Chapter 23: On hold
"The wanderer" and the "Rain's son" shared a dream/nightmare, which "the wanderer" was defeated and lost the red stone and "Andromeda Ghost" to his enemy. Possesed by fear and motivation "the wandere" stayed five days without snow, and is after the "Sand King", he is about to make his desicion, but what he saw was real ou just his fear?
23 - On hold
Narrator: "The wanderer" was on hold. The "Sand king" let him waiting while he was busy collecting butterflies. "The wanderer" was at the gates of the "Green Coast Kingdom" dressed as always, with a blue jeans and a white old shirt, his dark and long hair was released. Making him look just like a maniac, which he loved.
Narrator: "The wanderer" meet some blonde lady while, he was waiting.
- Who you think you are? She asked.
- I think i'm a superstar and who you think you are? "the wanderer" replied.
- I don't think, i know, i'm a woman with tradicional blood.
She got into the kingdom, she was dressed with a blue dress. She walks fast and kept looking back to "the wanderer", with suspicious eyes.
At the same time, In West' Woods.
Narrator: At the same time, in the west' woods. The "Rain's son" was talking with "Moses", the wizard was finding funny his dream.
- Did you also fell out from the "asteroid 3251"? Asked the wizard, not hindding the laugh in his mouth.
- It is serious... I don't want to be a dictator... I want the people living in peace, these wars, they can change some people, they can change me ? Can i be able to do those things?
- Of course, everybody will change with the war... keep attention on your focus, if you lost your focus for a second, it can be fatal...
- Do you still think that i should go with him to the volcano?
- The war change people. The climb change people. The red stone change people. The power, the fate, everything changes the people. The changing is constant, get used it and be preparer...
Narrator: The both have white hair, for different reasons. The both have the same desire, as most people have, be a leader and see your people: "fine". Not better than you, but just fine. The "Rain's son" moves fast and his movements are elegants. For the ones who likes a good fight, see him fight is a privilage and against "the wanderer" with the powers improved, that fight would be like: "Cassius Clay" versus Bruce Lee.
Narrator: The "Rain's son" after taking some time to thing, looked to "Moses" and answer:
- I was born ready, i'm going after of the "The wanderer", it's time, we can't waste more time. West City and the Kingdom are moving, i don't want to see people hurt, but if i must break some bones i will rise and fall like a thunder.
- Take care of yourself, then...
Narrator: The "Rain' son" left. "Moses" is alone, and start thinking about the dream. At first he made jokes, but in deep he knows that could mean something. The red stone has power, and eachone thinks different about what to do or how to use: "power".
"Moses" don't know if he must take any side, he desires knowledge and the red stone could be tempting. He also thinks that he is lucky to not be one responsable for the desicion, but he knows that he will have a part in all of that.
Somewhere close to "One City Zero Coast"
Narrator: The "Sand King" are collecting butterflies, he likes that habit, because in the kingdom these kind of insects doesn't exist. You can find scorpions or snakes, and of course the most commun animal: camels.
The "Sand King" knows that "the wanderer" are waiting, but after all the time that he took to make his mind, he must waits a little, to know how it is: to have something important to deal. And being at the mercy of someone who lingers and doesn't care about the wait of others.
Narrator: The "Sand King" sees a ghost, she came in his direction.
- So you are the "King Sand" that my lover are looking for...
- You should be "Andromeda Ghost", they call me "Sand King"
- I beg you pardon...why collect butterflies? when they transform the environment into such a lively place... They say that dead insects are a sign of bad omen.
- And you care about the environment?
- Of course, i live my death in here, i would be devastated if something happens to my favourite places...
- Which are?
- I love the "One City Zero Coast", but usual i live close to "the wanderer" or where i lived my life, in west' woods...
- I see...
Narrator: The "Sand King" stopped of catch butterflies. His bag was full of insects, that later he will put into a book and will catalog. He saw "Andromeda Ghost" eyes, she was in a state of pity, floating in circles and he doesn't know if is possible, but she looked like she were crying.
- Can you promisse something? She said with the tone of someone who lost a friend and look the sunseat with dismal vibes.
- I can try...
- No! You promisse to me! Please, take care of the "the wanderer", i can't lose him, even that i hate the way his being living, can you promise that?
- I will put your request: on hold...