Chapter 35: Spartans
[Hoplite Warriors Hall of Riverside
Hall Grade - S
Hall Level - 2
Spawn Rate:
6 Armoured Hoplite Warriors a day, (Can be upgraded with Village growth), 1 Spartan Hoplite Warrior a day (Can be upgraded with Village growth)
Spawn Level - Armoured Hoplite Grade A, Spartan Hoplite Grade S
Spawn Type - Armoured Hoplite
Further Types can be unlocked throughout the game and Mission Completion
Effects: (Give Me More S Grade - All spawn related buildings will have a random increase in daily spawns or reduction in spawn time)]
[Legionnaire Warriors Hall of Riverside
Hall Grade - S
Hall Level - 1
Spawn Rate:
6 Legionnaires a day (Can be upgraded with Village growth)
Spawn Level - Legionary Grade A
Spawn Type - Legio IX Hispania Legionary
Effects: (Give Me More S Grade - All spawn related buildings will have a random increase in daily spawns or reduction in spawn time)]
"Fantastic." Dom said to Lucius and Subutai, "We can expect an increase in our Warrior numbers going forwards. There will be at least an additional Hoplite and Legionnaire every day, with a chance for more on the day."
"This is good news." Subutai replied. "We can add this to our calculations for our future excursions."
"I agree." Lucius replied, "We can also use any unexpected additional numbers, to allow us to have a small addition to the town guards on the day. An extra Warrior or 2 would be ideal with the current progress in the forest with the Lumber Camp."
"I agree, once we have returned from Gluttonous Chief's Village, we really need to continue with our exploration in to the forest." Subutai commented. "I wouldn't want to be an enemy force traversing through it, but that doesn't mean someone wouldn't."
"We also need to explore the mountain, there could be potential resources there that could come in handy." Lucius added.
"Very well, one more for the list, scout everywhere!" Dom agreed, "I think we need to deal with our little issue first though."
Once he said that, the three of them looked over to Alexander and his Hoplite. There were 28 Hoplite stood, with 2 Spartans. The Spartans had stood at the front alongside Alexander, who was the designated commander of the unit.
"Let's head over then." Subutai commented, before walking towards Alexander and the Hoplite. Octavian and the other 12 Legionnaires stood watching with stern looks on their faces. Octavian especially interested to see how this situation was dealt with.
The two Spartans stood to attention, knowing that a senior commander was approaching. They were warriors and would follow commands to their death, as to not follow an order was dishonourable, and with dishonour they would no longer be able to call themselves Spartans.
"Names." Subutai commanded in a strict parade ground tone. Causing both Lucius and Dom to raise an eyebrow as they hadn't seen this before, where as Gan Ning and Tomyris who were stood behind held back smiles.
"Cleombrotus!" The first Spartan responded, his dark eyes staring at Subutai intently.
"Leonidas!" The second Spartan responded, his dark eyes also staring intently at Subutai.
"This is Alexander." Subutai continued, "He is your commanding officer. Why are you stood beside him?"
"Because we are Spartans, and he is an Athenian." Cleombrotus responded.
"Because we are Spartans, and we are the king." Leonidas added.
"There are no Greeks, Athenians or Spartans here." Subutai responded. "This is Riverside. I am the Chief Commander, Alexander is in charge of all Hoplite units. Are you Hoplite units?"
"We are." Cleombrotus responded.
"But we are Elites." Leonidas continued.
"Very well, but you are not King, nor are you anything until I tell you that you are something." Subutai responded, waiting patiently for a reply. When there wasn't he continued. "You can be something though, you will be treated as an Elite Unit of Hoplite, as will all of the future Spartans that join."
Dom looked at Subutai confused, wondering why he was accepting their stance. Alexander also looked at Subutai with a glint in his eyes. Dom was wondering if he should say something, but he noticed Lucius looking at him shaking his head, hinting to not get involved.
"You will be an Elite Unit of Hoplite, under the command of Alexander and the main branch of Hoplite." Subutai continued. "Any questions?"
Cleombrotus and Leonidas looked at Subutai for a second, before both bowing their heads slightly and taking a step back behind Alexander, but slightly further ahead of the other Hoplite.
"Good." Subutai stated. "In the military, my word is the law. Followed by my commanders, Gan Ning and Tomyris, and below them Alexander and Octavian. No one can speak above me, other than Lord Lazarus and in some cases Lucius."
"Subutai!" The warriors that had fought the day before shouted, slamming their fists against their chest plates. "Riverside!"
"Now that has been sorted." Subutai announced to everyone. "Commanders, please assign the men to the pre-arranged tasks."
Suddenly Octavian and Alexander turned to their individual units and started shouting names, pointing them in different directions to gather. In end two units of 5 Hoplite were stood to the side, whilst the remaining Warriors were gathered in a collective, as well as this the two Spartans and two Legionaries had stayed stationary and hadn't been given a task.
"I propose that we send a Spartan with each scouting trip as an additional level of protection for the commanders." Alexander stated. "They can also show why they should be classed as elites."
"I had a similar idea," Octavian commented. "My Legionnaires can also look for potential outpost locations whilst the units scout."
Subutai looked at Dom and Lucius, seeing that they both agreed with the decision.
"Very well, please assign one of each to the scouting units. These will be led by Gan Ning and Tomyris. Tomyris will be heading east through the flatlands to scout ahead. Supplies have been gathered and you Tomyris can decide if you are returning today or if it's worth staying for a further day." Subutai commanded.
"Thank you." Tomyris replied with a gentle smile.
"The other unit led by Gan Ning will head south across the River to investigate the other side. Helena will have a daughter on watch at all times in case you are in need of the fishing boats to bring you back quicker. Any questions?" Subutai continued.
"Yes." Gan Ning replied, the first time he had spoken so far this morning. "Who will the Lord be joining?"
All the warriors turned to look at Dom, 43 Warriors, 3 Commanders and Lucius. An impressive sight and he suddenly felt like Riverside would be able to reach their goals of conquest if things continued like this.
"I'll be joining you Gan Ning." Dom replied, "I want to see what is across the River. However I will need to return this evening, so our supplies will be smaller."
"Sounds like fun to me!" Gan Ning replied with a grin.
"My Unit will leave now." Subutai commanded. With both Alexander and Octavian's units stamping forwards towards Subutai. "Good luck with your searches."
With that Subutai and his large force marched away towards the river, to follow it up towards Gluttonous Chiefs Village, with the intention of clearing it today and getting rid of the bodies. Villagers would join them shortly for a long day of work ahead.
"We will also depart." Tomyris commanded her unit, before waving goodbye to Lucius, Gan Ning and Dom. The 5 Hoplite, the Spartan Cleombrotus and a Legionary followed her at a gentle pace. "If we don't see you tonight, we'll see you tomorrow."
"Head across the River." Dom commented to Gan Ning with a smile, "I have some things to do first, and will hopefully join you within the hour.
"We shall." Gan Ning replied, "I'll make sure we have a nice landing spot for you. I'll have one of the lads waiting for you."
Gan Ning and the remaining Warriors walked off towards the Dock, leaving Lucius and Dom together.
"Well that was an interesting start to the day!" Lucius commented, "Shall we head back and have a look at the Offices?"
"Yes lets." Dom replied, "I want to get some additional quests in place as well before we set out for the day."
"You said you need to be back by evening?" Lucius asked as they walked back towards the Town Centre.
"Correct, I'll be gone for a day or so again." Dom replied. "I'll need you to continue with the daily spawns and anything else that comes up."
"That's fine." Lucius replied, "But once we have the farming lands set up, I want to prioritise working on that if possible. The next heroes spawn should be in 12 days I believe?"
"Let's check before we head back." Dom commented, "System, show stats."
[Heroes Hall of Riverside
Hall Grade - S
Hall Level - 1
Spawn Rate - 1 Hero per 12 day in game cycle, rate can increase based on Town Centre level
Spawn level - Up to grade S, type dependent
Spawn Type - Heroes types can be requested, either Military or Domestic
Further opportunities can be made available based on Village growth and Mission Rewards
Next Hero Spawn is due in 10 days]
"10 days remaining." Dom commented to Lucius.
"It can't come soon enough." Lucius lamented.
They soon reached the Town Centre, walking over the mosaic floor as they entered the building.
"What a stunning design." Lucius commented, "Is the Sabre Tooth Tiger our town emblem?"
"It wasn't my plan, but it seems to have been decided for me." Dom lamented, as they walked through the hall towards a new set of double doors that had appeared under the stairs up to Dom's room.
"Office's or the Mission rewards first?" Dom asked himself, before deciding he'd check on the offices first.
Dom opened the door and headed in, followed by Lucius. There was a short wide corridor, with 4 doors on each side.
"Game Support, please can you explain?" Dom asked.
[These are Office Spaces, each room can be designated as a type, giving Heroes, Elite Villagers and Family Heads a space to perform their trades.]
Dom thought this sounded interesting, but didn't quite understand what the offices would achieve with their role as a building.
"I still don't understand." Dom questioned. "Can you give me an example?"
[Of course, If you roll an office for City Planning, you will receive increased stats for anything related to City Planning. You can then assign the Office to a relevant person, for example a Hero or Villager with City Planning as a background. They can then improve their skills, better contribute to Riverside and use the office as a base for their role.]