Wanderer Ghost

Chapter 4: BACU: The Island where everyday, the citzens remember:"The...

...THE WANDERER: "The word "ass" sounds like the name of my wolrd".

CHAPTER 4: Bacu, by the wanderer...

THE WANDERER: "Hello, I'm "the wanderer" telling the story today! Not the narrator! But only for today, tomorow who knows? I was chosen one to talk, because the thema at this chapter, is about:

The Spiritual Universe Of BACU.

My home."

THE WANDERER: "I would like to tell you about how is only a big island with diferent humans and species. The Spiritual Universe Of BACU is a (non fissical ) place in our universe. Sometimes, the habitants sail to beyond the sea. And they reach another randomly world."

THE WANDERER: ("I hope you know..."). "That I'll be wandering for you. "The wanderer", I...will be waiting for you. For ever. Like my manners. My behavior with... my way to keep walking, and playing boring games, and the habit of snorting huricanes into valleys' brains."

THE WANDERER: "Sometimes, the coast are too windy. Wanderers are animals, half human and half sons of Éolo (Greak god of wind). By the ages, we learn how tame the air moviment. And these days, i being living away from the sea. Between the trees. East side in the island BACU. A big woods, called: The Woods' where Nobody Can. Many animals share the environment. Usually in peace, but with fear. And eventually, someone figth, someone dies. Can be dangerous. We can have fun, but with careful. We Wanderers (human and sons Éolo) have fun with the air. Making snow, wind easy, huricanes ou just, keeping the feel it."

THE WANDERER: "Pale skins, with a yellow tone, are results of: being an animal like me, additcted, with attached the factor of trouble, in our DNA."

"The Moonlight bath", only light that I see. Makes my hair darker. I keep myself away from the sun, walking undercover with the shadows at dayligth. Hot temperatures, fire and burns are weakness for me. But you know...Everybody likes to play with fire. Once in while."

THE WANDERER: "Add to Myself some dandruff. Smoke smells. Red eyes. The willing of taking from the one whom have more than deserve. (Only to my own porpose, i'm not Robin from woods, or Robin Hood.).

After all, i like to make snow, when there is a few people to feel the cold."

THE WANDERER: "I could make more hurricanes, to left a meaning line, in the speritual world of BACU. I would like to have the blessing of the Andromeda ghost's. Old Sons of Éolo used to say: She is very skillful with her hands, She has a real flair to change the wind."

THE WANDERER: "She likes the moonlight, is when she skares the careless people, sitting in the woods. She killed herself. She made so cold that the heat never came back to her heart. Becaming Andromeda' ghost. Sometimes she real kill peolple by cold. Sometimes she just apear. Hard to say, We got diferent impresions from people. Could be only a sad day that she's having."

THE WANDERER: "She deffinitily will mess with with others heads, Always. But when you are broke. With a bad luck. She may share or find a way to achieve your solutions for your needs. I meet her. Sometimes, we shake hands on corners. She Likes to see me folding wind. We all have guilty pleasures. And She is mine. But all relationships have costs. And some animals only think on profit."

THE WANDERER: "Talking back to the Island subject. On South, there: " Green Coast' Kingdom. Home to The Roialty white and gold". Humans with tradition, history and respect. Of course, that respect ins't enough to stay as you wish forever. And other Animals like to visit. To have fun, to do things that you wouldn't at your home, to sin, to kill, ou some, just to chill."

THE WANDERER: "Visitor are not welcome. Of course. Even so, "the Underdogs", how the local citzen calls all others animals. The underdogs go there and abuse, rule, embarrassing themselves at dayli, any hour. Close to the "Green Coast Kingdom", far away from the shore of "Green Coast Kingdom" ,after the Kingdom ends. There´s a place, almost a village. The real name is "One City Zero Coast", but is caled "The city of half human with half Old Hook", because the natives are humans' sons and daugthers with the Captain Hook. They have both hooks instead hands or both hands, depends. Is a friendly spot, but also dargerous. Be warning. The most crazy call themselfs good. "

THE WANDERER: "I was walking from "Green Coast Kingdom" shore to my home in "The Woods' where Nobody Can". Is my routine and is a path that i like, since i have to keep walking. I don't know how acttually is the rest of BACU island, i've never been there. I will tell you tomorow. Just what i heard, of course. The big true is: I got something to dellivery, but i can't remember the place where lives the receiver. I will walk till "One city zero coast". Some wizard will help me.

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