Chapter 19: Antithesis
Episode 19
Jack Routh
The loud heavy metal music in the simulation room was annoying, but he pushed to the back of his head. It wasn't the deafening noise that annoyed him, but the disturbing screaming and yelling from the off-key vocalist who must have ruined his throat just to repeat one phrase for over a minute that truly bothered his musical ear. But this was all planned by Hondo, and was part of his evaluations and qualifications exam. He needed to focus.
He wasn't using real ammunition this time, but dummy ones. They still hurt if a person is hit, but they have enough punching power to tear through a cardboard target.
Then there was Hondo who was constantly talking in his earpiece as he cleared the maze-like structure.
"SWAT, is a life-saving organization, not a life-taking one."
He waited for the red light to flash, and stood at the ready with his HK-416 ready.
"That's why the FBI, DHS, and the Secret Service come here, to train with us."
The red light flashed and he moved into the maze once more. He kept to a steady pace, elbows tucked in and his weapon pointed forward. He came to a corner and shot the dummy target right in the center mass. He turned left and almost shot a civilian target with a microphone in her hand. The narrow hallway led all the way to the far wall, but there were a couple of doors he had to clear before he could continue.
He controlled his breathing and zoned in. The first room had two targets inside.
"There's no excuses for bad shots. We never miss."
He left the room and moved down the hall and checked the other.
Jim Street was sitting in the corner, eating a fucking donut as he shined a flashlight at him. He ignored the officer, looked around and immediately left the room and continued. This was the first time he encountered live civilians. Hondo was really testing his reflexes and split second decision making..
"Good call. Street's a good man, though his ex-girlfriends will disagree."
He snorted at the radio chatter as Street complained while Alonso laughed.
A target suddenly popped from the wall and he immediately shot it in the head, twice and continued moving forward. Lights flashed black and white, and he remembered a similar scene in the film Men in Black, but this time he wasn't shooting aliens.
He reached the end of the corridor and turned right. Immediately targets started popping up. He took them down one by one, and nearly fired on Alonso when he saw her at the end of the hallway when the final target fell down.
A deep breath and a tactical reload later and he moved once more. Two civilian targets appeared and he held back at the last moment. A last target wielding a knife appeared at the end of the maze and he lowered his weapon. That last one was tricky.
The bell rang, indicating the end of the exercise. It lasted barely a minute. That was how Hondo emphasized to him how fast their sweeps for threats were conducted in their usual operations. This was far, far different from patrol.
Immediately the flashing lights and the deafening heavy metal music stopped and he sighed in relief. He was getting a headache hearing that noise. At least Hondo could do was use decent speakers if he wanted to play annoying music.
"Good work Routh."
He looked up at the second floor to see the sergeant and a few other officers were watching.
"Now pay up." Hondo held up his hand, and a few sergeants groaned and handed the man crisp twenties. It seemed it was the same everywhere he went, cops loved to take bets.
"Take a break. We're doing close-quarters combat." Hondo leaned forward with his elbows on the railing as he pocketed his winnings. "Let's see if you're only good with firearms and those muscles of yours are just for display."
He smiled when he heard that. Jack Reacher knew a thing or two about unarmed combat.
Daniel Harrelson Jr. "Hondo"
"Son of a…" His takedown move was countered. How the fuck did he do that?
Thank god they had mats for the spar. He took a few moments to regain his breathing and slowly stood up.
"You okay Hondo?" Street was smirking at him. He gave Jim shit earlier for tapping out early with his spar with Routh and now he just got tossed like a child by the rookie. His explosive strength was incredible.
"Shut up." He scowled at the smartass. He knew he was good in unarmed combat. Routh was better. He was skilled too. He knew all the counters and moves he had, and he also played dirty when needed.
"One more round Routh." He called out and this time cautiously approached the man. They circled each other, and he watched any hints for Routh to move. This time he would play defensive and counter any grappling technique the bigger man threw at him. He paused as Routh looked over his shoulder and he wondered who had arrived at the gym. No matter, this time he would win.
This time… he was flying.
It took a moment to realize Routh moved and in a blink of an eye had thrown him over his shoulder. The powerful, iron-like grip on his wrist remained and he slammed into the mat, knocking out his breath for the second time in five minutes.
Routh… was ruthless.
"Alright. Alright. You proved your point." He called out. "Damn. I believe you now Routh."
The rookie claimed he knew a variety of martial arts and combat styles. That was always the claim from cock sure jocks eager to prove they belonged to Metro. Former Delta Force, former Navy Seal, former Marine. Yadda yadda yadda.
Right now, he was seriously doubting the accuracy of the file they had on Routh. No one could get that good without years and years of experience fighting against various skilled opponents. Routh just had to get close, and then he would overpower his opponent with his superior strength and reach, then it was all over. Jim couldn't get out of the grappling move Routh did. Not only did the rookie possess incredible strength and speed, but he also had very good technique. It made for a deadly combination.
He groaned when he finally got to his feet, he was sure he was going to feel that in the morning. Alonso looked amused and he decided it was her turn.
"Chris, you're up." He barked. Alonso gave him a look, as if she was questioning his sanity.
"C'mon, show us soem moves from that Jiu Jitsu classes you were taking." Street added. The entire squad needed to experience this, when fighting against a superior opponent. This would be a good learning opportunity.
Alonso sighed and put on her helmet and mouth guard and stepped into the mat. She got into a stance and slowly inched towards Routh.
The rookie waited calmly, as he watched his latest sparring partner with his eyes. Alonso inched forward, and then exploded like a cat. She grabbed Routh's left foot and tried to lift his limb to keep him off balance, but Jack simply grabbed her by the waist and lifted her entire body like it was nothing.
Alonso locked her legs behind Routh's neck as she hung off him. But before she could move her hands were suddenly wrapped around Routh's bigger ones, as the former K9 handler tried to squirm and shift her weight to keep her opponent off balance. Routh just stood still like a redwood motherfucker.
He winced about what was to come. A moment later he opened one eye and realized Routh did not slam Alonso to the mat like he should have. He was in the perfect position to do so. He just secured both her wrists in one hand and pried her legs off his neck, and in an incredible display of strength, let her hang like a kitten over him with her feet a good foot off the ground before dropping her.
Maybe Routh had a weakness after all. He wasn't as brutal with Alonso as he was with the rest of the squad. Chris seemed annoyed at being treated differently and narrowed her eyes at Routh as they both left the sparring area.
"See you next week. We'll be conducting team drills." He told his new recruit.
"Yes, Sergeant." Routh nodded and left for the lockers.
They all remained silent and he knew his squad was listening as the sound of Routh's footsteps gradually faded.
"Damn." He looked around and saw Victor had an ice pack on his shoulder. He was the first to volunteer to spar with Routh.
"You alright Tan?" He asked.
"Yeah." Victor Tan positioned the ice back on his back better and sighed with relief.
"Good." He snatched the unused ice pack beside Tan and put it at the back of his neck.
"So what did you learn today kids?" He asked his squad.
"Don't let Routh get close?" Jim suggested.
"Don't attempt to tackle a man built like a linebacker?" Victor added.
"Not even close." He replied. "When you encounter men like him, it's better to use your taser."
"He used kid gloves on me." Alonso complained. He watched with amusement as the only female member of the squad looked around at the muffled laughter directed at her with an annoyed expression.
"What? Don't think I can take the punishment?" She challenged the squad.
"Chris, it's not about that." He answered for the team. "We're all grown men here, fit and with solid muscles and proper conditioning. Routh's hits rocked me, and judging from the ice packs wrapped around Victor, he felt it too."
"He could easily break a rib with a punch Chris." Victor shared. "The air got knocked out of me with that tackle. I swear I saw stars, like in the cartoons."
"I'd be annoyed at Routh if he did that to you too." He shared. "But the rookie had enough sense and control not to treat you that roughly. It's not a question of your abilities Chris."
"I can't wait to see him on the field, Hondo." Street stated.
"Same here." He smiled.
Lucy Chen
She didn't know how she got here, but she realized after that first sip of beer that she needed it. Two first dates that turned into utter disaster. That has to be a record for her. Feeling lonely she sent a message to the group chat she formed with her fellow rookies for their exam for a night out.
Jack arrived at the same time she did, and they spent the first twenty minutes catching up.
"They're that strict?" She couldn't believe the standards Metro had, and Jack joined their D platoon as soon as he arrived there. She already missed his presence in Mid-Wilshire even if he still showed up two days a week.
"It's all about split-second decision making." Jack replied as he took a sip of his beer. "SWAT do not miss. That's what Hondo always tells the squad. Lives are at stake."
She sighed as she watched her fellow cop finish his sandwich. There were times she regretted not pursuing the man in front of him harder back in the academy, if she knew he would turn out like this. He was like a completely different person. The rejection from her recent dates made it clear. She needed company, of the more intimate nature.
The captain was really lucky, and she even managed to snag Jack and get married to him in less than a year. Though she remembered the photo… and doubted if she could take something like that inside her. Her cheeks flushed and she emptied her bottle as she remembered that particular memory. It was good material for when she needed to relieve some stress.
"You guys are early!" John appeared, and she was surprised to see Detective Armstrong arrive with him. "Hope you don't mind, I brought some company."
Really, John should know better. This threw the group dynamics off with a detective in their group.
"Sorry for intruding. It's been a long time since I hung out." Armstrong seemed uncomfortable as well, and she knew at that moment it was John who insisted he join them.
"It's totally fine, Detective." She pulled another chair from a nearby empty table so that he could sit with them. "Please, join us."
"Call me Nick." Armstrong smiled and sat beside John. "So what's this I hear about you feeling lonely all of a sudden?"
She really needed to watch what she said around John. The man could be so dense at times. Well, she did want company tonight.
"It's my dating life. Men suck." She confessed. At the very least, her recent dates could do was to explain themselves properly like adults, not just ghost her and then later block her number to prevent her from calling them.
"Ouch." John replied. That's right, her friend was single again. She remembered John had recently broken up with Jessica.
"Okay, it's not all men. The single men in LA suck. All my dates run the moment they hear I'm a cop. It's like all the good ones are taken." She gave a quick glance at Jack as the waitress arrived to take their orders.
"Look, those aren't men, those are boys, okay?" Armstrong replied. "Real men are not afraid of strong women. Take a look at Officer Routh here, he married a cop, a police captain to be exact."
"Also, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but dating a civilian…" Armstrong gave a noticeable wince. "Always a bad idea."
"I was told dating cops was a mistake." She replied and gave John a quick look. "What am I supposed to do, join a nunnery?"
"Sister Lucy Chen sounds nice." Jack joined in. She ignored the snorts that came from the two other men and narrowed her eyes at her friend.
"Not helping Jack!" She gave her fellow rookie a pout. Sister Lucy Chen.
"I'm saying, right now, end of shift." Armstrong explained. "It means leaving the job behind when you go home. But each one of you will catch cases that will kick you in the ass, that consumes your every waking thought."
"And those not in the force will not be able to relate to that." Jack added.
"Worse. They're going to start resenting you for it." Armstrong shared. "You're at home, yet your head is still in the case you just solved. You're still thinking about the victims, what could you have done better before anyone got hurt? And then the people you go home to will start to wonder why are you still caring about the dead than the living, them?"
"It sounds like you're speaking from experience." Jack observed.
"Was your wife on the Job?" John asked.
"No." Armstrong replied immediately, though she could sense something in the detective's words. "No. No. She was an elementary school teacher. Yeah, kept me sane. Totally sane."
Armstrong gave an uncomfortable laugh as the waitress arrived with two more bottles of beer. "I didn't know what I did for her, made her laugh, I guess. Anyway, let's order some snacks!"
"So how's married life treating you?" John asked the newly married man of the group.
"Yeah, heard about that." Armstrong turned to Jack. "Heard you're moved to Metro?"
"Married life's great. Our dynamics didn't change at all." Jack shared. "And yes, I officially reported to Metro last Monday. Two days there, two days here. It's mostly training for now and earning my qualifications and certifications."
"It's that new program that's being implemented right?" Armstrong asked. "It's a good idea, training up new officers to Metro qualifications then help in dangerous situations. We could have used that kind of program back in the 77th. Patrol is getting more dangerous."
"What about that teaching stint in City College?" She asked. She was hoping to it in like Angela Lopez did. She overheard from Lopez that Jack's class was amazing in the locker room as she bragged to the others about his accomplishments.
"Another faculty took over." He replied. "It was decided that I'll return after their mid-term exam, hopefully, the students will do well."
"I'm sure they will." She replied. She wondered how to get her strict T.O. to agree to sit in Jack's class. She sighed, knowing it was next to impossible. Tim Bradford was as hard as a brick wall.
They spent an hour talking, and she later realized Nick Armstrong joining them wasn't such a bad idea after all. He was rather funny and he had a ton of interesting stories to share from his experience at the 77th.
Jack's phone rang, and he excused himself so he could talk properly to the caller. A minute later he informed their group that he had to pick up his wife from her own night out with friends.
"I think she's a bit tipsy." Jack admitted with a smile.
"The captain, drunk?" She smiled and exchanged amused glances with Nick and John.
"It was her girl's night out." Jack explained as he put a few bills on the table to cover his own food and drink. "That's why I had to use her car to get here, since she expected me to pick her up after her thing in case this happens."
"Don't keep the wife waiting." Armstrong patted him on the back. "Go on."
Jack waved goodbye and soon left the bar.
"My renovation's nearly complete. Do you mind stopping by if you're free? I'm undecided on the backsplash design I need to use." John started to share his progress with Nick about the renovations on his house. She used the opportunity to head to the toilet.
She squeezed through the crowded establishment and dodged a drunk who looked like he was about to hurl whatever he was drinking. In her haste, she bumped into a guy at the bar.
"Sorry." She smiled.
"I'm not." The guy replied and smiled at her. "Would you like a drink?"
"Uhmm… sure." She smiled back. He was cute, but unfortunately, she really needed to go. "But I need to go use the… facilities."
The cute guy merely winked. "Nature calls right? I'll wait for you."
"I'm Lucy." She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. "I got to go!"
"I'm Caleb." The guy replied. "I'll wait right here."
Zoe Andersen Routh
It was about damn time.
Her two close friends finally had free schedules that allowed all of them to meet up. Originally they were supposed to have fun in that music bar where she first heard Jack sing, but then they blew her off because of an emergency. She wondered if she would have bothered to go to Jack's table if her original plan pushed through.
Her friends picked a more upscale location for their night out, somewhere with less people where they could properly talk and still enjoy a good drink. She enjoyed the cool breeze of the nearby beach and leaned back in her basket chair. She made a note to have a date with Jack here in the future, but their portions could use some improvement. Her husband had a big appetite.
"I can't believe you're married!" Pam held her hand and inspected the ring on her finger. She never took it off, even when she showered. She knew Jack did the same.
"And to think we once thought Zoe wouldn't get married again. It's like I turn my back for a second and then ta-da!" Reese waved her hands like a magician to emphasize her point.
"And we didn't get to be your maids of honor!" Pam complained. "I'm hurt, Zoe. Really hurt."
"You never introduced us to the guy."
"It sort of just happened really quickly." She admitted as she took a sip of her drink.
"So when will you introduce us?" Pam leaned forward. "Cause I was really eager to meet him when I saw those pictures!"
"Hands off, slut." She lightly pinched her friend's arm, making Pam laugh.
"You're always so protective of your belongings, even back in college." Reese teased. "Seriously, when can we meet Jack? I'd love to meet him!"
"Maybe when we finish with the house. There's a lot of furniture we still need to order, but I'll make sure to invite the two of you to the housewarming party. Bring your kids too." She replied. The unique design of their home made it difficult to match with the furniture she found online. Almost everything was modern and too clean and minimalist for her tastes.
Her best friends since college continued to ask her questions about her relationship, and they drank more and more alcohol in between snacks as the night wore on.
"So… how is he…?" Reese asked. Her friend was flushed was alcohol, and she knew if she looked in the mirror she would see the same on her face. There was a pleasant buzz in her head, and the stress and worry for her work melted away.
"You mean in the bedroom?" She asked with a smile. She knew Reese would eventually ask that question. Her friend was the most promiscuous in their group. She always had a guy on the side when they were still in college.
"Yup, sex." Reese nodded her head. "Is he good in the sack?"
"I wouldn't have married if he wasn't." She grinned, recalling her memories of the time she first met her husband. "There was an instant attraction between us when we first met. He was checking out my ass the moment he reported for duty inside my station."
"He didn't!" Pam giggled.
"Oh, he did." She nodded. "The looks became longer, the stares… then I found out he was my neighbor. When we finally had sex… it was amazing. I never had so many orgasms in my life."
"Orgasms? As in multiple orgasms," Reese asked intently.
"One after the other." She recalled the moments she passed out from sheer pleasure that it was almost painful when she was with Jack. "I just passed out. Jack has incredible stamina. He just ravages me at times… I love it."
"It's not like before right?" Reese asked with some worry.
"No!" She laughed at her friend's reaction. "This time it's completely different, nothing like when I was married to Gerard. We're just adventurous that's all. Sometimes I'm the one that's in control."
"That's good. At least you're compatible sexually." Pam added.
"I haven't gotten around to telling you how he proposed." She giggled at the memory.
"Was it romantic? A grand gesture?" Reese asked.
"Please, Zoe isn't one for those things." Pam cut in. "This is different, right?"
"We were still hiding our relationship for obvious reasons. A police Captain and a rookie fresh from the academy? That will raise some eyebrows. There was this Federal agent, real pretty too. She always wears those tight pants and she has to know the male cops are staring at her ass whenever she walks by." She shared. "Anyway, she immediately found Jack attractive the moment she laid eyes on him and was making the moves on him, it was quite obvious. Hand on his shoulder, leaning closer to him, even pressing her tits at his back when he was working in front of a computer…"
"I'm amazed you were able to control yourself." Pam observed.
"I was screaming inside. The only thing that kept me sane and not pulling her hair out was Jack not responding to her advances." She replied. "You know me, I got my blood up, and as soon as we got home…"
"Oh no, Zoe got crazy." Pam giggled with Reese laughing with her.
"You bet I did. I was insanely jealous and pulled him out of the shower." She looked around to make sure no one was nearby and leaned forward. "Then I demanded he fuck me in the ass."
"You didn't!" Pam's eyes were wide in surprise. "Zoe!"
"Isn't that... painful?" Reese asked.
"You bet it did, and Jack is huge. Felt like a baseball bat was being stuffed in my ass. But I was determined to give Jack everything, even my anal virginity." She replied. "Hurt like a bitch, but it was worth it."
"Yup, classic Zoe." Reese sighed. "What has this got to do with his proposal?"
"I was getting around to that." She replied. "So here we were in the living room, our bodies soaked with sweat and I told him why I did that. His cock was still buried in my ass at that point, and he reaches around the coffee table without moving too much and places a box containing my engagement ring beside my head."
"He didn't?!" Reese laughed.
"No way!" Pam exclaimed.
"He did." She replied with a nod. "Bastard eased my worry and jealousy by asking to marry me. When I plucked out the ring from the box and put it on my finger to say yes, I felt Jack harden inside my ass once again."
"That has got to be the most unique and disturbing proposal I've ever heard." Pam declared.
"No question." Reese agreed with a nod.
She could see her friends were flushed red, not just by the alcohol. Their nipples were poking through their bras, and she could tell they were aroused by her story.
"So you and Jack… you're both active?" Reese asked.
"Almost every day." She replied. "I told him he can fuck me even if I'm asleep. Falling asleep with his cock inside me is incredibly intimate and relaxing. He loves to give oral sex, and even stuck his tongue inside my ass."
"Wow… I need a man like that." Reese licked her lips.
"I'm not the only possessive one in our relationship. He always pumps me full of his cum before he leaves. He makes sure I'm already dressed for work before he does it." She shared. "Jack says he likes it knowing I walk into my division with his cum inside me."
"Kinky." Pam fanned herself with the laminated menu display on the table and called for the waiter. "Damn. I need a cold drink!"
"Me too!" Reese added as she blew air down the neck of her blouse.
They were all truly buzzed, and she sent a message to Jack that she wanted to go home. All that talk made her adventurous tonight.
Reese and Pam insisted on waiting for Jack to arrive before they called an Uber. Her tipsy, giggling best friends thought they were being subtle, but the elbow jabs to each other's side as her husband arrived with her car was comical.
"Hi!" Reese waved the moment Jack stepped out of the car. "Jack right?"
"That's right." Her man smiled at her friends and walked towards her. "Ready honey?"
"Aww, isn't that sweet?" Pam cooed.
"They're drunk." She explained. Pam and Reese were swaying a bit, and she started to wonder if it was safe for her friends to take an Uber.
"We can take them home." Jack offered. Her observant husband had noticed the state of her friends. She nodded, that was probably a good idea.
"Let's go girls. Jack said he'll take you two home." She pulled the passenger seat forward and guided her friends in the backseat. "It will be a bit tight back there."
"Yey!" Reese giggled. "I knew selling this car to you was worth it. My husband got so mad when he learned his baby was gone from the garage."
They continued talking as Jack drove to Reese's address on the other side of the city. Pam lived closer to Mid-Wilshire, so they all decided to head to Reese's house first so they could talk longer. Unfortunately, the topic from earlier was still in her friend's heads, and they kept asking more and more questions about their sexual relationship.
Reese was getting bolder, asking things like how often Jack can orgasm in a single day, or his oral techniques whenever he went down on her.
She was becoming more aroused as well. Reese was really fixated on the idea of multiple orgasms. Once they dropped off the two women, she pounced on Jack. She had seen the bulge in his pants and immediately pulled the zipper down and fished out his already hard cock. It seems like she was not the only one who got aroused by all the sex talk.
"You're being naughty, honey." Jack said when they reached a stoplight as she casually played with his cock with her left hand.
"I am." She played with his cock a few more times and decided she would tease her husband tonight. She leaned forward and kissed the head of his penis, teasing it with her tongue. She had to admire Jack as he was able to focus on driving.
She removed her seatbelt and leaned further and took her husband's cock in her mouth. She gagged as the head of his cock hit the back of her throat.
"Fuck." She heard Jack whisper.
She pulled back whenever she felt her husband's cock was twitching, a sign that he was about to cum. She knew she was being cruel, but she wanted a hard fucking tonight. She wanted Jack to get out of control.
"Please love." She heard her husband beg as she resumed sucking him.
"Nearly there." Jack started to breathe faster and she pulled his cock out of her mouth once more.
"Fuck no!" Jack growled and she saw him hit the steering wheel with his hand. She knew what she was doing to her poor husband was frustrating to him as she continued to tease him, but she wanted all that pent-up aggression and energy directed at her later. This would be worth it even if she knew she was playing with fire.
She continued doing this to him the rest of the drive home. At one point Jack even tried to force her head down with his hand as he neared his peak, but she was able to pull away, since he was still distracted by driving safely. By the time they reached their street, Jack was nearly growling with frustration.
"Thanks for picking me up honey." She wiped away the spit and pre cum on her lips and chin and stepped out of the car as the gate swung close behind them.
"Where do you think you're going?" She heard Jack ask.
"I've had too much to drink." She looked over her shoulder and noticed the heated look in her husband's eyes. "I think I'll just sleep in tonight. Good night Jack, thank for…"
She yelped as she felt a pair of strong arms lift her by the waist.
"Jack! Put me down!" She demanded.
"No." Her husband simply replied. He carried her like she weighed nothing and headed to the backyard. This was it, this was what she wanted.
"You're not going to sleep tonight wife." Jack declared as he pushed her to the yard.
"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow as her man started removing his clothes. She watched with appreciation as his nude body was bared before her. His cock was hard and swollen, and she could see the remains of her spit on the head.
"I'm going to fuck you." He stepped closer and she stepped back, eager to tease her husband some more.
"No, I'm going to sleep." She challenged him.
He reached her and she gasped as he tore away her dress, leaving her in just her bra and panties. She flinched when her remaining articles of clothing were violently ripped away from her now naked body.
"I'm going to fuck you." Jack repeated. "Then I'm going to fuck you some more. Even when you pass out I'm going to enjoy using that hot and tight body of yours."
She could feel her pussy getting wet by the second. She nearly had Jack over the edge, he only needed one little push… "No. I want to rest, I'm going back to sleep."
She ran for the door but she barely made three steps when she was tackled to the grass. She tried to push Jack off but he overpowered her and spread her legs with his knees. She gasped as she felt his cock thrust inside her without any warning and his hands pinned hers above her head.
Before she could speak, his tongue forced its way inside her mouth as Jack kissed her. She felt the blades of grass bite into her skin, but it only added to the pleasure of their mating. The passionate and forceful kiss stopped and she opened her eyes to see her husband staring at her intently. She gave him a challenging grin, her expression twitching whenever Jack's cock bottomed out inside her. The buzz from the alcohol remained, making her feel adventurous and naughty.
She used the moment when Jack let go of her wrists and pushed him off. She ran but she knew she wouldn't get far since she was still wearing her heels. Jack caught her again and this time he restrained her more forcefully and pinned her once more to the ground.
She suddenly felt her wrists getting bound tight and she looked up to see Jack had used his discarded belt to bind her wrists tight above her head. It looks like she may have pushed her husband past his limits.
"No more running." Her husband warned her. She didn't get to reply as he kissed her once more and she moaned as she felt his hands grab her breast while his other hand played with her cunt. Her scream was muffled by their kiss when Jack pinched her clit and she shuddered and trashed on the ground, but Jack kept her in place.
"Fuck yes!" She gasped as Jack started to nibble her neck. She thrust her chest out, presenting her breasts for him to fondle.
Suddenly she felt Jack move off her and she looked up to see what he wanted to do. He easily carried her closer to the house, and made her stand in place by the side, and pulled her wrists high above her head. He grabbed the chain rain spout and coiled it around the belt that bound her wrists and soon realized she was held in place, unable to move. She needed to stand on her toes so that she wouldn't have to rely on her bound wrists to support her weight.
"Jack?" She tried to turn around, but Jack quickly grabbed her hips and pushed his cock inside her once more.
"No, you're at my mercy, my naughty wife." Jack whispered into her ear.
"Fuck!" She moaned as Jack started to fuck her violently. She couldn't move, she was totally at his mercy. this wasn't some bondage play with fake cuffs and ropes. She was bound securely and she was totally exposed and vulnerable. Being helpless like this increased her arousal, and she could hear the slick sound of their mating and the slapping of flesh as his hips met her ass.
Her pleasure increased as Jack used his hands to fondle her clit and breasts, and she moaned again in pleasure. Her orgasm hit as Jack thrust deep while he pinched both her nipples and she screamed in pleasure. Jack was relentless. Another orgasm hit her and she felt her knees weaken, and now all her weight was held by her bound wrists above her head while her husband's cock continued thrusting in and out of her.
"Mmmmmghf!" Jack pushed his cock as hard as he could inside her and she knew he was cumming. She felt his cock leave her a minute later, and she could immediately feel how slick her thighs were as fluids leaked out of her cunt. Jack moved in front of her, stroking his cock to hardness. She knew she must look like a mess right now, bound by her wrists above her head and tied to a chain while sweat glistened on her skin while her cunt continued to leak his seed.
Her husband grabbed his phone from the ground and started to take a few photos of her. That only increased her arousal. She stared defiantly at the camera lens as Jack took a few more photos and then put the phone down.
"You're so fucking hot." Jack approached her again, and this time she felt the head of his penis poke her ass. "We'll be here for a while."
She didn't know how long she was tied there, as her body was used repatedly her holes fucked by her husband's cock or his fingers. She remembered when Jack drank a mouthful of water and shared it with her when they kissed.
She passed out a few times from the intensity of her orgasms, but she could remember when Jack removed the belt that bound her wrists. She only came to consciousness when she felt the soft pillow behind her head and the comfortable mattress on her back.
"Mmmm." She closed her eyes once more as she felt a cool wet cloth start to clean her skin. She was extremely tired and sleepy, but she was satisfied and her lust sated. She spread her legs wide, her pussy exposed just in case her husband wanted to fuck her as exhaustion finally caused her to pass out.
She woke up the next morning feeling disoriented, but she then started to remember her night out and then her… games with Jack. Wow. That was the most intense sexual experience yet with her husband. Her body ached all over, especially her arms and shoulders, but she felt completely satisfied, she got what she wanted.
Judging by the ache between her legs and the sticky and uncomfortable fluids leaking out of her sex, Jack must have still fucked her in their bed even as she passed out. Her husband was slightly snoring beside her, an indication that he slept late since he was too busy with her body.
There was a debate in her head if it was ethical for her to take a sick day with Jack, but that problem was taken from her when her office phone vibrated on the nearby desk, and the caller ID made it clear it wasn't something she could just ignore.
Why was the chief calling her so early in the morning? She slipped quietly out of bed and headed to the backyard through their room so that she could answer the call without waking Jack. The cold morning air hardened her nipples and caused goose bumps all over her skin, reminding her she was still naked.
"Yes, Chief?"
"Sorry for the early call Zoe, but there's an emergency meeting scheduled an hour before roll call. It's something important and Sean will fill you in with the details. This is big. I have to make calls to the other divisions. Call you later."
The call quickly ended and she stared at the phone screen, wondering why the chief sounded so excited this early in the morning. Whatever that news he hinted at, it must be important for the older man to break his routine.
Jack was still sleeping, when she returned to their room, and she decided to write a note for Jack since she planned to leave earlier than normal. Morning sex can wait for another time. She left the house early enough that she had time to pass by a drive-through and ate a bunch of unhealthy hash browns and a cup of coffee. She knew she would be less distracted with food in her and caffeine to help jumpstart her day.
Every time the District Attorney or one of his assistants visited her division, it usually meant she would hear bad news. She hated being right. She arrived at the station and already saw Sean's car parked prominently in front of the station.
He was already waiting for her in the bullpen, along with Grey who looked like he still needed a few more hours of sleep. She led the two men inside her office and then Sean handed her a folder.
"The chief signed off on this? Her?" She asked Grey, her eye remaining on the photo of a red-haired woman.
"Yes." Her Sergeant replied, looking grim. "He says the other families needed closure."
She turned back to Sean Del Monte, the assistant DA who was wearing a satisfied smile on his face. He asked her out once, and thankfully she had a horrible time with him on the only date they had. She couldn't stand his arrogant attitude and questionable morals.
"Why do I feel like those words came from you instead?" She asked Sean as she stared at him with a raised eyebrow. "Is this a play for running for DA next year?"
"Not at all." The assistant DA replied confidently. "It's just like Chief Williams said, the other victims needed closure, and finally retrieving their bodies will help with that."
"Why my division?" She asked. "You could have gone directly to Metro or Central on this."
"I read the reports." Sean replied. "Your division has one of the highest performance ratings in the city. Besides, I missed seeing you, Zoe."
"I'm married now, Sean. It didn't work before, it sure wouldn't work now." She intentionally flashed her wedding ring and gave the lawyer a tight smile. "I just got back from my honeymoon last week."
"You're married?" Sean looked surprised as he sat up on his chair. "Why haven't I heard this before?"
"That's what you get for holing yourself up in your office and not even bothering to attend functions." She replied.
"Do I know your husband?" Sean asked.
"You'll meet him soon." Grey replied for her.
"He must be a saint for him to sweep you off your stubborn feet." Sean replied. She hid her amusement when she heard the bitter tinge in his tone. She knew Sean Del Monte didn't like losing and viewed her as some sort of trophy.
"You really don't have a choice, Zoe." Sean stated. "Griffith Park is under your jurisdiction, and it is four thousand acres. She says she will only be able to help us find the other bodies if she's there personally."
She looked back at the file once more and grimaced. She felt uncomfortable letting monsters inside her house.
"What's the timeline for this?" She asked.
"Two days, minimum, three days tops." Sean replied, getting back to the topic of their meeting. "If this works out, she'll be off death row and to multiple life sentences."
Rosalind Dyer, the famous serial killer. She even heard of her when she was still working in the Pentagon. She was a psychopath, with a high intellect and could easily read people with just a glance. The press had even called her a female version of the fictional character Hannibal Lecter without the cannibalism. She enjoyed playing with her victims and torturing them in various gruesome methods. Now she had to house that monster in her station.
"Armstrong would not like this." Wade shared.
"He has no choice in the matter." Sean replied as he stood up. "I'll get the paperwork sent to the prison. She'll arrive within the hour if there's no traffic. I'll join you in the briefing room."
She watched as the assistant district attorney left her office and she turned to Grey the moment her door closed.
"I want all hands on deck on this one. Overtime is approved." She stated. "I want this operation locked tight without any mistakes."
"Yes, Captain." Grey replied. "We need close-in security for Rosalind."
"Have Bradford, Lopez, and Jack take those positions." She ordered. "I want them in tactical gear, waiting for her the moment she steps one foot inside the station."
"Good choice." Grey nodded.
The two T.O.s had good marksmanship scores, and they had the necessary certifications to carry assault rifles, as Jack did due to his preparations for joining metro. Between the three, she was confident they could handle Rosalind Dyer. Her husband was also one of the strongest men she knew.
Thirty minutes later she arrived at the briefing room and saw it was packed with officers, a good number were even standing by the sides since all the seats were taken. This was a difficult operation to conduct, and she needed as many bodies as she could throw to have an acceptable level of operational security.
She could see the disbelief in most faces as Sean explained the situation, and noticed the clenched fist of Detective Armstrong as he hid his arms behind his back.
"Bradford, Lopez, Routh, please stay." She called out once the lengthy briefing was finally finished.
"I have an assignment for the three of you. You'll shadow Rosalind Dyer, she must not escape at all costs. I picked you three because I believe in your capabilities." She stated a she stared at each officer in the eye. "Don't let her get into your head. Her file says she talks a lot."
"You'll all be wearing tactical gear." Grey added. "Assault rifles and the works. Suit up."
She stayed inside the briefing room, watching as her station turned into a madhouse in preparation for Rosalind's immediate arrival. The bay was cordoned off and civilians without proper clearances were directed to move out of critical areas.
The detainees in the holding cells had to be transferred to other stations. She couldn't allow the serial killer to communicate with the public.
Sean spent the time taking calls, while Grey continued to pore over the route their convoy would take as well as the decoy convoy that would lead the news vans on a wild chase around the city. Even motors chipped in, and provided six cops in motorcycles to act as front escorts to better fool the public. Anymore support vehicles and they could be mistaken as a presidential convoy, but without the limos.
The door swung open, revealing her husband in tactical gear, followed by Bradford and Lopez. Jack stood out with his more advanced Metro gear in black and dark grays, and the HK-416 now held in his hands, different from the AR-15s held by Bradford and Lopez. It was the first time she saw Jack in his new outfit, including the balaclava. Add face paint and camo, and he looked like he just stepped off a Chinook for a recon deployment.
"I like the gun." Grey immediately spotted Jack's weapons. "Is that a staccato?"
"Yes, Sergeant." Her husband replied. "Still getting used to it."
"What's with the baklava Jack?" She asked. "You'll get hot in no time with that on."
"It helps keep my earpiece in place." He removed his helmet and pulled off the black cloth around his head, revealing the earpiece and communications equipment connected to his radio that was now slotted in his front vest.
She could see the envy in Bradford's eyes as he stared at her husband's gear. Every cop wanted the fancy headgear to provide hands-free communication with each other and dispatch, but sometimes tradition was valued more than common sense, and so the regular police units were stuck with hand-held radios.
"Jack?" Sean asked from behind her.
"My husband, Officer Jack Routh." She stepped to the side and closer to her husband so that Sean could see her man. "He just started in D platoon."
"Right." Sean gave a wary look to Jack who merely gave the assistant DA a nod of greeting.
"Congratulations Zoe." Sean told her and left the room.
Jack Routh
The armored prisoner transport arrived in the bay, and he watched as Nolan and Harper stepped forward, prepared to handle Rosalind. His job was to watch the prisoner and prevent her escape at all costs. He had met serial killers before, but when he looked at her file while he waited for the transport to arrive what he read was extremely disturbing.
The woman caused so much pain and suffering for her victim, that the psychologists noted she reveled in them that it was like an addiction to her. She did not display any ounce of remorse for her actions, instead, she felt ecstasy. A part of him wanted to kill her when she finished reading the file, but he ignored it and focused on his job.
The door finally opened after Sergeant Grey signed a few pieces of paper on a clipboard and handed it back to the officer in charge of the transport.
Rosalind Dyer could be considered pretty, if not for the alien expression on her face as she sat in a specialized restraining wheelchair. He noted how the red-haired woman's eyes took everyone in the room in an instant, though it lingered longer on Armstrong who looked like he was struggling not to throttle the woman.
"Hello, Nick." Rosalind greeted Armstrong with such familiarity like he was her neighbor who spent a month on vacation.
"Rosalind." Armstrong grunted.
"Are you going to introduce me to your friends?" Rosalind glanced at Lucy, Nolan, and Harper.
"They have nametags, and you can read." Armstrong replied.
The red-haired woman stared at him and their eyes locked for a moment. Her small smile disappeared and she turned back to Armstrong. "Seems like an exaggeration, don't you think?"
"It's a precaution." His wife stepped forward. "A necessary one."
Rosalind ignored Zoe and focused back on Nick. "That's not very gracious Nick, after what we've been through."
Grey gave a nod, and Lucy and Harper started to free Rosalind from the modified wheelchair. He didn't know if it was fake as Rosalind stumbled after she stood up, only to be caught by Nolan.
"Thank you." Rosalind smiled sweetly. He could see Nolan attracted her attention.
He walked beside her, as Harper led the famous serial killer to the holding so that she could be prepped for the journey to Griffith Park.
"You're all so silent." Rosalind giggled as she stared at them. "I won't bite… hard."
"And you, I would have enjoyed having you, handsome." Rosalind gazed at him.
"Try anything and I'd make sure you'll be eating out of a tube." He told her. He ignored the confused glances his fellow officers gave him. Something about this woman had him on edge. She was not human. No telltale signs, involuntary facial twitches, and her body language told him she was relaxed and in control.
"I can see that's not just a threat. You're willing to follow through with what you say." Rosalind returned his gaze. "Interesting."