Wanderer Ghost

Chapter 8: Chasing


"The wanderer" was passed out. Also the king. MOSES talks to "the Son of rain"...

07 - Chasing

NARRATOR: The "son of rain" is "the wanderer" enemy. They hate each other as people who hates, hate. Without a reason. Just because. They share some characteristics. He might kill. "The wanderer" will only leave him. In the oposite situation.

Narrator: "Moses" and the "son of rain" are friends and have business to talk about. The reason that "Son of rain" made the others passed out, besides he likes hurting people. Water brings life and can take it away, the "son of rain" likes that power. As a son of an element so important, the "son of rain" is really powerfull. And sometimes, power can't be good.

Narrator: "Moses" have different conections and valueted. He may help "the wanderer", but he isn't going to lose a friendship with the son of an element with all that prestige. Just to help for a king's desire. Kings aren't that powerfull in BACU. They still kings.

Narrator: The "son of rain" speak with his tuned voice, like oceans voice. "What the fu*k, you doing with those guys?", "Moses" dealt with the situation lying. Both, king and "the Wanderer" were passsed out. They can't hear the conversation.

Narrator: "Moses" came closer to "Son of rain" and lied: "I've know the king a little bit, he wanted that i made "the wanderer" his slave. I would gave him some potion and that's it.".

Narrator: "You as*hole, you know isn't time to play with kings and making potion. "The Lord of Codes" are moving. The desert will take all westside. The west woods are doomed." Sounded like waves breaking. And the "son of rain" wonder: "Why bad people like me, talk so nice?" He knows that he is evil, it's better from those who claim being good.

Narrator: "I know this "wanderer", is an idiot. I hate him. He is half son of winds' god. He should help me, but instead, we keep fighting by ages. He can't see the evil inside of him, as the same inside of me. He believes that, one day he will make a choise and save himself.

Narrator: "What i do then?" "Moses" was afraid of the answer. "Leave them, and let's go". "But sir, "rain' son, they could end dead." "Moses" tried to argument. "I'll make stop rainning. And when "the wanderer" wake up, he will chase snow like an addicted, that he is. Let's go "Moses" we got plans to do.".

Narrator: "Moses" was without opitions and leaves with "son of rain". Stop rainnig. And a few minutes after, "the wanderer" woke. The wind was calm, the sun was in the center of sky indicating that was twelve o'clock. The "king of sand" still was passed out.

Narrator: "The wanderer" made both levitated going into the west' woods. With calm wind "The wanderer" can make bodys fly just enoght to be faster then walk. He can feel the cold and wind of the trees, took half hour to reach the first tree.

Narrator: More half hour to "the wanderer" be in the middle of West's woods. He never been there before. The trees were tall, too close to each other. Now, "the wanderer" left the king sleeping, and started to chase his snow.

Narrator: In some point of the day "the wanderer" needs to feel the cold. It might kill him. He can make too much snow and end up like "Andromeda Ghost". He think about her. He would like to have someone like her to share the snow. Someone with life.

Narrator: "The wanderer" starts to chase the snow. He must go high in the trees and make something close to rain, but not rainning. It will call the "son of rain", and he are too weak to fight and with a strong wish about the snow. And he can't make rain.

Narrator: "The wanderer" Left the king behind. He is chasing. He is begging to gods. He call for andromeda ghost. Nobody listen. There's nothing else in his mind. Only the desire to felt cold by snow. He have lost their friends. He used to keep asking for help with snow. Someday, they all got tired of helping him.

Narrator: "The wanderer" find someone. An old lady, could be a witch. She looks resistless to be abused. He use the wind on her mind and that old lady mind, gave everything. And made that being, lose his most precious belong, a hat. "The wanderer" takes and made a ritual to Eolo, asking for snow. It was allowed. The hat worth much more than a little of snow.

Narrator: "The wanderer" flew to the highest tree and did snow. He felt the cold again and feels like he can do anything, good things, help people. He feel inspired. He is high with snow. Now things are good for him, but only till the next desire.

Narrator: "The wanderer" noticed someone close, and as he realize who was there. Hardly spoke: "What brings you here? So far away?".

"The same as you, and i can make the same question, but we are here to do something else aren't we?" Answered "Andromeda ghost".

Narrator: They both stay there, and was snowing. "The wanderer" play with her and the wind, they both laugh. As life were easy at those times. When playing snow was only entertainment. Now, it cost andromedas life and littlet by little, is taking "the Wanderer" life as well.

Narrator: "Do you have any cigarrete?". "The wanderer" gave two cigarretes to "Andromedas ghost". "I'm here, because i heard a wizard talking about you". "Andromeda ghost" said with a weakness. "He said: "The wanderer" isn't strong enought to make this desicion, he must give the stone to the Lord of Codes".

Narrator: "The wanderer" was very concerned about it. But with the snow falling, he only could say: "What else?". "Andromeda ghost" was disappointed. She was trying to talk serius, but at that moment, "The wanderer" will only chase snow. "I can't remember if, we have ever spoke, with you sober. You are always chasing the snow and doing your stupid quest".

Narrator: Then, she get up, wave goodbye and says: "Think about it when you're sobber, it is sad to see you this way. Stay a time in west, you will know different places and beings. Take a time to think. We all have our missions and we all have the right to decline."

Narrator: "Andromeda waits", "The wanderer" get up and hug her. "Tell me, who am i to you?" That's wans't the question. She goes to the edge, look back and says: "We are which we see, so if you want to change, change what you been seing." She falls and "the wanderer" remaing alone.

Narrator: "Where i left the king?" wondered "The wanderer"

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