Chapter 27: Code red
For an Eon grade spacecraft with the size of a small cube, it should be enough to carry around five persons. This was just its maximum capacity. Then in about ten to fifteen minutes, cultivators started to troop in. There were high demands for these spacecraft and these demands are calculated by the time these same spacecraft arrive and the time they also depart.
Mu Shen was already seated on the chair closest to the window and five more persons barged in with battalions of people pooling in, trying to be the first that would grab a seat.
However, four others occupied the remaining empty seats and the rest were left disappointed.
From the loud speakers, a voice was immediately transmitted from the space station into the soon to be departing Eon grade spacecraft;
"All passengers should be ready for take-off."
"Cabin 204 please make sure there are no more crowds on the ships and fill up the entire spacecraft in readiness for take-off."
That was just the first announcement.
After a few minutes, the crowds were cleared while Mu Shen and four others were privileged to be the next to be flown out of this planet.
However, that same announcement came again.
"Announcement cabin 204, your ship is missing one member to perfection, please make sure all members board the ship thank you."
Mu Shen's face darkened.
"I must have forgotten that these kinds of things need protocols. I've really messed up. I need to fix this."
Mu Shen stepped out of his seat and walked towards the pilot's vessel and said; "prepare for take-off."
The man seated on the chair, turned. "Huh?"
However, Mu Shen was long gone, to avoid being discovered.
The pilot immediately turned on autopilot right at the power source button within the panel system and the spaceship flickered on.
Where Mu Shen was, he was happy.
From the window, he saw two men walking a long lane with a certain book in their grasp. However before they could close in the distance, the spacecraft had already attained momentum and zoomed off.
There was a sudden break in transmission and then, the announcement continued regardless.
"Abort, abort; issue code 2:5 resolved. Cabin 204 left with just four passengers. Cabin 205, prepare for take off. Cabin 2654, landing space is unavailable at the moment, to gain momentum and maintain air-balance for a while, you must remain afloat."
When Mu Shen discovered that they were not being followed, he was instantly relieved. He quietly walked back to his seat and sat down, his eyes closing.
From the vessel where the pilot handled the spaceship, he passed an announcement that was transmitted through that same loudspeaker.
"Journey's destination is the Main Zone. Duration for journey; 7 to 8 days."
Mu Shen's eyes opened and he smiled. Even that collapsible spacecraft that Zhao Ran had entered would not make it to the Main Zone in two weeks. As the lowest grade, it's speed was very poor. At best, a month should be enough for it to make the journey. However, Mu Shen will just travel 8 days.
Mu Shen closed his eyes again and his back relaxed to the sofa, a small smile on his face.
Space was so beautiful. The galaxies and even the galaxial phenomenon were all peculiar.
Looking behind him, Mu Shen could not see anything at all except for space and outer space.
He saw lines stretched out in many spiral lines, taking different directions or pathways that differed from all others.
Mu Shen observed with clear curiosity but his curiosity grew much stronger when he stared at the sight of space drowning things out— it was in a form of large whirlpools that swallowed everything into its massive maws.
"Are those intergalactic waves?"
And of course, the spacecraft did not stop for him to take a good look at it. They passed those phenomena, returning back to a much stable space.
The spacecraft moved through the embrace of the natural darkness so swiftly, gliding through, taking turns and narrow cuts, veering away from possible dangers and all that, with practiced ease.
Mu Shen immediately loosened his belts and walked into the pilot's cabinet and then, his eyes widened.
The middle aged man sat down while speaking to his communicator and at the same time, he received feedback from it.
Another thing he noticed is, the man made no effort to steer the spacecraft. All of the turns and glides were taken by the Spacecraft itself.
Mu Shen was surprised. "It's on autopilot."
He realized.
He stared at the man, while it seemed as if he was not doing anything at all, in truth he is actually the one changing the trajectory of their lane any moment he gets noticed of instant danger.
"A space radiation coming off a little from the left which intercrosses into our direction. Get the passengers ready for a bumpy ride."
Mu Shen watched the man connect his earpiece and then said:
"Brace yourself for the ride of your life. If you're standing, return to your seat. The spacecraft is taking a detour."
Mu Shen immediately used four shadow incarnations. He split himself into two, his main body returned to the chair, while his incarnation attached itself to the IV lock panel.
All Mu Shen needed to do was switch his own consciousness and he was back to observing the man.
"A detour is coming up at 5, 4, 3…"
The spacecraft suddenly started to rumble and shake.
"Do not panic, this is just a safety protocol done to prevent dangers. We are simply bypassing a phenomenon in space travel."
The man comforted and returned back to the countdown.
"...2, 1, 0. And it should be right—"
The spacecraft suddenly shifted momentum and tilted. If anyone had been standing, their body would have been tossed about out of their own control.
"Anti-gravitational conditions restarted."
This one was system notification from the spacecraft itself. Things simply floated in the air, however when the gravity was restored, they returned back to the floor in a loud sound.
The spacecraft returned back to swift and smooth space travel, calming and soothing.
Mu Shen observed the state of the spacecraft while staring at the pilot who still received feedback from his communicator.
"It's a natural code black. The ship's management can handle it. The oil leakage should be able to hold for another ten days. It should be enough for us."
"Issue code, 4:6/7 take a left turn. Unless you want to encounter a pirate group called Black beards."
"Issue a warranty. Code red is a serious situation and needs to be assisted."
The pilot fixed his earpiece properly and placed the communicator on high alert.
"Alert, code red detected. Move swiftly to the left. Stop!"
The spacecraft suddenly halted, jolting the passengers, however after it halted, something incomparably massive slammed on the spacecraft and there was a deafening ring.
The entire spacecraft blared. Red alarming light swirled endlessly and everyone panicked.
Even after being alerted and warned, it was impossible to avoid the danger. Now, they are in a critical state, unless something big arrives to lift their already fallen spacecraft, they wouldn't be able to get out.