Wanderer Ghost

Chapter 3: Why they come?

Narrator: Memories seems to appear just to haunt us. Sometimes. "Why that foolish words to come out with such a wrong opinion?" Asked "Richie". Richie was an heroin addicted. "The wanderer" and him used to walk together at second aveneu.

Narrator: "The wanderer" thought about good times with "Richie". Times when, they make the cops looks like fools. When they used to steal from gas station. All that were to find money to buy more drugs.

Narrator: Loyalty between addicts could be something very trick. Only a few keep an honest word and richie wasn't like this. The last time that they got high together. "Richie", he lied to "the wanderer".

"I know that you can stop walking." Richie claimed. "You just don't want it, because now, you got something better to moving on".

Narrator: The "something better" to moving on tha "Richie" was reffering was a new motivation to "the wanderer". "Richie" was left behind because he couldn't understand, that the same reason tha make their path only one, once, now was leading them away.

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