World Conquest Online

Chapter 53: Mighty Steed

The Daily spawns had been completed, with an additional thirty five villagers and eighteen warriors. Cleombrotus and Hua Xiu had left, with Hua Xiu using the horse and Cleombrotus, Leonidas and the other four Spartans accompanying them, Octavian was in charge of this unit and also led five Legionaries. The small unit would travel back to the camp that Tomyris unit had used the night before, Cleombrotus had given Gan Ning clear instructions on where they needed to head and he would make sure someone was waiting for them to direct them to the Village.

Subutai and the rest who would cross the river had also departed towards the Ancient Unknown Underground City as well as the small contingent who were heading towards the Valley in the Red Woods. Dom had wanted to go there, but knew it was more important to follow up with Gan Ning to the mounted warrior Tribe that they discovered.

First though, Dom had to plant the new buildings that had been discovered by Alexander. He stood with Lucius and Shang Yang outside the Town Centre whilst deciding where to place them. He held the Cubes in his hand and was excited at the growth, these additional three buildings would take them closer to further upgrading the Town Centre again. His priority however was to upgrade some of the buildings to level 2.

Dom's priority after visiting this new tribe had to be his quests. They were to upgrade the Town Centre to Level 3, Discover 3 new locations, Win a battle, Learn a new Skill and Conquer a Town.

"The School should go in the Housing district for now." Lucius stated, pulling Dom out of his deep thought, "however we may need to re-affirm our districts and add an education district as well."

"As Riverside grows, there may be multiple housing districts." Shang Yang commented, "The educational areas should be close to where the people live. There may also be a need to grow different types of housing districts, we need to be re-active to the types of people that join us here."

"For now, let's place it between the housing district and the merchant district then." Dom replied, listening to their opinions. They all walked towards the housing district and the heavily empty merchant district, that was just an open space with the Docks at the end.

"System, please use the Green Cube and spawn the School." Dom requested.

Suddenly the ground shook and a large single story building appeared, with a low fenced off area of land surrounding it. It was made from the same silver wood as the rest of Riverside and gave of a learned aura. The group of three walked towards it, with Dom's two Hoplite guards following them.

"System, please show stats." Dom asked.

[School of Riverside

School Grade - S

School Level - 1

Level 1 Perks:

(Education Education Education Grade S - All Villagers who learn in the school will have a calm mind, improving learning speed by all Villagers )(Villager Upgrade Grade S - Improved chances of Villagers improving their grade and learning new roles.)

The School gives Riverside a location for Villagers young and old to come and study and learn new skills. Comes with six classrooms which can each fit twenty five students. It also comes with a office for a head teacher who can improve the skills of the teachers who are assigned.]

"What do you mean by new roles?" Dom asked.

[If a Farmer is studying Baking, they can upgrade the role they have to Baker]

"Can this be the same for Warriors?" Dom asked.

[Correct, however they would need to study at a Training Ground not a School]

Dom was grateful for this information, and was about to ask more questions when from the school doors, two people emerged, a middle aged man in a white scholar's robe and a middle ages woman in a white kimono styled outfit. They both bowed their heads lightly to the group, who walked over to meet them. They both looked similar, with jet black hair and short in stature.

"Good morning Lord's." The man bowed, "My name is Kento, and this is my sister Misato. We are teachers and have come here for a fresh start."

"Good morning Lord's." The female Misato bowed, "My brother is an expert at adult learnings of the basics in reading and writing, whilst I am an expert with numbers and younger learners."

"Welcome both." Dom said in return, "We are glad to have you. Education wasn't something we had thought about, but now you are here I think you will be very important in the development of Riverside."

"We don't have any children currently." Lucius added, "However we have plenty of Villagers who I am sure would love to learn some new skills and develop themselves."

"We normally teach those of a noble birth, in private education or one on one sessions." Kento replied, "However we have come for a fresh start to help those who need to learn, rather than the privileged few."

"I believe education to be a primary need for all." Shang Yang commented.

"I agree." Dom stated, "Please get yourselves associated with the Village and we will find you somewhere to live. Lucius here is the Mayor and will be taking all of our newer villages on a tour later."

"Thank you for your kindness." Misato replied, "We shall make ourselves at home and wait for your direction. We are both teachers and education is our lives, being able to help others grow is our goal in life."

Dom and the group moved on, whilst the two teachers headed towards the Town Centre to wait for the tour with the rest of the group, a couple of Villagers noticed them and went to introduce themselves.

"It's a very positive place Riverside." Shang Yang commented, "I hope that we can keep it this way in the future."

"Let's place the Clinic here in the Merchant District." Lucius said, looking around the empty space.

"Ok!" Dom replied with a smile. "System, please spawn the Doctors Clinic."

The ground shook again and a wooden building appeared, which looked like a Villa. It was a Doctors clinic with a small reception, a waiting room and a couple of offices for the Doctors that worked there. There was also a clean room in the back for simple surgery to fix wounds. It would be great for day to day issues and minor wounds, but wouldn't be suitable if there was a large battle with lots of wounded warriors.

"System, please show stats." Dom asked.

[Doctors Clinic of Riverside

Building Grade - S

Building Level 1 -

Building Perks:

(Medicine Mind - Contains and collates medical knowledge from Doctors that work within for future generations.)(Medicine Miracle - Increases speed of recovery from illness)

The Doctors Clinic of Riverside gives Villagers a place to receive medical care from experts, and gives Riverside a place to reduce the risk of Illness and Disease. It can also work as a simple clinic for injured Warriors, but is not at the level of a Hospital or a Field Hospital in that regard.]

A blonde haired woman with a white toga and golden jewels on her arms walked out. She wore a neckless which had two snakes wrapped around a winged sceptre, that hang low on her chest.

"Good Morning Lord's." She bowed low, causing Lucius and Dom to look away as she did. Shang Yang however didn't as he wasn't that immature. "My name is Phoebe and I am but a simple Doctor who has come for a new start. Where I am from it is hard being a female and a professional, I hope that is not an issue here."

"It is not." Dom replied, "We treat everyone equal here."

"This is good to hear, I hope I can be of service." She stated.

"Trojan, Please go and get Senior Hua Tou." Lucius commanded, "I would like him to meet Lady Phoebe here and discuss the future of medicine within Riverside."

"We actually have an excursion today to a tribe of Warrior woman who have some form of Illness striking them down, we currently have a couple of Medical Professionals within Riverside that are going to investigate." Dom added, "It would be our honour if you could support us on this."

"Of course." She replied, "Anything to help, I look forward to meeting Senior Hua Tou."

"Thank you." Dom said, "I am sorry to throw you in the deep end! If you wait here by the entrance he will be here shortly!"

"That is fine, I can have a look around inside whilst I wait." She replied.

Some Villagers had noticed the appearance of the Doctors Clinic and headed over to introduce themselves to Phoebe. Dom, Shang Yang, Lucius and Gregorios headed towards the Military Zone where they would plant the final building, the Stables.

"I think here is a good location." Lucius stated, pointing towards the boundary between the Warriors Hall and the Farmlands to the east.

"System, place the Stables." Dom commanded.

The ground shook once more, as a wooden stables appeared. It was long and had multiple bays where horses could stay. Behind it a large fenced area appeared which could hold the horses inside.

"Show stats." Dom asked.

[Stables of Riverside

Stables Grade - S

Spawn Rate - 2 Animals per day (Can be upgraded with Village Growth)

Spawn Type - Donkey

Stables Level - 1

The Stables are a spawn point for animals that can be tamed and ridden. Animals within the Stable can spawn their own kind through natural means. Stable animals can be replaced with wild tamed creatures if decided.]

Two small brown donkeys appeared within the first section of the Stables. They were short but looked strong and healthy.

"We seem to have Donkeys." Shang Yang commented, laughing lightly.

"A useful animal." Lucius agreed, "Not a mighty steed and not what I expected when we had a stables."

"Nor me." Agreed Dom, "But they are helpful enough. We can take them with us to the Nomadic Tribe at least."

"As long as you don't challenge them to a race." Gregorios mumbled from behind.

"I'll have them added to the group." Lucius agreed, "However I wouldn't advice you riding a Donkey though, as it is not the most prestigious. Maybe Hua Tou and Phoebe can ride those, whilst you take the cart with Gan Ning."

"I would agree with that statement." Shang Yang stated. "If we had expected Donkeys, maybe we should have chosen a different district."

Some time passed as things were put in motion and the group headed towards the edge of the farmlands. They looked across and saw that a large group had gathered, ready for the excursion. There were twenty Hoplite stood along side ten Legionnaires. The large cart was prepared, with two Ox tied to it to pull it. The Merchant Cassius was sat on top of the Cart, whilst Phoebe and Hua Tou were sat on top of the two Donkeys that were at the front of the group. Gan Ning stood aside the cart waiting for Dom.

"Ready to go play diplomacy?" Gan Ning asked with a grin.

"I am." Dom replied, "Let's go!"

Dom jumped on the cart and was soon joined by Gan Ning. The back of the cart was full of sacks of food, mainly bread and some vegetables. There was also a crate of herbs and other medicinal items that Hua Tou had been gathering over the last couple of days since he had arrived.

Lucius and Shang Yang waved goodbye as the group slowly started to leave Riverside and head east towards the campsite.

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