Chapter 52: Diplomacy Direction
"Calm down and explain." Lucius ordered Cleombrotus in the Town Hall. They were sat on one of the front tables and had grabbed some bread from the day before for him to eat, as it was obvious he was hungry and thirsty from his ride.
The sun had risen now and the Villagers had awoken and gone to their daily tasks. Gan Ning had ordered Cleombrotus to dismount and head to the Town Centre, whilst sending runners to awaken Hua Tou and Lucius.
After his horse had been taken and handed to some farmers to secure with the Ox for now, Cleombrotus was taken to the Town Centre for a debrief.
"When we left, we spent the first day heading east down the river, we didn't notice much from a human perspective, but we did note some wild animal trails, especially some wild goose which would be fun to hunt with bow and arrow, and also some interesting flora and fauna." Cleombrotus started, "We camped for the night and then continued, by mid day we had discovered the end of the river, which opened up to a crystal clear sea, the water was stunning and we could see small fish swimming near the shore. We even walked in to it and it was warm and the water was calm, with just some gentle waves."
The group all leant in to listen to his tale, all interested to hear how the scouting trip to the east had gone. As well as Dom, Gan Ning, Hua Tou and Lucius, others had also awoken and joined them such as Shang Yang and Subutai.
"We were happy to see that we were just over a days walk from the sea, which Tomyris said would make you very happy." Cleombrotus continued, talking to Lucius and Dom. "We decided that it was a good time to head back and camp at our previous site, before returning with this key information."
Dom was happy to know that the sea was just over a days walk, as it gave them a direction to extend their influence in. There was also the risk though that they were not as inland as he initially thought, meaning they could be exposed to seafaring forces.
"Once we reached our campsite, we discovered there were three lightly armoured women on horseback waiting for us. They wore light fur armour, mostly made from sheepskin, and had short bows at their waist" Cleombrotus continued, "Initially Tomyris had us get in to a small formation, we are confident in our skills and had our spears with us. However the leading horse woman rose her hand and showed she had no weapon and had come in peace. They quickly introduced themselves as a nearby tribe and that an illness had befallen them, with lots of their members dying or being near to deaths door."
"So what happened and why are you back alone?" Subutai asked seriously, worried for Tomyris and the rest of the scouting party.
"We initially followed them to their tribe and noticed the stench of death. They lived in large huts that could easily be taken down and moved. It seems they were of a nomadic background. Nearly all of the Villagers were women, with only a few old men and Tomyris said that they seemed to be mainly horse archers and shepherds. The tribe seemed unaware of our knowledge levels when it came to medicine and we should be able to help them with our experts. They gave me a fast horse and she sent me here for help."
"What do we do?" Lucius asked the group, "There is risk to our health and Riverside if we help these strangers. There is also no guarantees, what do we get in return?"
"They mentioned their eternal gratitude." Cleombrotus replied, "They seem like an honourable group, and the fact that they asked for help shows that they are in dire straights."
"Someone's gratitude isn't worth a risk." Lucius countered sternly, making the Spartan go quiet. "We can't do something for free."
"We could conquer them." Gan Ning mentioned, "One of the quests was to conquer another Town, if they are weak this is a good opportunity."
"This is true from a tactical perspective." Lucius agreed, "however, does this fit within the morals of what we are trying to create in Riverside, equal exchange I agree with, but conquering someone in need is maybe a step to far."
"If we are talking about morals, should we not just help them then?" Cleombrotus countered back.
Dom listened to them as they discussed their opinions on helping the Nomadic Archers or not. He turned and looked at the key people who hadn't spoken, Subutai, Shang Yang and the doctor Hua Tou.
"Commander Subutai." Dom started, "What are your thoughts?"
Subutai himself was from the period of Genghis Khan and the nomadic Mongols that conquered most of the continent. So if anyone could relate to the Nomadic warriors it would be him.
"Military wise, we should follow Gan Ning decision and conquer them." Subutai replied, "however, personally I feel we need Horse Archers and there are two ways of getting them. We conquer and hope they have a Warriors Hall, which they may not. Alternatively we help them and bring them in to the fold of Riverside by showing both our might and kindness. Cleombrotus, how many people did you see?"
"I saw around sixty people." Cleombrotus replied, "At least thirty horse archers, and at least thirty that were shepherds or older, they also had a flock of goat and sheep. However A lot of them were ill and there must have also been people inside some of the huts."
"Tactically, they are idiots." Subutai commented, "Showing such weakness in front of strangers, they are either desperate or planning something. Both options put forwards though would work."
"Thank you Subutai, how about you Hua Tou?" Dom asked their medical expert.
"I'm a doctor, I want to help and we should be able to help." Hua Tou replied, "But I also want an easy life and don't want to put myself in to danger if it's not needed. I have come to Riverside for a fresh start and to avoid my own troubles, I don't want to endanger myself or my family if there is no need to."
Dom understood this, Hua Tou wasn't a warrior, but was a doctor and someone who helped those in need. He didn't want to risk his life if this was an ambush, he was used to working in large cities and peaceful towns, not on the front line like a military doctor.
"Thank you Hua Tou, I don't want to put any pressure on you." Dom replied, "Shang Yang, please give me your thoughts."
"Personally, I think it is interesting to see what you the Lord will decide." Shang Yang started, "All options put forwards are good ideas and can increase the strength of Riverside, but the other side of this is that there is unknown risk with all options also. So what will you choose?"
Dom understood that this was a big decision, that would direct Riverside's dealings with outside Kingdoms going forwards. Would they be hostile, neutral or peaceful. He spent a few minutes in silence pondering his decision, whilst the others waited patiently for his order. They would follow it as they believed in him and Riverside.
"Very well." Dom declared. "We should send a small detachment to investigate and see if we can help, whilst also showing some of our strength. Through this we are saying, we are going to help you, but if we wanted to, we could destroy you, so don't think about tricking us."
The group accepted Dom's decision as the Lord and felt it was a middle ground decision where they all had some form of their opinions represented.
"We need to work on a plan then." Subutai stated, "I believe we should send Cleombrotus back with someone with a medical background to investigate with a small force of Hoplite and Legionnaires. Followed by a second slower group that can either reinforce or retreat depending on the ultimate decision."
"As its a village of women Warriors, my daughter Hua Xiu should go first. This should hopefully relax them to us a little, rather than just seeing a wall of lots of men." Hua Tou said. "I can then collect some items and herbs that have been gathered and follow up with the second group. Lucius can I borrow a cart?"
"Of course!" Lucius agreed, they now had some carts built that could be pulled by Ox, and they now had two that they could use. "I'll have Cassius from the merchant family come with you, he can lead the cart and also look for other gains within their town when he arrives."
"How will we split the units as we also have other tasks that are key" Shang Yang commented, already aware of the days plans.
"Let's do the daily Spawns." Lucius commented, "Then allow Subutai to split how he sees fit."
"Agreed." Subutai said, "Octavian can lead a detachment of all the Spartans and five Legionary, with Hua Xiu and Cleombrotus in the initial group. We can then send thirty further Warriors with Gan Ning, Hua Tou and Cassius. It may be worth taking some food as well on the carts and fresh water satchels."
"That's a good idea, and the rest can head back to the Ancient Underground Kingdom with you?" Gan Ning asked.
"Yes, but the second contingent can not leave until we are sure there is no ambush or trick in having us clear Riverside. We'll need the Town guards to scout out wide, and I'll also leave some of my group behind in case a quick defence is needed. It will put back our excavation plans but I'd rather be safe." Subutai replied.
"I trust you both." Dom stated, "Originally I planned to head to the Ancient Underground Kingdom, but I will now leave with Hua Tou as well after I have completed our new buildings."
"We have one more task we have overlooked." Shang Yang stated.
The group looked at him, wondering what they had missed, feeling they had the priorities arranged.
"The horses." Dom said, realising. "The red horses are too valuable a resource to not do something about today. We need to send Leon, Erastus and the Horse trainer there, even if just to keep watch and make sure they stay in the valley."
"I'll send one of Lars's sons and some farmers with them, they can maybe find a temporary way to close or lock the Valley entrance and come up with a plan." Lucius agreed. "Subutai, I'll leave the rest to you."
"We'll get those horses." Subutai agreed. "I'll discuss with Alexander and we'll come up with a plan with the Villagers that you send."