Wanderer Ghost

Chapter 9: Everyone Fights For Me


'The Wanderer" used snow with "Andromeda Ghost". He is in the West's woods. He is high. Looking for the "Sand king" that was left behind, in some place that he forgot...

09 - Everyone Fights For Me.

Narrator: It's friday's night. And when the sun goes down, on fridays. "The wanderer" needs the snow. Every friday. He wants more snow, but he needs to find the "Sand King".

Narrator: The decision is so hard. The body has an internal figth. "The wanderer" is a ghost in a spiritual world, but still is an animal. And that animal part is only desire. BACU is a place where body meets soul. As every one this isn't a fair confrontation. The animal needs demands more than "the wanderer" souls can handle. And he lose the figth everytime.

Narrator: I guess that, in someway, he likes to lose. Because, he is good with wind and snow. The others see only an addicted animal. But he is so much more and he want to prove it, but he keep losing.

Narrator: "The wanderer" get down to the ground. He walk after the king. Is full moon and "the wanderer" doesn't know which creature lives there. In weest woods. The place is inviting to wolfs and werewolf, vampires, drunk humans camping, dwarves minning gold or collecting woods.

Narrator: Walking for some ten minutes, always looking behind with fear. "The wanderer" finds the king still passed out. "The wanderer" dind't see what the "Rain's son" did to the king. "The wanderer" starts to worry. "he may have hit his head".

Narrator: "The wanderer" hears a howl, the sound is near. He flies to the top of a tree, carrying the king. He thinks that in that spot, they are safe. But some animals can fly or escalate.

Narrator: Didn't took long till the sounds became movements, but were they real? Or "the wanderer" has been so high. That he was listen things. Happened before. He used to think that he was being followed. He heard voices in his head. And the situation with the passed out king, make everything worse. He was having a bad trip.

Narrator: He could hear footsteps and the sound of twigs breaking. Could also be the woods whispering paranoias into his mind. He kept looking at everywhere. Watching his back. Ravens scream. Announcing the death march. Something realy moved from behind the tree.

Narrator: "You in the highest place of the tree". One man shouted. "Get down, right now". "The wanderer" realize who is screaming. Is a human, short, with no hair and a red mustache. He is with a few other mens. They are with horses and wolfs.

Narrator: "What you want?". The little man with red mustache, shouted once again: "I want you to get down.". "The wanderer" was responding slowly to safe some time. "I won't, the view is nice here".

Narrator: "You a*shole! One of my man was killed... by an arrow, we looking for who did this"

"I'm not an archer... and if you look well to us, you see that we are in trouble too, my friend here, is passed out and I don''t know the reason. So move on. I haven't saw anything or anyone to help you sir.". "the wanderer" was trying to avoid them.

Narrator: "How could you don't know what happened to your friend?".

"It doesn't matter". "The wanderer took the king to another tree, away from those mens. Flying high with wind and making more snow.

Narrator: After five minutes, other man with a horse came and said:" The Mayor of "West City" is after you. You are suspected of murder, if you run away again, we will pursuit you."

Narrator: "I'm not with time to talk with politicians, sorry mate"

Narrator: "Sir, that is important, a man was killed! the man looked worried. "I know, but i am with troubles and i don't have anything to do with happened, sorry mate, can't help."

Narrator: "Sir, everybody fight for the mayor of weest city, you don't wanna pick a fight with him". The threat didn't make effect on "the wanderer". "I have many enymes, he will be just one more"

Narrator: The conversation end this way. "The wanderer" feels the wind. He feel save to fly back to "One City Zero Coast" and finnaly leave all that behind. "The wanderer" and the "Sand King" are flying back. Back to a normal routine. After all, is just saturday.

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