Chapter 34: Give Me More
Dom awoke in his large comfortable bed, the furs that covered him were soft. He didn't want to get up, but the sun had started to blaze through his window, and he knew that he had a busy day ahead.
"First things first." He mumbled to himself, "I need to upgrade the Town Centre."
Dom got himself up and out of the bed, and went to his personal chest. He grabbed his Toga and Armour and got himself dressed as he normally did. The key difference to his personal chest than usual was that there was now a large basket full of jewels, gold and silver.
After he was dressed and his sword was attached to his waist, he made his way downstairs towards the central hall, where as usual the bakers had used the Town Centre ovens to bake some fresh bread for everyone. However, today Dom was earlier than usual so he was able to smell the freshness of the dough being cooked, his mouth was watering at the thought.
"Good morning Lord." Dom heard from the end of the Hall, where he noted that Hua Tuo was sat with his daughter and the Sabre Tooth Tiger cubs, Cassius was also with them and they seemed to have been in a deep conversation.
"Good Morning Senior Hua." Dom waved with a smile, heading over towards them, "how are my cubs?"
"They are doing very well." Hua Tuo replied, "Cassius and the other Villagers are doing a great job, the sheep's milk has been doing a good job, and now you have Cow's, it may be worth having them feed from one of those."
"That is a great idea." Dom replied, "I'm not sure how to raise them myself, I hope you can help?"
"I am no expert, but between my knowledge and Cassius's knowledge, we should be able to work out a plan for them." Hua Tuo commented. "They do seem to be growing much faster than I would expect for a Tiger, but that may be due to their individual breed. They will need meat soon."
"Thank you for the advice, we'll have to see what we can do about that." Dom replied. "I am surprised you are here so early."
"Lucius has asked me to come, he is planning to gather the Family Heads this morning to further discuss his Districts plans and has invited me to be part of the Family Heads." He replied.
Dom smiled at the response, agreeing with Lucius's decision. He explained that he had to leave and meet with Lucius for a prior engagement, but would return later to discuss more.
"System, please show Riverside Town Centre Stats." Dom requested.
[Town Centre of Riverside
Village Grade - S
Village Level - 1
Village Occupancy - 129
Village Buildings -
Houses (Numerous)
Level 1 - Granary, Heroes Hall, Lumber Camp, Dock, Legionary Warriors Hall, Animal Husbandry
Level 2 - Hoplite Warriors Hall
Level 1 Perks:
(Villager Spawn S Grade - 5 rolls per day, high chance of high grades or skills appearing)(Family bonds S Grade - high chance of family members joining spawned villagers)(Quest creator S Grade- random quest creation, high chance of up to grade S quests appearing)
Town Centre Upgrades:
Map Room
Level Advancement Quest - Have 5 level 1 buildings, not including Granary and Houses - 6/5
Advancement Quest Complete, would you like to upgrade?]
This was it, the Quest was complete, it was time to upgrade the Village. He wondered what the benefits would be.
"Game Support, please upgrade the Town Centre." Dom asked politely, staring at the Town Centre doors waiting for what ever was going to happen next.
It began with a gentle earthquake like shake, as the Town Centre suddenly grew an additional wing to the side of it, opposite to the Map room. It was made of the same silver wood as the rest of the building, and was only one floor high with a small triangular roof. There were also a couple of simple windows on the side.
In front of the Town Hall, where Dom was stood, the ground shook again. Dom quickly stepped back as a large square mosaic appeared on the floor, with the image of a Sabre Tooth Tiger on the front of it. It was made from a variety of different coloured tiles, and was smooth to the touch. On top of the mosaic were 4 smooth white stone benches, that were arrayed in a square, with the Sabre Tooth Tiger in the front.
There was one final shake next to the Granary, which suddenly seemed to double in width, with additional capacity clearly added to it. Dom hopped that this meant there was additional food stored inside as well, as Riverside was growing at a very quick speed.
Dom was exited to see what had been upgraded, but before he could explore, he heard a notification.
[Congratulations on Completing Quest 1 - Upgrade your Town Centre
Mission rewards are placed in your personal chest]
Dom was excited to see what his rewards were, as he was really enjoying the rewards he had got so far, with all of them giving him a big boom towards Riverside's growth. He also needed to request some more quests. He felt like the previous 3 had helped direct their growth in the right direction, so he hoped the next group would do the same.
"System, please show new stats."
[Town Centre of Riverside
Village Grade - S
Village Level - 2
Village Occupancy - 129
Village Buildings -
Houses (Numerous)
Level 1 - Heroes Hall, Lumber Camp, Dock, Legionary Warriors Hall, Animal Husbandry
Level 2 - Hoplite Warriors Hall, Granary
Level 2 Perks:
(Villager Spawn S Grade - 10 rolls per day, high chance of high grades or skills appearing)(Family bonds S Grade - high chance of family members joining spawned villagers)(Quest creator S Grade- random quest creation, high chance of up to grade S quests appearing)(Give Me More S Grade - All spawn related buildings will have a random increase in daily spawns or reduction in spawn time)
Town Centre Upgrades:
Map Room
Office Space (To be Rolled), Office Space (To be Rolled), Office Space (To be Rolled), Office Space (To be Rolled)
Level Advancement Quest:
Have 5 Level 1 Buildings, not including Granary and Houses - 5/5
Have 5 level 2 buildings, not including Granary and Houses - 1/5]
The two key things that Dom noticed, where the increase in the daily Villager Rolls, from 5 to 10 and also the perk "Give Me More", which increased the daily spawns in all spawn related buildings. The Increase from 5 to 10 was huge. On average they were getting around 20 Villagers a day, and 10 Warriors a Day. This would increase hopefully to around 40 Villagers a day. The downside was the fact that they now had to increase their house building capacity, but the positive side was that they would hopefully have the manpower to maintain that.
The Give Me More perk he needed to investigate, but he hoped it meant that their would be more warriors spawning in to Riverside every day. Thankfully he hadn't had chance to do his daily spawns yet and could soon check. He had already agreed with Lucius that they wouldn't do any spawns until the Town Centre upgrade was complete.
Whilst Dom was thinking and looking at the stats of the Town Centre, Lucius and Subutai appeared beside him. Lucius was smartly dressed, whilst Subutai was ready for war, his bow strapped to his back and his sword by his side.
"How did it go, I can see that the Granary has grown and there seems to be a new wing on the Town Centre." Lucius asked.
"That is correct." Dom started, before explaining the stat changes to them both. "I want to explore the office spaces and see what the mission completion reward is."
"I understand, and that is a good idea." Subutai replied, "However, can we spawn the warriors in first, as it would be good to set of to Gluttonous Chief's Village as early as possible."
"I would agree." Lucius added, "First the Warriors, then let's inspect the Town Centre."
"Let's go then!" Dom exclaimed, understanding their points and heading towards the Warriors Halls. They headed through the village swiftly, seeing Villagers getting ready to start their day in the roles currently assigned to them.
"Good morning Lord." Dom heard as Lars and his family headed past, in the direction of the forest.
"I expect to see you soon." Lucius ordered Lars as they walked past. Lars nodded in agreement, before continuing to walk away with his family towards the Lumber Camp at the Forest Edge.
"We will." Lars replied, "I'll head down with Wang Shu, we have a meeting planned first to discuss the materials required for the next set of houses."
They soon arrived at the two Warriors Halls. Alexander and Octavian stood waiting for them patiently. Alexander's armour was new, shiny and strong. His helmet had a similar length crest to Octavian, and his greaves were longer and made from iron rather than bronze.
"It seems that you received new armour?" Dom asked excitedly.
"We did." Alexander replied, "they were in our small armoury when we woke up this morning. The men are all very happy."
From the Heroes Hall, Gan Ning and Tomyris appeared, both walking the small distance to the Heroes and Commanders that were gathered.
"Call the men out." Subutai ordered Octavian and Alexander, before standing beside Dom.
"Legionnaires to attention!" Octavian shouted loudly.
"Hoplite stand too!" Alexander shouted.
Both Warriors Hall doors opened as the Hoplite and Legionnaires walked out, 19 Hoplite and 4 Legionnaires walked out. Both gathering behind their commanders and standing with their backs straight, their armour glistening in the morning sun.
"What an impressive sight." Gan Ning muttered as he stood beside Subutai.
"It really is." Tomyris commented, as she stood beside Lucius.
Subutai and Lucius who were stood on each side of Dom looked at him. He looked around and saw that all of his soldiers were looking at him as well, all awaiting his next move.
"System, Spawn Warriors." Dom commanded.
Both Warriors Hall doors opened, with a collection of people walking from both of them. From the Hoplite Warriors Hall, 10 Men emerged. 8 Hoplite armoured like Alexander walked out, there were also two similarly armoured men, however their armour had gold lining on the edges and they had long red capes strapped to their necks.
From the Legionnaires Warriors Hall, 8 Heavily armoured Legionnaires walked out, their heavy shields in one arm on their backs, with the their swords strapped to their waist as they marched.
The Hoplite walked towards Alexander, and stepped in to position behind him, whilst the 8 Legionnaires walked behind Octavian and stood behind him. The two red caped Hoplite looked at each other, before walking towards Alexander and stepped in beside him.
"System, show stats!" Dom exclaimed, in shock at the much larger amount of spawns than he was expecting.