World Conquest Online

Chapter 45: I've Got Just The Idea

Dom awoke in his room, removing his gaming headset and this time allowing his eyes to adjust to the natural light much slower, so as to not be caught off guard again. His bed was still less comfy than the one in the game, and he felt he should probably look at getting some new covers to lie on, seeing that he didn't sleep in it anymore as the game allowed him to get the much needed sleep whilst playing.

He placed his headset on the side again, and got up. He checked the time and it was 07:30, giving him plenty of time to get ready before he headed out and met up with Andrew. He first headed in to the bathroom and emptied his bladder, before jumping in the shower and cleaning himself. He checked himself out in the mirror and felt that he looked better than the day before, but he wasn't quite sure how.

He left his room and was greeted by Andrew who was sat on his phone again.

"Morning!" Andrew greeted, "Nice to see you are awake nice and early again!"

"I feel so refreshed." Dom replied honestly.

"Did you have a productive session as a Lord Class?" Andrew asked.

"I did!" Dom said, "Did you complete your mission and find out more about locations?"

"Yes, but let's talk about this over breakfast." Andrew replied, "First read this post from Golden Sun, it makes interesting reading."

Dom grabbed Andrew's phone from him and saw that it was the same blog site from the day earlier.

[World Conquest Online is hitting headlines all across the world with it's realism. There have been some amazing stories coming out of it from players all across the world. I'm going to summarise some of those experiences below before going in to my own.

Firstly, a well known gamer from the Combined States, DragonKnight123 has explained that he was spawned in to a small town on the edges of the freezing plains in the north of the world. His town was feudal with frost covered stone walls surrounding it. The Villagers wore thick fur clothes and DragonKnight123 has said that the cold was so realistic that he felt it chill him to the bone.

The famous DragonKnight123 who we all know has defeated many guilds single handily on the game Dungeons Decent 6 has not been able to show of his warrior skills and has instead become a Seal Hunter. Everything was going well for him, until when he was hunting on some ice with the Villagers the ice cracked and he fell in and died. He's been locked out of the game for a whole day.

He also complained of waking up very cold and with the shivers, but I put this down to the realism of the game and him mentally feeling that way. Either way, good luck to DragonKnight123 when he can re-enter the game, please let us know what happens.]

"Wow, DragonKnight123 was locked out of the game?" Dom exclaimed to Andrew.

"I know!" Andrew replied, "Seems that he has spawned in a bad place, his luck must have been bad. Probably not a bad thing though for other gamers though. It will let the other guilds that hate him have an additional day in game to get ahead of him."

"With the map as big as it is, It'll take them a long time to find him, I wouldn't doubt DragonKnight123 finding them first still." Dom commented.

"Agreed." Andrew said, "Continue reading!"

[Now, let's get on to our second story! This time from the famous Tang Dynasty of the Southern Empires, Prince Li Shang has joined the game as a Lord Class character! He is building a small Kingdom on the western coast of the map called New Chang'an. He has magnanimously shared some information about his starter Town that he has been given.

As a starter, he has a Grade A Town Centre, which is the highest currently known grade of any other gamer. He has upgraded it to Level 2 and has a small amount of new Villagers joining him every day. What has been the one of the most important thing he has shared is that he has an army of NPC's spawning every day, he hasn't disclosed what they are, but that they are well known from history and he has been training and fighting along side them.

Other Lord Players have mentioned other similar things, but with Prince Li Shand being the first to declare that he has a Grade A Town, it is to be expected that he will be a step above the rest. He also announced that he spawned in a Hero from history who fights aside him. It would be great if other Lord players could announce who they had so we could create a master list of historical characters who are in the game.

I expect that Prince Li Shang's retainers will be moving their own characters to him shortly, so it will be interesting to see how his Kingdom grows.]

"See why I said to keep reading." Andrew said as he noticed Dom frowning. "An A Grade Town! I don't expect that we'll be the world leaders, but if we want to get going we really need to get the Guild and it's members with you as soon as possible."

Dom thought for a second before replying, "I agree, but let's play our own game and not worry about others for now, we aren't in a rush and we have lots of other things to do that are more important."

"Ok, that's fair. It's only been 2 days and I am getting carried away." Andrew replied, "You finish the blog and then we'll set off."

Dom agreed and continued to read the blog.

[I myself have decided to follow the casual path for now, I spawned in a city called Nineveh, and have become the apprentice to a blacksmith. It has been an enjoyable journey so far, and I can now comfortable forge simple things from metal. The game is so realistic, that I feel if someone put me in front of a forge now I could actually make something simple.

I also feel that my arms are stronger, and I am going to try and see if that is the case when I exercise later. I am not the only player to mention this, and there is a veteran gamer who also has an apprenticeship with me who has said the same thing.

The city itself Nineveh is full of tanned warriors and pleasant looking ladies. I'm quiet enjoying it here and have tried the local alcohol in the bars, which I must say is much better than what I can find in my local haunts in the Eastern Empire.

My final note is the Southern Continent, I have not yet heard of any player spawning in the Southern Continent. If you have, please get in touch and let me know what it is like! I have heard rumours from some of the Islands, but nothing from the South.

I'll update more tomorrow, but for now that's me Golden Sun VI signing off.]

Dom soon finished reading the Blog, before handing Andrew his phone back. They both left the Dorm and headed for breakfast, where they expected to meet Kai who as usual had set of before Dom had even gotten up.

"It's a shame there is an 18 hour playing cap." Andrew mumbled, "We don't really have anything we need to do today, but we have nearly 6 hours to kill before we can play again!"

"It's frustrating, but I'm going to use this time well." Dom replied, "Ideally I'd like to do some reading in to some historical characters and units to come up with some tactics."

"Do you have a hero?" Andrew asked excitedly, "and what Units? That sounds plural!"

Dom suddenly realised his lapse in conversation, he had told Andrew he had a D Grade Town Centre, and if even Prince Li Shang was talking about a hero, then Dom in his D Grade had a much smaller change. He also let slip about the fact that he had units, which he was trying to keep quiet. He had to come up with something realistic, but without lying to his best friend.

"I do. My hero isn't anything exciting unfortunately, I'll tell you more after I have done some research." Dom partially lied, "Unit wise I have some basic Spearmen and some basic Swordsmen. I have been very lucky to have two units, I received the second lot through completing a quest. I don't have many of either yet, but hopefully in a couple of in game weeks I can have a small force to supplement the guild."

"Well, we've done enough cold weapon tactics during our last few years of studying, so hopefully you have remembered some of that!" Andrew laughed, "It's a shame you don't have any archers yet."

"Or Cavalry." Dom agreed, starting to feel a bit of pressure from players such as Prince Li Shang.

They soon reached the canteen, where they were surprised to see the Medici Twins talking with Claire and Alice.

"Good morning." Andrew said as they walked nearby.

"Hello Andrew and Dom!" Princess Elizabeth Medici exclaimed excitedly.

Andrew and Dom were taken aback by her excitement, the famous campus shut in, who rarely left her dorms being seen twice in two days was shocking enough. Her Brother Edward starred daggers at Dom as he stood at Elizabeth's side.

"Good night of gaming?" Alice asked Dom and Andrew.

"It was good!" Andrew started, "I completed my initial scouting quest and have joined up with a team of players who are going to join a local naval merchants so we can explore the coast together."

"Oh that is exciting!" Alice replied, "It sounds like a lot of adventure! I am now the official champion in my Gladiator Arena! I've even been given my own custom Halberd! I'm planning to do some exploring soon, and have been offered a low level commander post in the cities army."

"Alice, please calm down." Claire exclaimed with a huff, "We said we wouldn't take game in front of the Prince and Princess."

"Oh it is quite all right." Princess Elizabeth Medici interrupted with a cheeky grin, "Is this that World Conquest Online game everyone seems to be talking about."

"It is your highness." Claire responded, wary of what to say around the shut in.

"I have heard many things about it." Elizabeth commented back, "It seems to be all the range in higher class circles."

"Let's head back Sister." Edward interrupted, keeping his eyes on Dom and Andrew. Elizabeth agreed and waved goodbye to the the group. They were soon out of sight as they left the Canteen.

"What a strange pair." Andrew lamented.

"Shut up Andrew!" Claire glared, "They are royalty, even if everyone is an equal on campus, we won't be on here for much longer."

"Leave him be Claire!" Alice exclaimed, "So Dom and Andrew, what are your plans today?"

"Well we still have around 5 hours before we can log back in to the game, so let's just enjoy the time and relax." Andrew replied. "Let's wait for Kai and Flo whilst we eat first though, I'm starving!"

"Sure!" Alice grinned, "I've got just the idea for when they arrive!"

Soon after they finished eating, they were dragged to the sports field where they were both beaten time and again by Alice with her Halberd. Andrew struggled and was often defeated much quicker than usual by her. Whilst Dom felt that he could read her moves and made Alice really struggle to win. Dom could have won, if not for the fact that if he did win, he'd have to keep fighting her so she could get revenge, so loosing was the better of the two situations. Kai and Flo joined them for a while, before both going their separate ways to do their own thing.

Kai had joined the game the night prior and was thoroughly enjoying himself, he decided to go to the Library and research some materials from history that were in the small backwater location that he had been spawned in. He planned to use his logistical intellect to help this town become a power base that could support his brother's Town in the future, before joining up with Dom and Andrew.

Claire watched the fights from the side line, occasionally having her own duels against the members of the group. Throughout though, she kept watching Dom fight, realising that his movement techniques had improved from the duels the day before, especially when he used a Spear.

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