World Conquest Online

Chapter 44: Did You Get Her Name This Time?

The group soon exited the Red Woods and made their way across the Yellow Plains to the rivers edge, where they hoped Helena's daughter would be ready to start shipping them across. They soon passed the location with the hoof prints, and didn't see any sign of Leon or Erastus, and Dom hoped that they were having success with their mission.

They continued walking in formation for quite a while, with Dion lay uncomfortable in the stretcher as the group alternated on who would carry it. Dom also held the stretcher for a short while, much to the disagreement of the rest of the group who argued that Dom was their leader and shouldn't be lowering himself to carrying a stretcher. Dom had argued back though that he wanted to help and Dion was part of his team.

Time passed and they reached the Rivers Edge, where they were surprised to see that the Daughter of Helena was sat in her boat waiting for them.

"We noticed you a while ago." She commented, "You aren't the quietest when you are walking."

"No idea what you are talking about." Gan Ning mumbled, well aware that they had been chatting in loud voices as they walked.

"So what's happened to you then?" She asked Dion, clearly unimpressed as they would struggle to get the stretcher on to the small boat.

"Snake." He grumbled as the stretcher was put down by Gregorios and Cleon who were currently carrying him.

"Should watch where you are walking." She replied, "Come on then, let's get you loaded before the sun sets."

"It was a big snake." He whispered in response as he was helped down to the boat waiting for him.

"Is Subutai back?" Dom asked her as he took his seat at the front of the boat, with Dion and Gregorios the others on the boat with him. The rest waiting on the bank for the next trip.

"He is." She replied, "They have only just returned, Mother says the warehouse is slowly filling up which is good."

"That's great, I'll speak with him when I get across." Dom commented, "Thanks for picking us up."

"It's fine." She smiled with a glint in her eye, "I have to do what the Lord asks, and the Lord asked that he is picked up."

"I think the Lord should think long and hard in future before he asks some people for things." Gregorios laughed as they reached the mooring point on the dock.

Gregorios jumped out first, before grabbing Dom, Dion and his own spears and placing them down on the side of the Dock. He then leant forwards and helped Dion get across whilst Dom pushed Dion from the back and supported him so he didn't fall in. Once Dion got across, Dom jumped across and got Dion's arm around his shoulder so he could support his weight.

"Thank you again." Dom said.

"You are welcome Lord." She grinned back before heading across the shore to pick up the rest.

Dom and Gregorios helped Dion across the dock and back towards the Town Centre in Riverside.

"Did you get her name this time?" Gregorios asked.

"Damn!" Dom exclaimed, forgetting again and realise he had made himself look a fool in front of two of his Hoplite.

They soon reached the Town Centre, where a bunch of Hoplite and Legionaries were stood outside chatting with each other, whilst sat on the stone benches around the mosaic floor.

"What happened to you?" One of the Hoplite said, who got up and took Dion from Dom. Another also approached and took Gregorios's side, so that they could both relax their shoulders.

"Snake attack." He said, "The biggest Snake I've ever seen."

Dion then began to tell the other Hoplite and Legionaries who were stood around what had happened, whilst Dom decided to head inside the Town Centre.

"Someone find Hua Tuo and ask him to check on Dion's wounds please." Dom ordered the Warriors as he entered inside.

Once he entered, he was greeted with the site of Subutai and Lucius sat at the front of the central hall talking with each other, with Alexander and Octavian both sat beside them listening on. They soon noticed Dom's arrival and all stood as a sign of respect as he headed down towards them.

"You don't need to stand for me." Dom commented, "How did today go?"

"Successful." Subutai replied, "We have dismantled the buildings and brought all the materials back that were worth returning. Octavian and his Legionaries were a huge help and we were also able to dispose of the bodies successfully."

"From the de-brief, I would say the work with Gluttonous Chief's Village is now complete." Lucius commented.

"That's great news!" Dom replied, "Thanks for the hard work all. How about you Lucius?"

"Well, since you made me mayor and gave me an office, I have been able to get the families working in order. Housing construction is continuing as planned and we also have additional support in making some more small fishing boats." Lucius started.

"How did today's spawns go, did we have any stand out spawns?" Dom asked.

"Mainly farmers and tradesmen as usual, including their families." Lucius replied, "However, we did also receive a couple of interesting new members of Riverside, including a family of very skilled carpenters who I have also assigned to Lars's family. We also received a family of chef's, who had a chain of restaurants in their old city that they have travelled from, I have assigned them to cooking the main meals going forwards. They are called the Benoit family, hopefully we'll be in a position to introduce currency and they can open a restaurant or something in the near future."

"Oh that sounds great!" Dom exclaimed, I'm looking forward to trying some new food, the bread has been lovely but it's getting very familiar."

"Well, that's not the end of it." Lucius continued, "We also received three interesting brothers, the Johnsons, One is a Butcher, the second a Baker and the third a Candlestick Maker. The Butcher and Baker are helping the Chef family for now, the Candlestick maker will definitely come in handy though and I'm sure a lot of the Villagers will be grateful for his arrival."

"I am sure they will!" Dom replied with a laugh, "That is great news, it seems it's been a productive day. Well you'll be happy to know you'll have some more help on the domestic front."

"What do you mean?" Lucius asked with excitement.

"The three rewards were, another Elite Villager Spawner, a Black Cube Village Spawner and a Domestic Hero Spawner." Dom replied.

"Another Domestic Hero is a huge help." Lucius replied, "I am accustomed to short periods of leadership before retiring to my farm, I'd be happy to retire to the farms in advance and help support their growth if possible."

"We'll have to see." Dom said non committal, really not wanting to replace Lucius as a Mayor, because he didn't want control he was the perfect Mayor character for his growing kingdom. Dom then turned to Subutai. "I'm not sure if you are aware, but you also have an office, it should help you with your planning and allow us to hold Military meetings in a more private place."

"I am!" He replied, "I haven't been back long but Lucius has filled me in, I was planning to go visit it soon, but you have arrived back, maybe we can head there together soon?"

"Unfortunately not." Dom said, "I need to disappear again for a day or so shortly, but I will be back."

"Does that mean I have to wait?" Lucius grumbled.

"Yes unfortunately, but I promise it will be the first thing I do when I return." Dom replied.

"Then before you go, tell me more about what happened on your scouting trip?" Subutai asked seriously.

Suddenly the doors opened as Gan Ning walked in to the hall with a grin on his face and the groups sacks all over his shoulder. He wandered down and sat next to Octavian.

"Welcome back!" They all said happily to Gan Ning who had a big grin.

"Thank you, it's been a fun day." Gan Ning commented, before turning to Dom, "Hua Tuo is looking over Dion now, thanks for getting that order sent out."

"What happened to Dion?" Alexander asked seriously.

"I'll tell you all about it, but prepare yourselves, as I have some work for you over the next few days." Dom replied. "Firstly, Leonidas discovered some hooves on the Yellow Plains that we travelled across. We sent Leon and Erastus to investigate, they should be back no later than tomorrow evening with the rations they have taken. We are hoping they will find wild horse, if so, please send the horse trainer with a small group to collect them and bring them back. If not, they may find enemies or allies, please react with caution until my return."

"Horses would be handy and massively increase our scouting capabilities." Subutai commented seriously, "We need horses desperately, so even if they do have owners, I'm happy to arrange a way for them to find a new home."

Dom nodded in agreement, before continuing. "After that, we headed in to the Red Woods. Firstly I must say Octavian, Macro's skills at setting markers in a straight line across the Plains and in to the woods was great and massively helped us return."

Octavian nodded his head in pride before Dom continued, "Leonidas and Cleon discovered a small lake, which inside was a floating building. We discovered that it was an Ancient Mausoleum, but the people inside were not totally human."

"They were not. They had tusked teeth and were much taller and wider than any Human I have ever seen." Gan Ning commented.

"Because of this, I feel we need to be wary of not just Human and Wild Beasts, but potential for other unknown Creatures." Dom continued.

"This is worrying, and needs to be explored further." Lucius interrupted, "This could have huge implications on our planning. It would be prudent to start on a wooden palisade wall around the end of Stage One as soon as possible."

"Agreed." Dom said, "However, after we investigated the Mausoleum, one of those Wild Beasts, a Red Snake appeared from under the water appeared and ambushed Dion. Thankfully Gan Ning jumped in the water and saved him."

"Thank you Commander Gan Ning!" Alexander said, bowing his head in appreciation. "A death in war is honourable, but a death against a Snake would be disappointing."

"It would have been." Gan Ning agreed, "however it was a blessing in disguise, well it was for everyone but Dion."

"Gan Ning dived in the water after the Snake, and found an underwater tunnel." Dom continued, "Which led to an Ancient underground City. We found some interesting buildings, including a Treasury, central Atrium and a Smithery. Gan Ning, please show them."

Gan Ning opened his sacks, which poured a variety of jewels, jewellery, gold, silver and many other things across the table. Everyone jumped up in surprise at the lavish amount of wealth in front of them.

"This isn't even a percent of what is inside," Dom continued, "If we can claim that wealth and bring it here we are set for the future, the wealth inside is enough for a small kingdom, let alone a small town like ours."

"And it's underwater?" Subutai asked in excitement.

"Yes, so unless you know the entrance, you wouldn't be able to find it." Dom continued, "It's heavily damaged and will need gentle searching, and we have only done the first corridor or so. So Commander Subutai, this is your mission for the next couple of days. The priority is finding the Town Centre so that we can claim as much as possible from within the ruins, we also need to set up a supply line so we can both set up a nearby temporary camp to guard, and also ship the wealth back."

Dom then placed his Slayer Spear and the Ancient Prince Crown on the table, causing an additional gasp from the crowd.

"There were also lots of weapons in the Smithery that will give us a wealth of materials, please take the blacksmith with you." Dom said.

"And the crown?" Octavian asked excitedly.

"For now, lets keep it somewhere safe." Dom replied, "The prince it is from had a poor demise, Gan Ning recommends we bury him with respect. We never know when this will be needed, but it must have high worth."

The group continued chatting for a short while, before Dom received the alarm notification from Game Support.

"Time for bed." Dom announced as he stood up, "Good luck with the scouting, hopefully Tomyris has been just as successful."

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