top of said desk with its lid open.

"So Mr.Computer in this strange white place that is most likely the afterlife…What, is your purpose here?!" I ask the intimate object, as I extend my right hand forward reaching out, I press down on the power button with my forefinger which makes the computer whirr to life.

[Please select your world] (Can choose up to two.)

-Buffy The Vampire Slayer

-Teen Wolf



"What is this shit…real…right now?!" I whisper my question in a soft voice, as once the laptop computer powers up it shows me a text box and a list while asking me to select a world while providing me a small list of worlds to pick from.

'Buffy, Teen Wolf…Shameless, shit they're all hard to choose over one another…damn this is a really tough decision…kinda wish Charmed was on the list..' I internally express…and take a few minutes to think things over before finally settling on Buffy.

As soon as I click on my choice and hit confirm my choice a new window opens up that asks me to select two cheats.

[Please select your two cheats]

-Instant mastery

-Blood manipulation

-Grand Theft Auto System

-Mind Control

-Rift Opening

-Ultimate Magic System

-Random ArchDemon Physiology

-Weaver of Spells (An Intuitive ability to create and use your own magic spells, regardless of world/universal laws and your own knowledge, as this ability mainly goes off of intent.)

-The Spotted Dimension & The Powers of the Spot

-Sign in System

-Wolverine's Healing Factor

-The Charms of Bezel

-Archamada Book of Magic

-The Omnitrix

-Pure Talent

-Original Vampire

-Original Werewolf

-Perfected Mirakuru (Arrow)

-Original Heretic Physiology

"Okay, let's think here if I stay human…the charms of Bezel, Weaver of Spells and Wolverine's healing factor are prime choices…with Original Heretic Physiology a runner up especially combined with the Weaver Of Spells…a heretics main weaknesses being a specific rare wood that can be used in a variety of ways…and then there's vervain…plus magic but everything is pretty much weak to magic…though it'd take something extremely powerful…and that's a given that I can't just absorb the energy and use it for myself."

'If I really want to be a vampire though I could use the spell that restores souls…get the Gem or Ring of Amara whatever it's called…there are also magic using Vampires in Buffy…'

After a good hour of going back and forth on the pro's and con's of my options, I settle on Heretic Physiology…and The Charms of Bezel.

After selecting my choices, my head starts pounding and my vision blurs…and I wake up to the sound of air brake disengaging.

Opening my eyes I see the sun just begining to rise into the sky, casting a gentle but strengthening glow over the small town of Sunnydale.

Looking to my left then my right I see no one but some early morning commuters on the road either heading to our from work or on their ways to wherever…and a sign that says Sunnydale High…a bit ways down the sidewalk, and steps leading up to the campus.

Standing up I move over to the reflective band of chrome that encases an advertisement for trojan condoms…my hands unconsciously coming up to my face, "Holy Fucking Shit, I look fucking gorgeous!" I express vainly as I admire my handsome looks, continuing to admire myself I run my hands along my body,

'I can't believe I'm wearing a mesh T-shirt…' I internally groan before looking downwards seeing and feeling my new body that feels like it should belong to an elite MMA fighter that is well endowed.

My build is sturdy..and built for fighting I'm still my full height which is six foot two inches, broad shouldered…built like a brick shit house.

My face is slightly hidden under long, thick curly black hair that has natural coppery red highlights running throughout it, my face is clean shaven, luckily my hair isn't reaching ponytail level but is brushing the nape of my neck.

As for my face while it's a face that looks like mine, my eyes, my nose but with the fat gone…I look like the love child of Tom Welling and Dylan O'Brien, and just being all around better looking than the two without being airbrushed and roided, my eyes are a hazel that are a dark green, but also had a honey gold color to them with a sunburst around the retina with a dark gray ring containing all of that color.

'I definitely shouldn't…have any problems getting in Buffy's pants being this handsome…though…I could do without being a teenager again…' I express in my mind while smirking at myself in my reflection, before looking down at the ground to find an old beat up…maybe world war two army green shoulder/messenger bag on the ground.

Picking up the bag from the ground, I find a worn brown leather jacket like the one Dean Winchester wore for a time in supernatural and a sleeve like the one future Gwen has in the original continuity of Ben 10…along with a stuffed full/puffed up manila document folder/envelope thing, opening it I find all my necessary documents…and probably ten grand in cash, all fresh crisp hundreds in bank bands.

Pulling on the nice thought worn leather jacket, and slinging the messenger bag over my neck I take in a deep breath, the faint scent of the ocean mixing with the faint airiness of the desert, combined with the smells and sounds of a city with a hint of forest in the background…but the most powerful smell that seems to surround Sunnydale…is death/decay.

'This is the beginning of my first great adventure…' I internally cheer, and look down at the red Keystone that rests in the middle of the back of my hand…though now it looks like I have a tattoo sleeve…and not like I'm wearing a piece of fabric with magical relics molded to it brushing my left hand over the back of my right hand all I feel is flesh pinching the skin directly in the middle of the charm…it just feels like it does when pinching normal skin.

"Neat…" I murmur as I watch cars pull into the school's parking lot…along with a big yellow school bus...full of kids, I release a sigh at remembering the school transcripts, and transfer papers that were in the manila folder…binder thing…there's just one incy wincy monkey wrench…in my new life of adventure danger and blood suckingness…and that is that I'm a Harris, as in alcoholic, abusive, neglectful parents with a little brother named Zander…that is around a year and a half younger than me…but I ran away from home at 14 fell in with a rough crowd of magic users, and then got hooked up with a hot vampire chick…named Drusilla…then her on and off again boyfriend Spike and her got together they stole my wheels and…that's not the worst of it good old Spikey killed me…while Drusilla turned me…and she put me on a bus to Sunnydale, now…I'm here in the place that my predecessor swore never to return to.

"Hey, Are you stupid?" Asks a voice I recognize as belonging to Cordelia Chase…or Charisma Carpenter, her voice sounding more annoyed than anything…

Turning around to see a very beautiful young woman with a nice bronzed looking skin tone, a black button up long sleeve shirt that is see through in some spots and solid material in others that allows me a good view of her cleavage and her brown tube top, as my eyes come level with the collar of her blouse and her neck.

I feel my mouth go dry as my throat burns with thirst, my stomach cries out in hunger, as I see her veins pulsing in her neck just below her soft bronzed skin, I feel myself brushing my tongue along my lips, I hear her heart beating in her chest, her blood flowing through her circulatory system…as if that is a trigger somesorta strange sensation comes over me before I can even realize it I'm blurring forwards at an unimaginable speed that almost seems to make the world around me freeze.

I press Cordelia up against the plastic wall of the bus stop with my body, and cover her mouth with my right hand. Using that connection I turn her head slightly to the right exposing her neck further to me giving me easier access, I can feel Cordelia's hot breath misting against my palm as she screams.

I bite into her neck and the feeling of my mouth filling with warm sweet blood, makes me moan deeply from the pleasureful relief it gives my throat…and the hunger in my stomach.

"Na-nnn." Cordelia's screams turn to moans as she wraps her arms around the back of my neck that had previously pointless waving in the hair and intermittently colliding with my body.

Sliding my left hand up along Cordelia's smooth flat abdomen and underneath her brown tube top I cup her left breasts the firm and pillowy breast too large for my hand to fully encompass.

The burning in my throat lessens as Cordelia's heartbeat slows to the point that I start to fear that I'm going to kill her, 'I have to stop…' I say in my head and I muster up every ounce of willpower I have to remove my new fangs from Cordelia's neck.

My left hand continues to play with Cordy's left breast molding the fleshy orb of heaven while I roll her hardened rosebud with my thumb…as my cock aches painfully in my black jeans, Cordelia's breaths against my palm are as weak as her heartbeat… pulling back away from her neck I see her sweet delicious blood flowing from the puncture wounds I made and it nearly send me into a frenzy.

'You are not an animal…or a rapist for that matter stop groping her!' I internally yell/snarl at myself and remove my hand from Cordelia's breast and by extension her tube top…that has been worn in lieu of a bra.

Bringing my left hand up to my mouth I prick my finger on one of my new fangs, a bead of blood immediately wells up to the surface while the skin closes.

Rubbing the blood over the wounds I put into Cordelia's neck watching enraptured as they closed up immediately leaving no sign behind that they were ever there except for the blood staining her flawless skin of her neck going down staining both her button up top and tube top.

Gulping I stick out my tongue and uncover Cordelia's mouth, as I start licking Cordelia's blood from her neck…

"Mmm-humm…" Cordelia moans softly at my gentle but insistent hungry licks…that travel down Cordy's neck and her collarbone…I barely manage to pull myself away and pick Tara up into a princess carry and speed into the school exploring the whole place and ending up in the nurse's office…I lay Cordelia down on a cot and the head to the cafeteria where I grab her some pre made and packaged peanut butter sandwiches, a couple Gatorades and a couple bottles of bottled water.

Returning to the nurse's office just in time for Cordy to start fluttering her eyes open and go bring her hand up to her head…she softly groans and holds her head with a pained expression on her face.

'God…she's gorgeous…' I find myself simping over the beautiful young woman as I approach her, Cordelia looks up at me and turns even pale-er than she already is, her mouth opens and she begins to inhale deeply preparing to scream and I zoom forward tackling her back down onto the bed, and I cover her mouth with my right hand once more while staring into her beautiful slightly dazed but widely open in fear hazel eyes.

'Shit, shit…what do I do…wait let's try compelling her…' I say in my head and as I stare into Cordelia's eyes her dazed look increase to the point it seems like the lights are on but nobody's home.

"Shh-Don't scream, I'm not going to hurt you…in-fact I love you…and you love me more than anything in the world even fashion, clothes and gossiping…you'll do anything to please me…but won't change your personality too much to do so…" I murmur as seductively as possible and feel what I say sink into her mind, as she mindlessly nods her head.

Pulling back and climbing off of the cot Cordelia comes back to herself and weakly sits back up and smiles up at me the dreamy-ist girl in epic fairytale true love would give her Prince charming after he saves her from the evil tower protected by an evil dragon.

Picking up the dropped sandwiches and drinks I set them on Cordelia's lap, 'Neon green pants…definitely makeith and impression…that's for sure…'

"Eat, and drink…I drank quite a bit of blood from you earlier and you need to replenish your body with nutrients." I murmur to Cordelia and the girl just smiles a love struck smile at me while trembling hands struggle to open the cellophane wrapping that encases all of the many sandwiches.

"Okay…" Cordelia chirps as I reach over and tear open the plastic wrap for her.

"So, you're a vampire now…Damon?" Cordelia asks me through a mouthful of peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich.

I arch an eyebrow in surprise at her question…not so much the question but that she remembers me…or rather my body, "You know my name?" I ask her, my voice fully displays my surprise and piqued curiosity.

Cordelia looks down at her lap as her face takes on a bit of a rosy hue, "I kinda…had a crush on you since we were in pre-school…" Cordelia confesses her flush turning into a full blown blushing fit.

"Huh, never realized…I had a crush on you too, Cordy…"

"R-really?" Cordelia asks while looking up at me with a hopeful expression on her face and I lean down and take her lips, slowly kissing her pushing my tongue into her mouth tasting peanut butter and grape jelly, gently I push Cordy back down onto the cot and start squeezing both her breasts this time as the young woman eagerly returns my kiss…having a full blown make out session with the Charisma Carpenter in her prime…a dream come true.

Cordy moans into my mouth, gasping as I continue to play with her tits…Cordy starts sliding her hands underneath my shirt rubbing over my abs, chest and back.

Breaking the kiss Cordelia lets out a put out sound of discontent, while trying to chase after my lips, while I sit back on her knees.

"Eat…you need your strength for the day…I'm going to go get you a new blouse…" I murmur to Cordy while I continue to squeeze her breasts a few more times though keeping my gripping light so as not to hurt her, "Mmm-ahh…don't st-aah-op."

Chuckling at Cordy's reaction while a sweet scent comparable to her blood…fills the nurse's office, growing stronger with every grope of my hands Cordelia wiggles her thighs together…

'Wow…I can smell a woman's arousal…'

"Daay-mon…pwease…" Cordelia lets out a long drawn out pleading moan, chuckling. I remove my hands from Cordy's breasts and give them a light smack.

Which draws out a surprised and slightly pained cry from Cordy, "Eat!" I tell her as I pull myself away from the beauty and blur out of the school finding many more students and staff populating it's halls…and cafeteria.

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