Chapter 22: Moral of the Dream
"The wanderer" saw "Andromeda Ghost" against the captain's wishes, they made snow and talked about the same subjects, but "the wanderer" seems different. "Andromeda Ghost" said to "the wanderer" that he should visits the "One City Zero Coast", people there are afraid with the wars. "The wanderer" shows power to the captain usinig wind, but still didn't make his mind about his mission.
22 - Moral of the Dream
Narrator: The "Rain's son" and "The wanderer" are sleeping in different places, but are conected.
Narrator: "I wonder if he can beat me, because i betting that i'm gonna kick his ass... The red stone will be mine and the red anger will meet again with thunder and the world of BACU, will be tormented by a endesly storm" declaime the "Rain's son", he don't know yet but, he is dreaming. At the same moment, "the wanderer" is sharing this dream, but for him is a nightmare.
Narrator: "I watching you breathing by the last time, trouble is your only way, your only friend and there is no chance for you. Nobody to carry you home, and nobody will carry you home". "The wanderer was quiet, afraid. He was really just in pain, no physical, but emotional, because "Andromeda Ghost" was at his opponent side.
Narrator: "I can't be with a loser like you, you had your chance, but you blew it, like you always does" She said standing by the "Rain's son" side. "Now, i'm gonna live with the king of BACU. I'll be the queen, that i've ever dreamt. You losed your chance...
Narrator: "The wanderer" awakens from his nightmare, but knowing that he have a enemy, what he used to think, now is more true than ever. Is not just a unfriendship or a rivalry, it is war. But the main point of the situation, was thinking about losing her. He can't lose "Andromeda Ghost", is she capable of that? Of course, everybody choses the winners side.
Narrator: "The wanderer" must see the "Sand king", it's time to make a decision. He will keep his training with the Captain, with all the commitment and face his destiny.
Narrator: "the wanderer" went to the Captain for training for five days, without making snow. It was a record, then in the fifth day. The Captain asked what changes, and "the wanderer" tells about his nightmare. "So, you need to know how fight against the "Rain's son". I'm gonna show you some usefull tricks. A battle between you and him is probably, according to your dream" said the Captain.
Narrator: "the wanderer" said that he wanted to see the "Sand King" and that he doesn't trust "Moses" anymore. "That wizard? you should never trust a wizard, they are beings that only pursuit the power, some of them resort to dark power, dark magic " The Captain seems worried. "Your jorney will be long , you need to trust in yourself, you will be alone sometimes"
Narrator: "the wanderer" felt fear. "Why alone? The "Sand King" won't come with me?" asked "the wanderer" with despair. The Captain had a leg with screws, so he walked slowly into "the wanderer" direction and said: "It's yours mission, yours I will help, "Sand King" will help, but you're on your own kid, sometimes in life is just like that". completed the Captain.
Narrator: The fear wasn't leaving "the wanderer" and he doesn't want to see "Andromeda Ghost". He didn't consider that it was just a dream and that the fear of losing her was unreal, because she didn't belong to him or anyone else. What's more, she doesn't care too much, as she's a ghost. He send a message to the "Sand King" saying that they needed to see each other. And that he will be goind to "One City Zero Coast", they should meet there.
Narrator: "The wanderer" starts walking. He feels stronger and weaker at the same time, he feels strongly about his training and the art of manipulate the wind, but feel weaker about the task, and his a little afraid of thinking in a battlet between he and the "Rain's son".
Narrator: And that is the moral of dream. He must face his fears and that form avoid that they become true, which is hard and in some parts impossible. As "the wanderer" walks he thinks about the dream and felt an endesly fear. What is going to coast all that mission? What he's going to lose?
Narrator: In the other side of the moral of dream, in Azmon, lies the "Rain's son" savoring his dream. but at the same time, the 'Rain's son" awakened with fear, is that what he really wants? He don't like "the wanderer", but he would get to this level. Is he a dictator? He know how strong he is, and that, he can made "the wanderer" give him the stone. The red stone. The dreamt stone red, which would made the "Rain's son" king of the spiritual word of BACU.