Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Whale fall
Abberants, as I've said, are creatures borne of Chaos, which can take any form they want while mixing it with other amalgamations. However, its creatures specifically take the forms of their environments.
Wolves, pterosaurs, and jackals are all creatures foreign to Gaia. Catalysts, created from my Calamities and remnants of Chaos, are tied to Abberants, as Catalysts are a sort of 'gate' that allows Abberants to choose their diverse forms.
'Ah- why can't I- I don't-' Rhian was blinking profusely, trying to shake a weird attraction off her toward that mosaic scenery, but it kept pulling her back.
'What the hell is going on?!' Feeling like her neck was bound by something, she turned her entire body around, finally free from that odd attraction. "What was that..?"
Her eyes closed again as her Runes burst forth, quickly covering the entire Terrestrial but unable to reach the ground. 'Damn.. Maybe I can try harder..'
More Runes surface on her chest, slithering all over her unit as they glow brighter than ever, encircling the Terrestrial in a small radius. 'Alright... I can hear the bodi-' However, she's going too far. "ACHK-"
Her heart aches as if a sword has plunged into her body; her body heats up immensely as if she's been thrown into a volcano and her Runes all contract, returning into Rhian's body as she now only feels a mild pain in her chest.
She tries to grip her chest but is blocked by her unit, causing her to grab a fistful of blood. "Hu-ah-ahh.." her breathing heaves, trying to claw her into her chest to comfort her heart.
'T-this.. Ah- n-no..' Regret claws into her mind with doubt slowly following behind. She opens her eyes slowly to see the blood-stained floor of the Terrestrial, coughing occasionally as tears blur her vision.
"I-I need to-" She slowly raises her head, collecting her vision as a spear-like entity with wings seems to be lunging at Rhia-
"HRAAAG-" Rhian released a painful cry. Her chest is caught by the wings of another pterosaur-like Abberant, with its wings deeply embedded into the walls of the Terrestrial. As a result, Rhian was flung back into the cockpit, crashing and destroying the control panels.
'A-AH-' She feels as if something grasped her torso, slowly gripping harder as her ribcage turns on her, puncturing her heart and lungs while blood flows out her mouth, flooding her helmet with her blood.
Her body weakens as she tries to remove her helmet, throwing it away as soon as possible as she vomits more blood. "I- HRAAAA-" She feels dizzy as more blood mixed with saliva pours out her mouth, painting her teeth and hands crimson, while she falls on all fours, vomiting less and less blood.
'Wha- What-' She slowly looks up as if she's carrying an anvil on her back until her eyes lock with a head penetrating through the wall. It was the same kind of pterosaur Abberant and it was dead. Its beak blunted, while its eyes looked angered, but lifeless at the same time.
'I-I- need-' Rhian tried to get up, but only succeeded in falling within her pool of blood. 'G-get out..' She didn't want to die. Collecting the remaining strength she has left in her body, she steadily stands up, clinging to the walls as she limps toward the doorway.
'H-How can I-' She looks out, catching a glimpse of the mosaic hills as it quickly attracts her vision. 'S-Shit' She tries to close her eyes, but something keeps her from it; she tries to look away, but her neck keeps fighting her command.
She raises her hand, cutting her line of sight as she sighs in relief. 'T-That thing is d-definitely.. a-an Abberant..' Lowering her head, she removes her hand and uses it to guide her toward the destroyed entrance of the Terrestrial.
'How.. can I-?' She looks down, sending a sensation of dread into her soul as she sees weird figures trying to climb up the moving legs of the Terrestrial. 'S-Shit...!' Rhian turns around, looking straight again as she tries to dash into the cockpit.
'M-May-be-' She leans her body across the semi-destroyed control panels, relieving her arms of the burden of supporting her body as she searches for anything that can lower the body of the Terrestrial.
'No.. No.. No.. No- Shit! Why isn't there-' The sound of wood tearing apart catches her attention, prompting her to turn her head around- it was the mosaic scenery. Well, not anymore.
The no longer mosaic scenery washes away with an unknown liquid before it cracks and tears with Rhian noticing a frame enclosing the destroyed 'painting.'
The frame turns inside out with the torn 'paper', accompanied by the sounds of flesh being shredded and squished before it all turns blood red. Rows and rows of white spikes sprout from seemingly nowhere as they line the edges of whatever the hell that was.
"I-I-I-" The warmth her and the Abberants' blood provided was quickly stripped off as a cold wind plunged into the Terrestrial, past the horrible, abhorrent jaws of that thing.
She pleaded to herself as her Runes burst out of her chest, spreading toward the giant, decaying teeth that had pierced the floor and ceiling of the Terrestrial, slowly separating a part of the Terrestrial as that part plunged into the deforming mouth of the Abberant.
Rhian realized her magic was useless. The Runes she sent to attack it immediately dimmed and disconnected as the Abberant took a bite out of the Terrestrial.
The metal legs of the Terrestrial creaked, alerting Rhian as it leaned toward the Abberant, slowly falling while Rhian realized. 'A-Am I going to die?' Her heart dropped.
Rhian quickly grabbed onto the door of the cockpit, gripping it tightly while she tried her hardest to climb into the cockpit, hearing more creaking as another gust of wind blew into the Terrestrial. 'P-Please...'
She pleaded to her god, unaware he can't respond to her prayers.
The Abberant had its jaws agape, preparing to bite down on the Terrestrial again until two knives plunged into it, spreading black Runes all over its flesh and teeth.
"You're not dying." A raspy and familiar voice called out to her, feeling something pass around her waist before being pulled above the Terrestrial and behind the Abberant in a second, she realized who it was after noticing the numerous red veins covering the person's arm.
"K-Kurayami?" Her voice was shaky, while tears swelled in her eyes.
"Don't be relieved yet," Kouki said sternly.
Rhian was confused. So, she scanned the area. Kouki was carrying a person missing an arm, while a black blade punctured his chest. The Terrestrial has fallen, collapsing onto the painting Abberant as it was immediately flattened by the weight of the Terrestrial, bursting into clumps of flesh and blood.
Not a second later, a stampede of numerous Abberant came rushing over the hills, leaving a trail of bodies and blood as they fought for the enormous meal. "H-How-" Rhian turned to look at Kouki with a horrified and uncertain face. "-Can we live?"
"Run." They landed on the ground, safely before Kouki immediately took off, turning on the jets on his soles as he sprinted away as fast as he could.
Several Abberants took notice of this, splitting off into a smaller horde as they sprinted toward the trio. "K-Kurayami! Th-They're chasing us!"
"Can you deal with them?"
"Wha- uhm- I'll try!"
Her Runes surfaced, spreading into the ground but not crossing a certain radius as they just kept circling the trio. 'Wh-What can I do?' She was distressed and powerless.
'Blast away.'
Circuit-like Runes appeared on her body, slipping under her unit as it created a sort of barrel behind Kouki, glowing brightly before releasing an invisible force that decimated the horde of Abberants.
'W-What the hell was that?!' Kouki was unaware of what happened, assuming it was just Rhian that did it, but it wasn't, and she was shocked.
'Hello, Isabella.'
A soft voice spoke out.