Waking up in a TV Show

Chapter 18: Relocation part 2 of 2

Episode 18 

Jack Routh

If there was one thing he could confidently say about himself and his wife, it was that they were practical people who really didn't like putting up appearances and knew what they wanted. He didn't like getting stuck in traffic, so he bought a bike to weave through them to get to work.

Zoe realized she needed a car for their honeymoon road trip, and since she really couldn't take the one assigned to her out of the city, she decided to get one for herself. She left one morning, and he looked up an hour later while doing maintenance on his bike to see a white two-door Toyota arriving at their driveway. He watched as his wife jumped out of the car, wearing a satisfied smile on her face. She looked stunning with her shades, jacket, and skirt.

"I got an eight-six!" She said happily.

"Eighty-six?" He asked as he took a closer look at his wife's car.

"A GR86, to be more precise." Zoe explained. "Reese, one of my friends, had been looking to sell this car that she received as part of her divorce settlement with her husband. It barely has any miles on it, and I loved the feel when I drove it once when Reese was too drunk to drive."

"It has an automatic transmission, not really the model I was looking for, but at least it has a paddle shift." He got in the driver's seat, and Zoe started to point out the features of the car. He looked around and marveled at the simplicity of the design. This was a driver's car.

"How much did it cost you?" He asked.

"Twenty grand." Zoe replied.

 He was surprised to learn it was just around the same price range as his bike.

"It certainly is comfortable, and I know you don't like driving heavy trucks. It suits you, honey." He got out of the car after he popped the hood and took a look at the engine. "How long was its last scheduled maintenance?" 

"About that." Zoe leaned at his side, and he felt a hand grab his ass. "Can you help me with that?"

Since he really didn't have any tools, he took it to a car shop for routine maintenance. The preventive maintenance only took an hour, with an oil change and checking each tire's balance. He had the radiator fluid replaced just in case in preparation for their long drive.

With their transportation taken care of, they started their vacation. Their week-long road trip honeymoon to Napa Valley was finally underway, and Zoe decided to drive the first two hours of their road trip.

He could clearly see how she enjoyed driving her new car, and the sound the engine produced was pleasant to hear whenever she stepped on the gas. It accelerated quickly, and he didn't feel cramped inside.

They were swapping stories about the golf game they had with Mayor Stevens, Chief Williams, and their wives during the weekend before they set off.

"No way!" Zoe giggled behind the wheel. "Chief Williams actually asked you that?"

"I didn't know how to respond." He admitted. The invitation surprised him and caused him to actually play his best game yet in his eagerness to leave the golf club as soon as possible. By the end of the eighteenth hole, he was only six strokes behind the leaders.

"So that was why you started hitting those drives that accurately." Zoe replied. "I can't believe the chief and the mayor are both swingers."

"I told you they're interested in you." He added. "Wearing that cute little golf outfit didn't help."

"As I recall, you selected that one for me to buy." He did because he liked how sexy she looked in it.

"And their wives were talking as well. They're looking forward to the time when you join the club." Zoe reminded him. Who knew a few members of the prestigious golf club association were swingers? And he didn't mean having a get-together at the driving range to work on their swings. The chief and the mayor participated in full-blown orgies, and they also wife-swapped with other members of their swing club.

Halfway through their journey, they encountered a problem. Zoe was waiting for her chance to overtake a convoy of exotic-looking cars with vans recording them when a group of three police cruisers started to flash their lights. A police cruiser sped past the head of the convoy to slow them down, and he shared a confused look with his wife.

The convoy pulled to the side, and Zoe ignored them, but a remaining police car continued to tail them.

Zoe pulled the car to the side just ahead of the convoy as a highway patrol cop reached the driver's side window.

"Ma'am, do you know it's illegal to film here without proper authorization?" The cop with a thick beard asked.

"We're not part of that convoy." Zoe replied. "I was just about to pass them when you guys showed up."

"Sure." The cop gave Zoe a look that clearly showed he didn't believe a word she said. "License and registration please."

He had to admire his wife's patience as she handed over the required papers.

"For the record, I'm a cop. We both are." Zoe stated and flashed her badge.

"You? A police captain? Nice props, though." The CHP officer laughed. He noticed the cop taking a look at his wife's thighs. "I'm afraid I have to detain you. Impersonating a police officer is a felony, hot stuff. Step out of the vehicle."

He received a look from his wife, telling him she wanted to take care of this herself. Still, he remained alert and watched the interaction.

He could see Zoe arguing with the CHP officer while her hands were on the back of the car. He frowned when the man tried to check her for weapons. It wasn't necessary, in his opinion, since Zoe was wearing a thin, tight skirt, and any hidden weapon would have a noticeable bulge.

Zoe suddenly flinched and then quickly turned around and confronted the CHP officer. He got out his badge as well and stepped out of the car to give Zoe backup, and he could see the moment she dodged another attempt by the cop to grab her, pivoted on her left foot, and pushed him off balance. The cop stumbled to the ground, and his wife immediately got the cop's arms behind his back and, had taken the cuffs from the man's duty belt and secured him.

"You're under arrest for violating the California Penal Code Section 243.4" Zoe stated.

He saw the other officers in the convoy rushing to them, and he showed them his badge.

"Relax, I'm LAPD." He called out, as he raised his hands.

"What happened? Hey! Get off him!" One of the cops shouted with their weapons drawn.

"She's also LAPD, and a police captain. Your man there didn't believe it when she showed him her badge." He explained. "He made her stand behind our car, and I think he groped her ass."

"Fuck. An LAPD police captain?" One of the cops lowered his weapon first, followed by the two others.

"Yes. Get your watch commander here." He suggested. He went back to Zoe and pulled the larger police officer to his feet.

"Hey, let me go! This is an illegal arrest!" The cop complained as he struggled under his grip.

His wife still looked furious and tucked her own badge on the waist of her skirt. She stalked towards the officers like a lion and demanded for one of their radios.

"Dispatch, this is Police Captain Zoe Andersen Routh, badge number 898. I just arrested one of your officers for sexual assault on an illegal search of my person. With me is my husband, Officer Jack Routh, with badge number 33186. Please connect me to your watch commander."

"Captain, this is Lieutenant Adam Miller. What happened?" The radio blared out.

 "Your boys pulled over a convoy of exotic cars and what looks like a filming crew just past the 33 interchange." Zoe replied. "I was about to overtake them when your officer pulled me over as well. I tried to explain the situation, but he didn't believe me even when I showed my badge."

"Damn. Please wait, Captain. I'll get there in ten."

He pushed the cop to the back of the nearest CHP shop and, took out his weapon and handed it to another officer.

"Looks like Wrigley pulled over the wrong car." The CHP officer who took the weapon commented.

"It's not about the wrong car." Zoe replied, shooting the CHP officer a stern glare. "What Officer Wrigley did violates several procedures for any law enforcement officer in California. I don't remember groping a driver's ass as part of procedure."

 "Yes, Ma'am." The CHP swallowed nervously and nodded.

The group from the convoy approached them, and he noticed a few cameramen with them. The situation was becoming more and more unpredictable.

"Why did you pull them over for anyway?" Zoe asked as the other group reached them.

"I told you, we had the proper permits!" The British accent from the middle-aged man protested as he waved a piece of paper secured in a clear plastic holder.

"And I told you, you don't." A CHP officer snapped back. "Get back to your vehicles. This doesn't concern you."

"Let me see that." Zoe interrupted and asked for the papers. He watched as the group of CHP officers suddenly looked nervous and gave each other worried looks.

"It says here you have received the proper permit from the California Film Commission, Mister…"

"Wilman. Andy Wilman." The British man replied. "But they're also asking for another permit, for state parks. They said we need those two together."

"Are you planning to film on state parks, Mister Wilman?" Zoe asked.

"No, we're just filming for the highways and roads." Wilman replied. "We're headed to Napa Valley., and we have the proper permits approved from the local authorities over there."

"Then why did you pull them over?" Zoe asked the surrounding officers. Nobody seemed to be capable of answering her as they avoided her gaze.

"Then it looks like you're free to go. I'm sorry for the inconvenience to your film crew, Mister Wilman." Zoe handed back the documents. "Please observe our speed limits."

"Yes, ma'am." Wilman looked pleased. "Pardon me, but are you a police officer too?"

"Yes, but I'm from LAPD, I'm Captain Zoe Andersen Routh." Zoe answered. "We were trailing your convoy on our way to Napa when we got pulled over by highway patrol."

"I see." Wilman nodded. "They must have mistaken your 86 as a part of our group. Is that a GT86 model?"

"GR86." Zoe smiled. "We were on our way for our honeymoon when this happened."

"Congratulations!" Wilman replied with a smile.

"Pardon me, but are you this man?" Another older British man with curly hair approached him, showing him a picture of his rescue of Taylor Swift. The man looked oddly familiar, and he was sure he had seen him somewhere before.

"Yes, that's me." He took off his sunglasses and gave the man a handshake. "Officer Jack Routh."

"I knew it!" The man turned back to the rest of his group. "I told you, May! I was right!"

"A broken clock can be right twice a day." The reply came from another man with longer hair.

It took them fifteen minutes of waiting, with the convoy deciding to wait and take a break, but he knew they just wanted to witness what happened next.

It was worth the wait, as not only the watch commander arrived, but several higher-ranking officials came with him. The dash camera needed to be reviewed first, but the film crew from the convoy provided clear video evidence since Officer Wrigley had conveniently forgotten to turn on his body cam when they were pulled over.

The camera had clearly captured the moment the CHP officer fondled his wife's ass, and there was no dispute as to the arrest. The other officers were scolded and sent back to their station for a disciplinary review, and he watched as the officials that remained discussed what would happen next.

"I want him out of the force and a thorough review of his past actions." Zoe didn't compromise in their attempts to negotiate. "If you could promise that, I won't go public with this."

 "I understand, Captain." The watch commander sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "He'll be kicked out of the force by the end of the week."

"Good. I'll be following up to see if you follow through on your word. If not, we still have that video footage from the film crew." Zoe replied as she stared at the gathered officials around her. "Is that all?"

"Yes, Captain. Sorry… sorry for this."

"Train your officers better." His wife gave them a final piece of advice and turned her back on them and headed back to the car.

They quickly went on their way, and this time, Zoe increased her speed to the speed limit to make up for lost time. He noticed the film crew was following them, and he heard the distinct sound of the engine exhaust of the exotic cars the film crew used. He finally realized the man who recognized him. He was Jeremy Clarkson.

He didn't know that Clarkson had left the famous British motoring show called Top Gear and made his own called The Grand Tour.

"Mmmm, that's a nice sound." Zoe commented as the yellow LFA driven by Clarkson overtook their car, followed by a red Ferrari and a black Mustang. Two hours before Napa, they decided to fill up the tank and have a quick meal. It looked like the film crew had followed them as they ate sandwiches outside the convenience store of the gas station.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your honeymoon." Andy Wilman approached their table with Jeremy Clarkson. "I just wanted to express my gratitude once again for helping out with those cops."

"And I want to say your wife is a badass." Jeremy stated, giving his wife an appreciative look.

Zoe smiled and lifted up her sunglasses. "It's no problem at all, and I apologize for the negative experience you had with those cops. Not all of us are like that."

"I know." Wilman replied with a smile. "The good cops helped us in the end, even if they were on vacation and on their honeymoon. You didn't have to step in like you did, but you helped us anyway. We'd like to invite you for dinner whenever you're free when you reach Napa since that's where we will be filming as well."

He shared a look with Zoe and shrugged. It was all on her if she wanted to accept or not.

"Why not?" Zoe replied.

They quickly exchanged contact information with the two men and soon resumed their trip. Their accommodations did not disappoint when they reached the place. They had their own private villa, surrounded by rows and rows of vineyards. The outdoor shower was amazing as well, as it provided an unparalleled view of the surrounding hills.

He did not waste time as he took his wife in the shower, enjoying the amazing scenery as he thrust inside her from behind.

"You were a total badass out there." He whispered to her ear as he thrust all the way inside her. "That was fucking hot."

"I'm surprised… ah fuck… that you didn't step in immediately." Zoe replied. He felt her clench her vagina around his cock, causing him to nearly spill inside her. "Harder. Yes!"

He spent the rest of the afternoon with Zoe, walking around the vineyards. By the time they arrived back at the villa, it was already dark. He spent the night with Zoe, cuddling into him as she watched a police show shot in LA. His wife was giggling every time the police officers on the show tried to sweep a room, or conduct a proper arrest.

"Look at that!" Zoe pointed as the protagonist used an ordinary car door as cover while his enemies fired high-caliber rounds at him, and the door miraculously stopped all of the bullets.

"That door has to be made of some super alloy." Zoe continued. "There's no way that could have stopped even a 22."

The next morning, they rode horses to tour more of the vineyard and the surrounding property and met a few other guests along the way. He was grateful that Lucy Worsley knew her way around horses, or else he wouldn't be able to keep with Zoe. She looked comfortable on a saddle, and even gave him tips to improve his form.

"You're too stiff!" His wife laughed as she galloped past him.

They arrived at the restaurant inside the property, and met a few members of the film crew they met yesterday.

"Good to see you again Officers." Andy Wilman greeted them. "What are your plans for today?"

"We're just taking it easy for today." He replied. "We just came back from a morning ride with the horses."

"How was it?" Wilman asked.

"It's nice, but I'm more comfortable with my own bike." He replied.

"What do you ride?" One of the men asked.

"A BMW S1000 RR" He replied. "You ride bikes as well?"

"I have a collection." The man said proudly. "My name's Richard Hammond."

"Jack Routh." He replied. "What kind of bikes do you have?"

They spoke more about bikes, and he even showed Richard pictures of his own bike. Then Richard started to explain what they had planned for the day. Richard was going to attempt to test his motorcycle riding skills and attempt to run away from a police bike and see if police bikes were really that fast, and showed a video of a black Hayabusa outrunning police vehicles.

"How about you join us if you're free?" Richard offered. "Can we do that, Andy?"

"I don't see why not." Wilman replied. "We're filming in Sonoma Raceway, about a thirty-minute drive from here. If you want, you can run a few laps with your 86."

Zoe liked the idea, and the two of them followed the crew van to the filming location. As the crew prepared for the shoot, they encountered some troubles and waited for another stunt rider to arrive.

His wife was on the track on her 86, and he watched as her lap times became progressively faster. He didn't know she could drift corners like that. By the time she arrived back on the pit lane, she was breathing heavily, and her face was flushed, but she was wearing a wide smile on her face.

"That was exhilarating." His wife declared. "I have to do that again!"

"Yes, and we also need to buy a new set of tires." He teased his wife. "You were really burning rubber out there."

They had a break for tea with the presenters. Zoe took a closer look at the exotic cars, and James May gave his wife a quick tour of the three vehicles.

He took a closer look at the two BMW 1200 RT police bikes and noticed some similarities with his own bike.

"You want to have a go?" Richard Hammond asked. He was wearing a green suit that matched the Kawasaki bike he was supposed to use. "We're just waiting for the stunt rider, and he's late."

"Sure! Any suits that I can borrow?" He asked.

Fortunately, the white spare racing suit he borrowed fit him, and he found it amusing that there were stylized police markings on the back and the forearms, and the helmet even had the same design.

"Take it easy on the first lap." The track marshal and the stunt team gave him a safety briefing, and soon, he was leaning and banking on the track.

He enjoyed Zoe's car, but nothing could replace the feeling of riding a motorcycle in full acceleration. He had just completed his second lap when he spotted Hammond on his green Kawasaki ahead of him. He slowed down, and saw Richard Hammond look at him and then took off. He knew a challenge when he saw one and chased after him.

After three laps, he was only a few bike lengths from Richard's Kawasaki, and he pushed a little more in the next sets of bends, his knees nearly scraping the pavement, and barely passed Hammond at the last corner before the straight. He noticed Hammond slow down after that when he looked back and eased off the throttle as well. He turned around and followed Hammond back to the pit with his visor up to cool down.

"Was that a good practice for you?" He asked the smaller man once they got off the bikes.

"Practice?" Hammond was smiling as the rest of the crew converged on them, including Zoe. "That was it!"

"I'm amazed Hammond! You didn't crash!" Jeremy declared.

"Maybe you should transfer to Motors." Zoe teased him as she gave him a hug. "That was amazing!"

"Thanks, honey, but you know I'm heading to Metro. What do you mean that was it?" He asked, looking around only to see grins directed at him.

"You were really good out there, and we decided to let out Hammond and film the scene." Wilman replied. "I hope you don't mind being featured on this episode. You'll get paid, of course."

He didn't see any problems with that and agreed. He and Zoe signed a few contracts allowing the crew to feature them on the show.

"When will we be able to watch it?" Zoe asked.

"This was the last part of the segment." Wilman replied. "If editing goes smoothly, you'll see the episode next week."

"It's that soon?" He asked.

"We film different segments and combine them to form one episode." This time, it was Jeremy Clarkson who explained. "Then myself, James, and Richard film the talking bits in a live studio, that's the last part."

"Unless it's a special." James May added. "Filming those is a bloody nightmare."

"Yet those receive the most popular reaction from our audience." Clarkson countered.

That night, they accepted the invitation for dinner from Andy Wilman, the crew, and the three presenters. Their dinner was lavish, and the wine was something else. He and Zoe were drunk when they reached their villa, and horny too. He couldn't remember much of what happened when he woke up the next morning, but he had a headache, and their room was a mess, with their clothes scattered on the floor and furniture.

Their third day of the honeymoon was more relaxed, as they mostly stayed in the villa. He couldn't get enough of his wife, and she was always eager whenever he initiated any sex with her all throughout the day.

"This is why I married you." Zoe said to him while they sat on the couch. It was their last night in Napa, and they would leave after breakfast. They were playing Go Fish, and the loser had to endure a mark on their face using a marker.

He was sporting a lightning bolt scar on his forehead and a mustache, while Zoe had a goatee and whiskers on her face.

"For giving you a beard?" He asked. As expected, he was hit by a throw pillow on the shoulder.

"Stop! I'm being serious here." Zoe replied. "We can be serious and silly. You're like my best friend, Jack. We do our own things and still have time for each other. I really like our dynamic."

He felt touched by her statement. He really did feel comfortable around Zoe the most. He dropped his cards on the table and opened his arms. Zoe leaped across the couch, and they had a long hug. He didn't know how long they were hugging, but neither of them said anything. He enjoyed Zoe's body against his, and took in her own unique scent, and gently kissed the top of her head.

"Mmmm" Zoe finally spoke. "I wish we didn't have to go back to LA."

"Me too, love."

Zoe Andersen

Their honeymoon road trip turned out to be one of the best experiences she ever had. Her honeymoon in her previous marriage, while ten times more expensive, didn't even compare. She had a horrible time stuck on that cruise ship, and her ex-husband really had strange tastes and kinks. She felt dirty even remembering her experience and what she was coerced into doing.

Her relationship with Jack was always unconventional from the start. But then, they were unconventional people, and she knew it was just their style. From their work, their age difference, the manner in which they got together… she smiled when she remembered the day he proposed to her. Her idiot of a husband had his cock stuck deep in her ass when he popped the question.

Early Sunday morning, they had already loaded up their bags inside her car. She felt like a bit of an idiot for initially packing so many clothes with her, when more than half was not even touched and remained in her suitcase. Most of the time inside the villa, she rarely wore any article of clothing aside from going out, since Jack enjoyed taking her in random moments throughout the day. She knew this practice would be carried on to their new home when they had days off.

Having a younger husband really showed since she often woke up in the middle of the middle of the night to feel Jack thrusting inside her. He really couldn't get enough of her.

"All packed?" She looked up to see Jack returning from storing his own bag in her car.

"I just finished. Breakfast?" She asked. They had noon to check out, but since it was Sunday, and they needed to report for duty on Monday, and they both decided to leave early so they would still have plenty of time to rest when they got back home.

"Let's go." Jack took her by the hand, and they walked the gravel path to the center for some breakfast after they loaded her own bags. There was a light rain that greeted them outside, but it was pleasant, and she enjoyed the droplets on her face and shoulders.

Soon, she could smell the aroma of cooked food wafting from the windows, and she heard Jack's stomach' growl. She knew Jack had a big appetite, and this was one of the reasons she picked this place in Napa Valley, they had good food reviews and a buffet for every meal.

A few people were eating in the dining area, and they quickly picked their food selections. She had a salad and some soup, while Jack had a stack of blueberry pancakes and bacon strips on his plate. A waiter asked for their drinks, and she asked for coffee for the two of them, black without sugar for Jack.

They soon started talking about their most favorite experiences on their trip.

"Horseback riding." She replied to Jack's question when he asked what she enjoyed in Napa. "That and the wine and cheese tasting."

"I thought you'd say it was the recordings we made." Her husband reminded her of the other more risqué activities they did.

She blushed and looked around, and sighed in relief when no one heard her husband. "Stop that!"

She felt adventurous and naughty during their stay at the private villa and decided to record some of her activities with Jack. Knowing she was in front of a phone camera added another level of excitement to their lovemaking. Jack particularly enjoyed narrating their activities as they had sex in a variety of positions, with the last making her sit on his cock as they both faced the camera.

"How about that motoring show we were part of?" She asked, changing the subject.

"I didn't care for the hot air balloon ride." Jack shared.

She smiled when she remembered how uneasy Jack was when they were in the basket. She had never seen him so anxious before, and held his hand for most of the trip. Her husband liked to be in control, and she knew the unpredictability of the hot air balloons unnerved him. To his credit, he was just calm, and even managed to smile when she took a few photos of the two of them together. That photo in the hot air balloon with the sunrise behind them flooding the valley was going to get printed, framed, and placed on her desk, and a larger one at their new house.

"So after this, we'll head back to L.A." She sighed and looked around their calm and peaceful surroundings. Her eyes stopped at the piano at the corner and turned to her husband. He must have noticed where she was looking since he smiled at her and, took her hand and led her away from their table. He really was an observant man.

Her excitement grew, eager to hear one of his songs again. She couldn't wait to buy his album when it was finally ready. Jack pulled out a nearby chair from a table and moved it beside the piano for her to sit.

"Is it one of the songs you recorded with Taylor?" She asked.

"No." Jack replied as he sat on the bench in front of the piano and lifted the lid. "This one's for you. This is called Sunday Morning."

She nodded eagerly and prepared to listen. His music was one of the reasons she noticed him in the first place. The first sounds of the piano echoed around the mostly empty dining area, and she noticed a few people look in their direction.

[Sunday Morning – Maroon 5]

Jack started singing, his voice warm and soft, like a blanket on a rainy day.


Sunday morning, rain is falling

Steal some covers, share some skin

Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable

You twist to fit the mold that I am in, oh

Fuck. Her inner fangirl came out strong once again. The lyrics were just perfect with their surroundings and the weather.

But things just get so crazy

Living life gets hard to do

And I would gladly hit the road

Get up and go if I knew

That someday it would lead me back to you

That someday it would lead me back to you

She wondered how her husband seemed to be able to sing such perfect songs with the right lyrics and at the right moment. His musicality was really amazing to see.

That may be all I need

In darkness, she is all I see

Come and rest your bones with me

Driving slow on Sunday morning

And I never want to leave

It didn't help as Jack looked up from the piano and stared straight at her, and she felt like a spell had been cast on her.

 Fingers trace your every outline, oh, yeah

Paint a picture with my hands, oh, oh

And back and forth we sway

Like branches in a storm

Change of weather

Still together when it ends

That may be all I need

In darkness, she is all I see

Come and rest your bones with me

Driving slow on Sunday morning

And I never want to leave


Ooh, yeah

She blinked back tears, and leaned forward. This song was simply perfect for their honeymoon.

But things just get so crazy

Living life gets hard to do

Sunday morning, rain is falling

And I'm calling out to you

Singing someday it will bring me back to you, yeah

Find a way to bring myself back home to you

You may not know

She started to remember the experiences they had on this honeymoon road trip. It was like the song was describing every aspect of their journey, both in the road trip and their relationship.

She remembered the passionate and relaxed morning they had. His fingers were on her skin as he kissed her neck and shoulder. She shivered and shifted in place. Why was the air conditioning so weak?

That may be all I need

In darkness, she is all I see

Come and rest your bones with me

Driving slow on Sunday morning

Driving slow, yeah yeah, oh, yeah yeah

Oh, yeah yeah, oh, yeah yeah

Oh, yeah yeah, oh, yeah yeah

There's a flower in your hair

I'm a flower in your hair

Oh, yeah yeah, oh, yeah yeah

Oh, yeah yeah, oh, yeah yeah

Whoa, yeah


A round of applause erupted after Jack finished singing. She wiped away tears and hugged her husband, and another round of cheers and whistles greeted them. She looked back at their small audience and gave a smile.

"That… that was amazing!" She whispered and kissed her husband again, unable to fully show her feelings to him in this environment.

"I'm glad you liked it, love." Jack replied.

"Would you like to the video recording, ma'am?" A waitress approached them and showed them her phone. "I recognized Officer Jack. Routh, also known as Sugar, the moment he came in. I started recording when he sat on the piano."

"Please, send it to me." She replied eagerly.

"And can I have a photograph and a selfie, too?" The waitress asked.

"Of course." Jack replied after she gave him a nudge. She was unbelievably happy that the magical moment was recorded, and she immediately played the video again on her own phone once the transfer was completed.

She gave the waitress a hundred-dollar bill, and they soon left the center and got into her car, leaving behind a very happy employee.

Jack Routh

"Police! Stop!"

He had to admire the porch pirate he was chasing. He and Angela responded to a call of a suspicious man in a blue pullover stealing packages from people. The thief pretended to be locked out of his house when Angela asked for evidence that he did indeed live inside the house.

The thief jumped the fence in an attempt to escape, got bitten by a dog inside, and still ran. He was a fast runner as well, too, as he was able to outrun him and Angela. As the thief rounded a corner, Angela followed him, and he decided to cut him off and slipped through the row of parked cars and slid off the hood to get into position.

The thief was looking behind him and never saw his arm that hit him right in the chest. The thief quickly fell to the ground, groaning in pain.

"You should have stopped when we told you." Angela scolded and turned the suspect face first on the ground and immediately cuffed him. "You're under arrest."

He reached into his duty belt and pulled out his radio. "7-adam-07, Code 4."

"Dude, that was awesome!"

He turned back and saw a driver getting out of his car, looking excited.

"Stay in your vehicle, sir." He told the man politely.

"Okay, yeah." The man nodded but remained in place. "You have to teach me that move. That was sick!"

"Return to your vehicle, you're blocking the traffic." He repeated. Behind the man's red Mercedes, a few vehicles had piled up, their drivers impatient and were already using their horns. "Do it now, or I will have to give you a ticket for a traffic violation."

The man looked confused for a moment. He looked around and noticed that quite a few people on the sidewalk were holding out their phones, and he knew they were recording the situation. The man headed back to his car, and he joined Angela and helped push the thief in cuffs back to their shop.

"What was that about?" He asked his partner.

"No idea." Angela shrugged.

"That was Sterling Freeman, the celebrity." The thief stated.

"Who?" His partner asked.

"You know, one of the leads in that new Cop Show, Hot Suspect." The thief replied. He looked at the two of them, looking amused. "You're cops, and you don't watch it? It's the highest-rated cop show on TV."

"I really don't watch those types." Angela replied as she guided the thief inside the shop.

"I think I may have watched an episode with Zoe." He got behind the wheel and headed back to the station.

"Is it any good?" His partner asked.

"Zoe spent the rest of the time laughing whenever they made an arrest or had a firefight with heavily armed gunmen at thirty feet, and no one gets shot." He replied. "I think I saw one of the cops on the show use his shoulder to smash open a door."

"I guess that answers it." Angela laughed.

They weren't laughing an hour later when they were summoned by the captain in her office. Grey was inside, looking amused.

"Heard you had a brush in with a famous actor, Sterling Freeman?" Grey asked.

"Yes sir, we made an arrest in front of his vehicle." Angela replied. "Officer Routh took down our suspect."

"You must have made a strong impression on him." His wife smiled and crossed her legs. "I just received a call from Chief Williams. He, in turn, got a call from the Mayor's office. They asked if you could be a technical advisor in their show today."

He shared a look with Angela, who just shrugged. "I don't even watch the show."

"And Lopez, you'll come with him." Grey added. The Sergeant raised his hand, stopping Angela before she could protest. "If the two of you can teach these pretend cops how to properly clear a room, or at least use their radios, I'll give the two of you ten-hour shifts next week."

"Luna makes you watch." Angela grinned.

"Every week." Grey replied, looking frustrated as he clenched his fist. "It's all I can do not to punch my fist through the TV."

"Why don't you say no, then?" Zoe asked.

"It's our bonding time." Grey sighed.

Hearing that, he wondered what his bonding time was with his wife. They mostly took walks, exercise, movies and then… he glanced at his wife and took a moment to admire her outfit. He always liked it when she wore those skirts.

"Something on your mind, Officer Routh?" His wife asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, Captain." He needed to be more discreet.

"Make that show better." Grey added.

They headed to the studio soon after and were personally met inside by the actor they met earlier that morning.

"Hey, good to see you again." Sterling Freeman greeted them. "Thank you for coming. I'm sorry for earlier, but I was just so excited seeing you pull that move. I did some digging after and realized you're that cop that saved Taylor Swift!"

He felt Angela give him a slight nudge with her elbow and returned Sterling's handshake.

"Don't worry about it." He replied. "So where are the rest of your co-actors? I'll give you a basic lesson on procedure first."

"Right! The director, Jim, has them gathered at the set." Sterling replied.

"Where's the catering?" Angela asked.

"Over there." Sterling pointed to a table filled with pastries, cakes, and a selection of juices.

"Great!" Angela grinned and headed to the table. "Have fun!"

He looked around at the gathered actors and extras and noticed several inconsistencies right away.

"Right, first things first." He adjusted his voice so everyone could hear him. "Check your duty belts. The firearm and the taser shouldn't be put on the same side since that can lead to confusion. The radio shouldn't be in the back. Cops constantly report their status on the radio. Being able to communicate with my fellow officers could be the difference between life and death in a critical situation."

He nodded as the various pretend cops adjusted their equipment, following his suggestions.

"This is the basic firing position, finger on the side, not on the trigger." He demonstrated the move as he smoothly drew his weapon from his holster and pointed it to the wall. Don't overextend your arm. You need your arm bent and tucked close to your body to provide a stable platform for your firearm."

He looked around at his audience and noticed they were listening intently. Even a few of the crew hovered nearby during his demonstration. The first hour passed by quickly as he emphasized procedure and how often he used his radio.

"So codes vary for different cops?" The director asked.

"Yes. For patrol cops, the letter A or Adam signifies that they're a two-man unit. If an officer is working alone, they use L. So I'm from the Mid-Wilshire division, whose police station code is seven." He looked around and continued speaking. "My patrol unit is 07, so I use 7-adam-07."

Thirty minutes later, after answering various questions, Sterling asked if he could show how to properly kick the door.

He looked around the set and headed to a nearby door. "Focus on this area here with your foot."

He quickly kicked the wooden surface with his foot, causing the door to swing wide open as the wooden frame splintered. He looked around and saw the surprised looks on everyone's faces.

"That works too, I guess."


"Did you see that?"

 "I was about to ask the props department to wheel that in." The director awkwardly laughed and pointed to a door with a frame being wheeled in. "The one you kicked was a real, locked door. This one's designed to swing open easily."

Oh. He looked at Sterling Freeman, who was standing beside him, and shrugged. "Sorry, send me the bill then."

"Don't worry about it. That was awesome!" The actor replied with excitement. "I want to do it just like that!"

He took a break and joined his partner, who was sitting nearby.

"Good work, Jack." Angela replied.

"Thanks. I'll need your help later in showing them how to properly clear a room."

"Sure. Anyway, I have news, one of Sterling's co-stars, Mandy Cross, asked for my help." Angela shared. "She's been receiving weird notes from a stalker. She thinks the stalker got inside her house when she was asleep, but there's no proof. "

"Without evidence, we can't do much." He replied.

"Exactly." Angela replied. "That's why I gave her my card."

They spent the rest of their shift demonstrating proper tactical procedures. The director and the writers were eagerly taking note as he and Angela conducted a sweep of a home, treating the exercise seriously with prop guns in their hands.

They communicated with hand signals and constantly covered each other as they moved down a hallway, clearing three rooms in succession. Angela even showed Mandy a few moves female cops used when dealing with larger opponents. Naturally, he was volunteered by his partner to act as the training dummy, and allowed himself to be subdued by Angela and, later, Mandy.

"I love your songs, by the way." Mandy shared while they were taking a break. The director, Jim and Sterling, had joined them, and they sat near the catering table.

"Thanks." He replied. "What's your favorite?"

"Sugar, of course." Mandy gave him a wink.

"Officer Routh, have you ever thought of acting?" The director asked.

"Not really. I enjoy being a law enforcement officer." He replied.

"Such a shame." Sterling Freeman gave him a once-over. "You could have made it big. You certainly have the looks."

He didn't know how to answer that and gave his partner a look. Thankfully, Angela got the hint.

"My partner's very committed in his career as a cop." Angela shared. She looked and stood up from her seat. "I guess that's the end of our shift here. Thank you for the food."

"Thank you for today as well. Hopefully, we'll get less flak from our audience with the suggestions you gave. Are you sure we can't sign the two of you as technical advisors?" Sterling asked as he escorted them out of the set.

"I'm sure you can easily hire a retired LAPD officer." He suggested.

Sterling was about to reply when they heard the scream of a woman. Without a word, he ran after Angela, and they quickly reached Mandy Cross' trailer. With weapons drawn, they entered the trailer and saw the actress sitting on the floor, crying.

"What happened?" He asked as he holstered his weapon, seeing that the actress was all alone.

"That…" Mandy pointed a shaky finger toward the dresser. Angela walked closer, and he saw how her eyes narrowed. He looked over her shoulder and saw several pictures of Mandy sleeping in her shift.

Written on the mirror with lipstick was a chilling message.


"It looks like your instincts were right." Angela faced the terrified actress. "Someone did go inside your house last night."

With evidence in front of them, they quickly secured the scene and asked for more backup.

"Who could have done this?" Sterling asked as he put a comforting arm around his co-star.

"It's probably one of the crew." He looked at the photos, and read one of the older letters from the stalker.

"The… crew?" Mandy asked, her eyes wide with fear.

"They're the only ones with easy access to this set." He explained. "Getting here, we had to pass through two security checkpoints, and this filming set is located deep inside the studio property. There were several sets from other shows here, yet the stalker still knew where to go and identified Mandy's trailer correctly, despite it being similar to the others parked beside it."

"When you explain it like that…" Mandy shivered.

"And the letters contain details no ordinary fan could possibly know." Angela added. "You need to hire security as soon as possible, and we will send units to follow this up. This stalker is already escalating the situation."

"There must be close to a hundred people working on this set alone." Sterling shared. "How do we identify who is the stalker?"

"Evidence gathering." He replied. "Fingerprints, DNA samples, let's see if a name comes up that matches with anyone in your crew."

"The detectives will be here with forensics." Angela added. "We'll follow up with your case tomorrow."

"I'm not going home tonight." Mandy replied. "I'll check in a hotel."

"That's a good idea. Upgrade your security system before you move back." Angela stated. "But it would be best if you have someone with you."

"I'll call my manager." Mandy took a deep breath. "Thank you for your help, officers."

"It's our duty, Ma'am." He replied.

The next morning, they visited the set to give Mandy an update regarding the case.

"No fingerprints turned up." Angela explained to the actress inside her trailer. "Threat assessment went through all the letters. As they expected, it's an escalating pattern of obsession."

"But in the letters, the stalker mentioned about someone keeping the two of you apart." Angela continued. "Are you dating anyone?"

"Only on TV." Mandy replied.

"Who is your on-screen partner?" He asked.

"Sterling's character." The actress replied. "The season is written in a way that our characters are heading towards an eventual marriage."

"He could be the next target." He told Angela.

"Go check up on him, warn him of the threat." His partner ordered.

He left Mandy's trailer and headed to the actor's, who was just parked at the other end of the lot. He narrowed his eyes when he noticed a woman with a headset heading towards Sterling's trailer. He had seen her before, one of the PAs that ran around serving coffee and snacks to the actors and Director. He saw the gun in her hand and immediately ran.

The woman seemed oblivious to everything around her, and he used the opportunity to sneak up on the PA. The woman finally noticed his approach, but it was too late by then. In two quick strides, he had caught up to her and tackled her to the ground, his right hand grasping her wrist, holding the gun.

They fell to the ground, and the PA screamed as she struggled underneath him. "Let me go! He needs to die! She's mine!"

"You're under arrest." He pried the weapon of the PA's hand and placed her hands behind her back. The commotion attracted the attention of Sterling as he poked out his head from the trailer.

"You! I'll kill you! Let me go!" The PA screamed when she saw the actor, and she struggled harder as he finally cuffed her.

"What's happening?" Sterling asked. He noticed the actor looking confused and wary as the PA continued to hurl insults at him.

"You don't deserve her! I'll kill you!"

"I found Mandy's stalker." He told the shocked actor.

Zoe Andersen

Their house still looked bare, but it was understandable since they had barely moved in before they left for their honeymoon. Once she bought enough furniture for guests, then they could throw a proper housewarming party.

She relaxed on the couch as she waited for her husband to come home. He had told her he would come home later due to the paperwork involved in catching Mandy Cross' deranged stalker.

Jack was an asset to her division, but this time, it was giving her a headache. She felt like she was being pulled in several directions as different, high-ranking officials continued to pressure her regarding her husband's future.

The mayor hinted that Jack would do well serving as one of his personal police escorts. She got a call from the FBI Director himself, who told her they had a spot for him at the academy. Russo messaged her and wanted her to set up a meeting between Jack and a high-ranking official from Homeland Security. She herself wanted Jack to remain in her division since she would miss seeing her husband every day, but she never voiced that out.

Chief Williams wanted him in Metro, and offered a unique schedule that she believed Jack would like. She heard the gate open and the rumbling sound of Jack's motorcycle. She heard him rev the engine a few times and then silence.

She looked up as the main door opened, and Jack walked in, his hair tousled, and he looked fresh and guessed he had showered at the station.

"Hi, baby." She greeted him. Their kiss lasted longer, and she pulled him to the couch. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." Jack replied. "Long day?"

"Yes, all thanks to you." She replied.

"Me?" Jack looked confused.

"A few Federal agencies wanted to recruit you, but I know you want to head to Metro." She handed him a few sheets of paper. "This is the proposal we finally came up with, provided you agree to it."

She watched as Jack reviewed the documents and the proposed schedule. The Chief and Metro had an interesting proposal, a new program designed to train those who displayed incredible proficiency and a cool head in times of crisis. They would spend twice a week in Metro getting training and experience, then spend two days in their assigned division. Patrol was encountering more and more calls that needed a tactical response, and this was the result of the year-long study. A squad of cops, trained and officially reporting to the Metro division, would join various stations and provide immediate tactical backup in case of a crisis.

Then, there was the FBI joint field training. Jack was officially assigned by the Bureau as a consultant for his incredible knowledge of ancient and modern history. That meant he could be asked at any time to assist in a task force.

"What do you think?" She asked once Jack put down the papers.

"I like it." Jack turned to her, and she snuggled closer to her husband. "I don't have to guess where I would be assigned once my initial training and qualifications are completed, right?"

"I did pull in a few favors." The department's PR agency still liked the idea of the two of them working near each other. "So starting next week, you'll be going to SWAT School."

"Looking forward to it." Jack replied. She saw the glimmer of excitement in his eyes. His golden ticket was now put into use, since he would usually need more time before he gets accepted to Metro. She was confident her husband would get along with Hondo and his squad, even if it was only half the time.


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