Chapter 36: The Mayor
[Rolling for Office Space 1...Roll completed.....Architects Office]
Suddenly above the door of the closest office on the right side, an image of a building mid construction appeared, the door also made the noise of it being unlocked.
Dom requested, "System Show Stats!"
[Architects Office
Grade - S
Office Perks - Will spawn a random Schematic every 7 days for either a new building or an upgrade to an existing one.
Office Assignee - Architect or Building Designer (Perks will be given once the correct person is assigned)]
Dom opened the door and peaked inside, there was a large silver wooden desk that had large rolls of parchment spread across it. There were also some measuring tools available. Behind the desk was a comfortable looking Chair, that Dom thought he may swap with his in the centre of the Town Hall.
"What is this building?" Lucius asked, also looking inside.
"This is an Architects office." Dom replied, "It will give us a random building schematic every 7 days. For either a new building or an upgrade."
"That's a very useful." Lucius relied, "It can give us a solid background for future growth."
"We just need to find the right person to manage it." Dom replied.
"I can ask Wang Shu." Lucius commented, "but I'm not sure he's the ideal candidate long term."
Don nodded in agreement, there wasn't an ideal candidate in Riverside for this role currently. He hoped there would be soon, but he was happy they had somewhere that could bring them some future building options.
"System, please roll for the next office." Dom asked
[Rolling for Office Space 2.....Roll Completed...Sanitation Office]
"A What?" Dom lamented.
Above the next Office on the right side, an image of a pipe appeared, the door also made the noise of it being unlocked.
"System, show stats." Dom mumbled in disappointment.
[Sanitation Office
Grade - S
Office Perks - Reduces chances of disease, also gives access to basic sanitation and sewage networks.
Office Assignee - City Planner or relevant professional]
"I hadn't really thought about disease in the game, but as it's so realistic, that is definitely a possibility." Dom thought. "I also hadn't thought that NPC's would need to use the bathroom."
He peaked inside the room, and saw that it was similarly laid out to the Architects office, with the main difference being that there was a similar one metre by one metre block from the Map room inside, which showed the whole of Riverside in a 2d format on top. There were pipes and similar objects laid on the desk, that could be placed on top of the block and used to map out routes for sewage lines.
"What is this room?" Lucius asked.
"It's an office for a sewage or sanitation expert." Dom replied, "It should help cleanliness and reduce the chances of disease within Riverside."
"This is rather interesting." Lucius commented, "I hadn't thought of having a dedicated person for this role, but it is a good idea. The best option we have currently would be Hua Tuo, but again I don't think he's the perfect fit."
"Agreed." Dom lamented, "It's not someone I expect we'll find that easily. System, please roll the next Office."
[Rolling for Office Space 3.....Roll Completed.....Mayor's Office]
"A Mayor's Office?" Dom announced. As a scroll appeared above the closest door on the left.
"Did you say Mayor's Office?" Lucius asked, looking at Dom with an intent look, with his eyes saying, don't say my name.
"Show stats." Dom grinned.
[Mayor's Office
Grade - S
Office Perks - Increases completion speed of all Domestic projects by a percentage. Also increases speed at which Villagers learn new skills.
Office Assignee - Domestic Hero]
They opened the door and headed inside, their was a large desk, with multiple chairs placed facing it, behind it a large comfortable chair.
"This is a nice office." Dom commented, looking around to see that the walls had mosaic images of Riverside. There were images of the Lumber Camp and the forest behind, as well as the Dock and the River.
"It's a very nice office." Lucius commented, looking at the comfortable looking chair behind the desk.
"It's your office then." Dom replied with a grin.
"I'll take it for now." Lucius replied reluctantly, "but only in the short term. What does it do?"
"It increases the completion speed of all projects within Riverside." Dom commented.
"This is helpful, if we can increase the farming build and the house builds, then we can grow much quicker." Lucius replied. "We'll have to monitor the difference in speed between yesterday and today."
"Agreed!" Dom said, before continuing, "System, please roll final Office."
[Rolling for Office Space 4.....Roll Completed.....Commanders Office]
The final office had the symbol of a star above it on the back of a shield. The door unlocking as Dom and Lucius head inside.
"System, show stats." Dom asked.
[Commanders Office
Grade - S
Office Perks - Increases completion speed of all Military projects by a percentage. Also increases the speed that Warriors learn new skills.
Office Assignee - Military Hero]
The room was very similar in looks and feel to the Mayors Office, with the key difference being that the mosaics were of Riverside's small amount of battles, both at Gluttonous Chief's Village and against the giant bear.
"This can be for Subutai then." Dom announced.
"Definitely, I'm sure he won't want to be in here much. What does it do?" Lucius asked.
"The same as your Office." Dom replied, "But for Military matters instead."
"I think these four Office's will be very useful." Lucius commented, "It would be good if we gained more as Riverside grows."
"I agree with your assessment Mr Mayor." Dom replied with a grin.
"I feel that you are shunning your responsibilities." Lucius replied with fake depression.
Dom agreed as they headed outside the wing of the Town Centre and in to the central hall. Inside waiting for them were some of the Family Heads, that had been designated as leaders within the civilian population.
Sat at the seats on one of the long tables, facing Dom and Lucius as they left the wing were:
Hua Tuo, The Doctor.
Wang Shu, The Builder
Lars, The Lumberjack
Helena, The Fisherwoman
Cassius, The Merchant
Benjamin, The Farmer
"It seems your Town Meeting is ready." Dom commented to Lucius.
"It is." He replied with a smile, "Are you joining us?"
"I would, but I need to get the mission reward, and we also need to spawn in the new families." Dom replied.
"So you are not joining us." Lucius teased. "Why don't you get the Mission Reward and the new Quests, whilst I spawn in the new Villagers?"
"Lucius, this is why you are the best." Dom replied in genuine happiness, before teasing, "You can even use your new office!"
Before Lucius could reply, Dom headed up the stairs to his room and aimed directly for his personal chest. Quickly opening it to see what was inside. Inside, beside his jewels and gold were three small cubes.
[Red Cube - Random Elite Villager Spawner]
[Black Cube - Villager Spawner - Spawns between 1 and 5 additional Villagers in the Town Centre]
[Orange Cube - Hero Spawner - Domestic]
Dom was happy with his rewards, a new Domestic Hero and an Elite Villager were both great rewards, he was a bit disappointed with the Black Cube, but then realised that for anyone that didn't have a Grade S Town Centre, a Black Cube was probably the most important of the rewards.
He decided he would save these rewards for now, as he needed to join up with Gan Ning and Lucius had already outlined the plans for the day, but when he returned this evening he would discuss these with Lucius and use them.
"System, please give me more quests." Dom requested politely.
[How many would you like?]
Dom had been thinking about this long and hard, last time he had chosen 3 missions. Which he felt like was enough, however he had completed these very quickly.
"5 Please this time." Dom asked.
[Quest 1, Upgrade your Town Centre to Level 3
Level Difficulty - D
You have done it once, can you do it again? The key to a strong base, it having a level of depth of buildings and people, completing the Advancement quest will give you a strong start to life in the wilds of World Conquest Online.]
[Quest 2, Discover 3 new Locations
Level Difficulty - C to S, depending on locations discovered
The world is vast, to make your mark in it, you must first discover it. What you find could enable you, or cause you headaches. Be the first player who discovers these 3 new locations.]
[Quest 3, Conquer a Town
Level Difficulty - D to S, depending on the Town conquered.
You have done it once, can you do it again? You are not alone in World Conquest Online, the World is full of players and NPC's. Show that you mean business on your quest for conquest. How you deal with this quest is up to you, but choosing the correct target is key. You now have a reasonable force growing, which is growing in strength every day, how will you deploy it?]
[Quest 4, Learn a new skill
Level Difficulty - C
You learn how to find your path, however one skill is not enough. Learning and developing yourself is key, as you surround yourself with new people, why not learn from them. Mission will be awarded when a novice level is a new skill is completed. Learn something useful this time.]
[Quest 5, Win a Battle
Level - E to S, depending on whom you fight
You have a small army growing, use them. The game is World Conquest Online, show that you understand this by conquering your enemies and destroying your foes.]
"Wow." Dom exclaimed, the missions were all challenging individually, but were all things that were necessary to help them grow in the World of World Conquest Online. He closed his personal chest, locking away the Cubes until his return, before heading back down the stairs to inform Lucius of what he had received.
Once he arrived downstairs, he found the Town Hall empty, with only Hua Tou's daughter, Hua Xiu sat with the sleeping Sabre Tooth Tiger Cubs.
"Where have they gone?" Dom asked politely.
"To Mayor Lucius's office." She replied, "He seemed very keen to show it off, explaining that he had an office and you the Lord did not."
"That does sound like something Lucius would do." Dom commented with a shake of the head, "How are you?"
"I am good." She replied, "but we need to find a new home for these cubs soon."
"I'll see what I can do." Dom replied, before leaving the Town Centre and heading towards the Dock.