Chapter 15: chapter 15
Ino groaned as she collapsed on the bed. They kept it up for five hours but her dancing lessons just weren't going very well. She had tried -she really had-, but she just couldn't get it. She understood some of the way it was supposed to be, but the rest?
Sakura stood over her sister, the black crop resting in her hands. She'd tried to make Ino understand but for some reason, her fellow slave couldn't understand what she had to do.
It didn't help that her own ass was on the line...literally!
"Please need to learn!" Sakura asked, desperate.
"I'm trying Sakura," The naked blonde replied. "I really am! I just don't get it - I mean, how can dancing be so damn hard!?!"
"It's not the physicality that's need to get into the mentality of it." The two girls jumped at the new voice and heads swiveled at the window to see Naruto climbing in.
"Master..." Sakura murmured, kneeling on the floor as Ino slid off the bed to join her.
"So I take it she still can't perform a satisfactory dance?"
Sakura sighed and looked at her abused sister's skin, welts decorating her ass, back, tits, and legs. Her own body remembered the stings of the crop, and while part of her relished the pain and pleasure that followed it usually...this time, she dreaded it.
If only for Ino's sake.
"I'm afraid not master," the pink haired girl answered, "She is getting closer but she's not there yet."
Naruto nodded and patted Sakura's shoulder.
"I see. You know what has to happen now?" Sakura nodded and handed the crop to Naruto. She then walked to a chair and bent over it, her ass sticking out, primed for a spanking.
Naruto walked to the occupied bed and sat down, looking over at Ino. He reached out and started to pet her hair, comforting the whimpering girl.
"Please don't make me hurt her master. Please..."
"'s alright my little cosmos. Why are you so scared of hurting her? From what I witnessed about six hours ago, you had no problem punishing your sister for treating you like a baby."
"I had no problem with getting back at her," She admitted, "But you're asking me to hurt her when she really hasn't done anything to me. I mean, sure, she's swatted my ass with that thing, but..."
"She failed to teach you."
"It's not the same." Naruto sighed and cupped her cheek, gently lifting it up.
"Pain is a permanent part of your life now Ino-chan. That means feeling pain and giving it. If I tell Sakura-chan to put you on the horse and whip you until I say stop, she will do it without hesitation." He smiled at the sudden shiver from his new pet. "You must learn to do the same. I want you to cause your sister pain. Make her scream from your strikes."
"How? How can I hurt her?"
"Use your hands, use a belt, use the whips, I don't care. Until you are comfortable with it, you'll just hold yourself back. First you need to deliver her punishment. Take the crop from my hands and crop her ass twenty times. Remember, if she forgets to count a strike, you must start over."
Ino hesitated but nodded. Taking the crop from his waiting hands, she stood up and walked behind her friend, the crop securely in her hands. Ino took a few deep breaths, trying to calm the racing thoughts in her mind.
"Kami...I can't believe I'm actually thinking about this. Sakura-chan...please don't forget to count."
Seeing her sister nod, she tightened her grip on the crop and lifted it up in the air while Naruto leaned back with his back on the wall and watched as Ino brought the crop down hard onto Sakura's ass, hearing her cry out and count the strike.
Out in the hallway, Ino's parents peered into their daughter's room to see what the commotion was about. What they saw shocked them but they stayed quiet, not wanting to interfere.
Ino sighed as she finished the last strike. Sakura had forgotten to count strike number 17 and she had to start all over again. She stared at the welts decorating Sakura's bottom and she had to admit, they do look good on her.
"I'm really sorry Saku-chan." Ino tried to apologize but Naruto interrupted, while getting up.
"Don't apologize Ino-chan. She messed up and she has to pay for it."
Naruto walked toward Sakura, a green glow appearing over his hands as he set them on her ass, causing Sakura to emit a sigh of relief as the wounds started healing until they were gone. After that was done, he patted her butt before going toward her backpack. Digging through it, he pulled out a coil of rope, a paper seal, and a cat o'nine tails.
Giving the cat and seal to Ino to hold, he moved Sakura so she was sitting up and took a hold of her hands. Wrapping her wrists together with the rope, he stood her up and put her against the wall. Raising her bound hands above her, he put out his hand and asked for the seal which Ino gave him.
Sealing her hands to the wall, he moved her hair away from her nude back and stepped back, admiring his work. Stepping behind the worried Ino, he moved her so that she was standing behind the pinkette, with the whip in her hands.
"Now what I want you to do Ino-chan..." Naruto said while moving his hands over the arm that held the whip. "Is to whip Sakura-chan's back until I say stop." Ino's eyes widened.
"Remember what I said earlier? I want you to be comfortable giving pain and you will start by whipping her." Ino sighed. A part of her didn't want to do this but another part said to do it and get used to it as fast as possible.
"I'll do it..." Ino said, causing Naruto to smile. "How long do I have to do it?"
"Until I stop you. Now start if you will." Naruto stepped back from Ino and she looked at her target. Emerald eyes stared at her and Ino could see anticipation in her eyes. She wasn't scared, nervous yes...but not scared.
"Sakura-chan...can you forgive me for what I'm about to do?" Sakura let out a soft laugh.
"There's nothing to forgive Ino-chan. Do what you need to do. Remember what we are...we are toys for master to use as he pleases. If he wants you to feel comfortable causing pain and wants to use my body as a training dummy, then by all means, use me."
"Are you sure Sakura?" The pinkette nodded.
"I'm sure. Hurt me as much as you want and don't hold back."
Ino nodded and Sakura turned her head to face the wall, spreading her legs and leaning forward as she did so. Ino sighed, tightening her grip on the whip before lifting it up and slamming the tendrils on her sister's back, wincing at Sakura's scream.
Naruto backed away while Ino started on Sakura's back. He turned and faced the door where he saw the faces of his slave's parents peeking out of the door. He walked out and shut the door in the process.
"If you don't mind, please don't go in the room while's she working. I don't want her to shrink back into her shell. I want her to become confident, comfortable in what I want her to do."
"W-we won't." Iris spoke, seeing the logic in his reasoning. Naruto nodded.
"Thank you."
Naruto opened the door and stepped in, closing it and looking at his pets. Sakura's back was riddled with welts and Sakura was crying even as Ino continued whipping her back.
Speaking of Ino, she had tear trails flowing down her eyes although she wasn't crying at this point. She was determined at her task as she swung the crop onto Sakura's abused back.
Taking a look at the clock, he saw that it'd been thirty-five minutes since she started, and she looked like she was doing fine. He didn't see a reason to stop now. He'd let her continue for another five minutes.
Five minutes passed and Naruto announced that Ino could stop. She delivered one more strike before stopping, the cat crashing against Sakura's ass one last time. A minute passed before Ino dropped the whip, shuddering on what she just did even as Naruto got up and encircled his arms around Ino's stomach.
"How did it feel my little cosmos? How did it feel, making the welts on your sister's back? How did you feel hearing her scream in pain?"
Ino didn't respond at first, taking some time to gather her thoughts.
"It-It felt good, but at the same time, I feel disgusted with myself that I like such a thing." Naruto chuckled.
"That's good to hear. You only need to keep doing it until you can do it without remorse."
Ino sighed and looked behind her at her master. She gently placed her arms above his own.
"Why are you making me do this master? What do you want out of me?"
"I want a lot of things out of you Ino. I want you to be capable to pleasuring each other if, for some reason, I'm gone."
That statement made the wounded girl gasp in fright and she tried to look at the duo as they talked.
"But m-master, you're not going to leave...are you?" Naruto shook his head and looked at his scared pink haired pet.
"I would never dream of leaving but I have to plan for the possibility."
"But master...if you want to make sure you don't leave, then all of us can drop out of the Academy. Stay with us full time." Naruto sighed and told Ino to sit on the bed.
"You know my plans for that Sakura-chan."
"But if you're worried about dying...then..."
Sakura fell silent at his order. She looked at him as he sighed and walked up to her and took off the seal keeping her arms attached to the wall. Sakura collapsed in Naruto's arms and he carried her to the bed and laid her on her stomach.
"The plans haven't changed Sakura-chan, even with the addition of Ino-chan." He said.
"What plans are you talking about master?" Ino asked. Naruto stared at his blonde pet before sighing and walking to the snake cage. Reaching his hand in, the snake wrapped around his hand and he lifted it up and started to walk toward a getting terrified Ino.
"I suppose there's no harm in telling you. Give me your hand."
Ino shook her head vigorously, not wanted that damned thing on her. Naruto motioned to Sakura and she got up and grab Ino's arm and forced it out, despite Ino struggling. He reached out and the snake unwrapped himself and started traveling onto Ino's arm.
Ino let out a scared yelp as the snake traveled up her arm and moved across her shoulders, past her neck, traveled down some, wrapped himself around her stomach once before resting on her shoulder.
She froze as the snake settled and she shuddered as she felt the hard scales on her skin. She looked up when she heard Naruto chuckle and sat down beside her after Sakura scooted over, still on her belly.
"Didn't you read my post-it note? You are to spend at least ten minutes with the snake and that is not negotiable." He said, giving her a stern look. "Resist again on that, and I'll have Sakura tie you down and let the snake explore your pussy with its tail."
Ino whimpered, even as Sakura giggled. "Cruel, master." She muttered, drawing a grin from Naruto, before he turned to Ino once again.
"Now, as for my plans? We are not going to be ninja forever Ino-chan. After a few months of being chunnin, all of us will retire."
"At that point, each of you will persue a less...dangerous career, one that you love. For example, Sakura-chan has expressed an interest in the medical field. When we do graduate, in addition to her shinobi training, I have arranged for Sakura to shadow our doctor. She will learn from her."
"Speaking of which..." Naruto turned to Sakura, reaching around and sliding a finger into her ass, causing the pinkette to moan in joy. "I expect you to teach Ino-chan basic healing jutsu's, understand?" Sakura nodded and Naruto turned back to Ino.
"Now you may stay at your job in the flower shop and that's fine or you may want to go a different route. I hear Ibiki is always looking for promising recruits." Seeing Ino's horrified shaking because of the snake on her, he thought it was a good idea to keep going.
"M-master..." Ino spoke before Naruto could continue.
"Y-you s-said all o-of us. Do-does t-that mean y-you a-as w-well?"
Naruto nodded and gently moved Ino's hair out of the way.
"Yes. I have no desire to remain a ninja for an extended period of time. It's chunnin and then we'll resign. And after things have settled and we are much older, I want to start a family."
Ino choked when Naruto said he wanted a family. What was he asking her to do? Pump out babies for him? She stared at him as he started to chuckle.
"I want children Ino-chan. I want to have a family and experience what's like to be part of one."
"Are you serious?" Ino asked, shocked. Any fear she had of the snake was long gone at this point. Seeing Naruto nod, she narrowed her eyes at the boy. "And how many do you want out of me or her for that matter?"
Hearing Sakura giggle made her glare at her sister.
"Master wants three out of me. Two girls and a boy or two boys and a girl, twins if possible."
Ino's eyes bulged when Sakura finished. Did he really expect Sakura to handle having that many children? If he wanted three out of Sakura, then how many did he want out of her?
"What about me? How many?" Naruto cupped his chin in thought before answering.
"Four, all girls. There's something about females having the mental abilities of a Yamanaka that just appeals to me." Seeing the horrified look on her face, he continued. "I may change my mind later on but you should start preparing yourself. I already have a family savings going on and I regularly put money in. By the time we do have kids, I will have enough money to support my great grandchildren."
"And will they be slave master's like you?" Naruto chuckled.
"It will be their choice whether they will be masters, slaves, or ordinary folk." He replied. Ino sighed and shook her head, vaguely aware of the rough scales on the back of her neck. "But we will cross the bridge when we come to it. Now I believe that it's been more than ten minutes."
Naruto stood up and gently unwrapped the snake and put it back in his cage. After putting the snake back, he turned to Ino giving her a piece of paper.
"These are instructions on how to properly take care of a snake. When to feed him, when to take him to the vet, etc. I've talked with Inuzuka Tsume, the head vet, and she knows about your snake so just call her if there are any problems." Ino sighed as she looked at the paper. Where was she going to get mice to feed him?
"Where am I going to get mice? The gutters?" Naruto chuckled and she looked up at him.
"There's an animal shop a few streets over. You tell the owner why you're there to buy mice and he'll give you a discount."
" what now?"
"Now...I take my leave." Naruto reached up and kissed her forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow my little cosmos." He stood up and gave Sakura a kiss as well before walking to the window and opening it but before he went out, he looked back. "I love you both dearly girls and I want you safe."
Naruto turned and jumped out the window, disappearing into the night as the girls watched him leave.
"He really does care for us doesn't he?" Sakura nodded and shut the window.
"More than you think. He loves us and he wants us safe. That's one of the reasons why I love him."
Ino smiled as she heard her sister and she nodded. Every time she hears talking about Naruto, she could hear her talk about him with genuine affection. If that wasn't true love, then she didn't know what was.
Ino took Sakura by the shoulder and turned her around and hugged her, wanting to feel her against her. Sakura chuckled and hugged her back, knowing that Ino wants to feel that kind of love as well.
At that moment, they were glad that they were this close to each other.
"Why don't we go downstairs? I can smell supper cooking and I'm feeling like showing off in front of your parents." Ino chuckled and dipped her hand down and softly caressed Sakura's soft lips, earning a grateful moan from her sister.
"If you're thinking what I think you're thinking, I'm all for it. Just don't give my parents heart attacks." Sakura nodded.
"I wouldn't dream of it."
The door opened and Sakura and Ino stepped in, a melancholy look on Ino's face and a worried look on Sakura's.
Supper went great and they had fun, sharing their food in more ways that one but it was after supper that things turned sour. For some reason, Ino seemed scared of her parents, like a child who knows she's going to get scolded.
"Ino-chan..." Sakura let out as she laid on the bed. She sat on the bed herself and laid next to her, pulling her against her body. "Why are you so afraid of your parents? They understand the situation with all of us." Ino sighed and shook her head.
"I don't know Sakura. I'm just scared." Ino let out a sharp gasp as Sakura's hand snaked down her stomach and to her folds. Ino moaned as Sakura started moving her hand.
"You don't have to be so scared. Parents are very understanding and they don't think any less of you." Ino sighed as she, herself, moved a hand downwards.
"I know...but I still can't help it."
Sakura chuckled behind her and cupped her cheek, caressing it softly, earning a smile out of the blonde.
"Why don't we go ahead and go to bed? I'll tie you up and we can go to asleep." This seemed to snap Ino out of her despair as Sakura got off of the bed and dug through her backpack, pulling out coils of rope, a ball gag, and a scroll.
Setting down the items, she unraveled the scroll and made a hand sign. There was a poof of smoke and a box appeared. Opening the box, Ino saw that it contained toys of all kinds. Picking out a couple for her and Ino, she set the items on the bed as she took a hold of Ino and the rope.
"Sakura, what the hell are you doing?" Ino demanded as Sakura inserted a vibrator in her pussy.
"You're going to sleep in bondage Ino-chan." Ino growled as Sakura started trying the ropes around her body, moving ropes around her breasts, arms, legs, stomach, basically a full body shibari harness. Grabbing the ball gag, she forced it into Ino's mouth, her threats turning into muffled shouts. After that was done, she sat up and admired her work.
Getting off the bed, she turned off the light and went back to the bed. Grabbing the last dildo, she inserted into her own pussy. Laying down halfway onto of the growling Ino, she held up a remote, which caused Ino to fall silent.
"Just to let you know, tomorrow you'll have to practice shibari and tie me up when we go to bed." After that, she turned on the vibrators in both of them to low and Ino let out a startled gasp before she felt Sakura pat her cheek before settling down.
"Good night Ino-chan...I'll see you in the morning."
A muffled growl was her only response.
"I'm glad our daughter is home, even if she's only here for a week." Iris commented from her spot on the bed. Inoichi looked at her sitting on the bed, her eyes downcast. He walked toward her, sitting down besides her and putting his arm around her.
"It'll be alright. Things will be alright." Iris sighed and shook her head.
"I'm not sure. Ino is scared of us."
"What do you mean?"
"Did you see her after supper? She was more than fine during supper but after...she looked like she was going to get scolded by us. I want to help her."
"Do you have something in mind?" Iris nodded and took her husband's hand in her own.
"I do have something in mind but I'm a little scared."
"Why?" Iris gulped and told him her plan. When she finished, Inoichi looked at his wife in shock.
"Are you serious?" Iris nodded.
"I want to help my daughter."
"Honey...why are you...?"
"She still thinks that being naked in front of us is wrong." She interrupted. "The both of them may have showed off but didn't you see Ino's hesitation in the beginning? If it wasn't for Sakura, she would've bolted from the table." Inoichi sighed and rubbed his forehead.
"You're not the only one that wants to help her but I'm not sure this is the way."
"Naruto's training her to be a sex slave. You had some experience with slaves Inoichi, you know the master wants all hesitation gone, and in its place obedience. I went to the Hokage yesterday and I asked him how he was with Sakura when he trained her."
"He said that he started with obedience and then he did the sex training."
"Wait a minute..."
"He had help. You don't think a twelve year old boy knows the pleasures of the body do you?" She said quickly, knowing what he was going to ask. He shook his head. "Like I was saying, he started with sex training. He noticed that her shyness prevented her from advancing so he took care of that. How exactly I don't know but I do know he is trying to get rid of her shyness and this is an opportunity to help her ourselves in our own way." Inoichi sighed and took her hand in hers.
"You can do what you want. I won't stop you as long as you understand the possible consequences to your decision."
"I want to do whatever it takes to help our daughter, even if Sakura might take every chance to grope me." Inoichi kissed his wife's cheek and laid down onto the bed, his wife hesitating for a moment before joining him.
Sakura's eyes fluttered open and she looked underneath her to see her sister. Chuckling at the position she found herself in, she moved off of her and sat up on the bed. Her ears perked up when she heard a light snore out of Ino's mouth.
She giggled before yawning and stretching her arms before flopping them down and smacked her lips. She looked over to the bound blonde and thought if she should wake her up. Seeing the collar still on the blonde, she touched her neck to see if her collar was still on and it was.
Looking to the side, she saw the snake looking at her. A moment passed before she suddenly grinned, an evil idea coming to mind. Standing up, she walked to the cage and pulled out the snake. Walking back to the bed, she looked at the snake.
"Don't freak her out too much ok?" The snake nodded and Sakura put him down, not on her but on the bed. She then reached into her toy box and pulled out a toy for her daily routines.
She always masturbates in the morning to get her blood pumping and to wake her up.
The instant she opened the door, she knew Ino was awake.
Hearing muffled screaming coming from her room, she chuckled. She walked into their room and saw Ino struggling while the snake was on her but the rope connecting her to the bed wasn't letting her go anywhere.
When Sakura entered the room, Ino turned her terrified eyes to the smiling pinkette as she walked toward her. She gently sat on the bed and cradled the blonde's head in her lap.
"It's alright Ino-chan. He won't hurt you. He's your pet and he won't hurt you."
Sakura kept on offering words of comfort as Ino trembled, feeling the rough skin of the snake on her soft skin. After a few minutes, Sakura decided it was time to stop. She gently took the snake off and set it on the floor, giving it the chance to explore its new home.
Sakura then proceeded to untie her friend, taking off the ball gag first before undoing the rope. Ino pushed off of her friend and sat on the edge of the bed, her body shivering at what she went through. Sakura scooted over to her and embraced her.
"It's alright Ino-chan. I put the snake on the bed for a reason."
"I-I k-know, b-but I c-can't he-help it." Sakura nodded and kept hugging her, rubbing her skin to try and comfort her. After a while, Ino calmed down with the help of Sakura. When Ino asked where the snake was, she replied that she let it explore his new home but she didn't give Ino a chance to think about that as she picked her up and led her out for breakfast.
"Morning..." Inoichi announced his arrival into the kitchen as Sakura and Ino eat their breakfast.
"Morning dad." Inoichi saw a bowl of cereal waiting for him and Ino patted the chair and he sat down, picking up the spoon and starting to eat.
"By the way Sakura...should I be worried the snake is out of the cage?" Sakura shook her head.
"No, I let him out to explore his new home. The snake is intelligent and can understand us." Inoichi nodded and went back to his cereal.
"Where's mom?" Inoichi hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should tell her or if she should find out on her own.
"She's upstairs. She'll be down in a little. I'll be doing the shop all day so the two of you can spend some time together." Ino nodded and Inoichi sighed.
`I really hope she's doing the right thing.'
Inoichi finished his bowl and put it in the sink, walking up to his daughter and planting a kiss on her forehead before saying goodbye. He walked to the door and, after looking at her one last time, left the house and went to the shop.
Soon after that, the girls finished their breakfasts and Sakura gathered up the dishes and set them into the sink. Sakura then grabbed Ino's arm and led her back into the living room, depositing her onto the big chair.
A book was then dropped onto her lap and the title of said book was `Shibari for Beginners'. Ino looked up at her grinning friend.
"I want you to read this and learn because later on, you will be practicing this. Master will sometimes ask you to dress like this and he expects you to know the different styles. If you fail to please him, he can do so many things with rope that you never thought possible and trust me won't be pretty."
Ino nodded as she understood. Sighing as Sakura flopped down beside her, she opened the book and hoped that she would be able to understand this better than dancing. As they read, they failed to detect the soft footsteps coming down the stairs.
"Sweetie...are you there?" A voice asked. Ino perked up when she heard her mom.
"Yeah, I'm here."
"What'cha doing?"
"Reading a book called `Shibari for beginners'. Sakura gave it to me and told me to learn it."
"Oh...where's your father?"
"He's doing the shop."
"Ok...(sigh) Ino, do you remember yesterday morning, when I said that I would find a way to help you?"
Ino looked in the direction her mother's voice was coming from as she spoke. Somehow, she could sense hesitation in her mother's voice.
"Yeah, I do remember. Why are you asking me that?"
"Because my darling...I think I found the perfect way to help you get over your fear of us."
"Mom...wha..." Ino suddenly gasped as her mother appeared into view. Both girls jaw dropped at the sight the Yamanaka mother but the thing that was most shocking was the fact that she was naked.
That's right...Yamanaka Iris was buck naked.
"Oh...kami...your mom is hot."
Sakura suddenly yelped as Ino grabbed her head and blinded her and she struggled and tried to get out of her grasp.
"Let me go Ino-pig! I want to see!"
"Let her go honey." Ino snapped her head toward her nude mom when she said that in shock. At that moment, Sakura escape from Ino's grip and continued her staring at the blushing mother.
"But mom..."
"No buts Ino. I'm doing this and that's final." Iris started walking toward the chair on the opposite of the girls and sat down, making sure to spread her legs a little, causing Sakura to giggle like a pervert would and Ino to gape.
" so beautiful." Sakura said, while moving one of her hands downward and started to masturbate to the sight of Iris's naked body. Ino snapped her head when she heard Sakura moaning and her jaw dropped when she realized exactly what she was masturbating to.
"Saku-chan...are you masturbating to the sight of my mom?"
"Ohhhh...yes. That body is one of the most beautiful bodies I have ever seen. You should be proud to have a mother like that." Sakura moaned out. Ino blushed and shook her head out of embarrassment.
"I'm getting out of here." Ino tried to get up but was thrown back by Sakura reaching out and grabbing her, just as she came. Ino growled at her friend as she looked at her with half-lidded eyes.
"Honey..." Ino snapped her head forward to see her mother kneeling in front of them. "I'm doing this for you. I want you to be comfortable being naked while near us."
"I'm fine with it." Ino snapped out but mother always knows better.
"I saw how scared you were last night. You may say it but you really aren't fine with it. I always want what's best for you and this is best."
"How do you know?"
"I'm your mother Ino. I always know what's best."
"What about Sakura? Do you really want an ultra pervert like her looking at your body? She might get ideas and she'll want to touch you."
"If it helps you then I'll let her."
"Really?" Sakura perked up.
"But not now."
Ino sighed and shook her head. It was true what her mother said. She always helped her out whenever she needed it even if she didn't think she needed help.
"Are you sure about this mama?" Iris reached out and took a hold of her daughters hand and placed it above her heart.
"With all of my heart." Ino stared at where her hand was placed and sighed. She nodded and moved her hand so it was resting on her mother's shoulder.
"I understand mom and thank you. You always know what's good for me even if I don't know it." Iris chuckled and stood up.
"That's what mothers are for. Now...I'm going to go up in my room and get my book than I'm going to come back down and read with you. Don't be afraid to look at me if you want."
Both girls nodded and Iris left the room, went upstairs to retrieve her book. The girls looked at each other and Sakura smiled.
"You have one hell of a mother Ino-chan."
Ino chuckled and opened her book once more.
"That's my mom. Always helpful."
"Alright Ino-chan...are you ready to begin your shibari lessons?" Sakura said while getting up. Ino sighed and shut her book.
"As ready as I'll ever be." Sakura nodded and patted Ino's head while walking past.
"I'll get the rope."
"Shibari lessons?" Iris asked when Sakura went up the stairs. Ino sighed and looked at her nude mother.
"Yeah, Saku-chan insists that I learn it."
"What else have they taught you?" Ino sighed and rubbed her forehead.
"How to properly finger a pussy, how to finger fuck a girl's ass, blowjobs, handjobs, sex positions, and others. Tomorrow I start my shinobi training with him. I think Sakura is supposed to teach me Kage Bunshin today so that tomorrow, he can really get started with me." Iris chuckled and closed her book.
"He's really driving you isn't he?" Ino nodded.
"In a way...I'm thankful for it. I always tried to avoid training and now I have no choice. It's either training or punishment."
"And his training will be even more harsher than the academy." Sakura said, dropping coils of rope onto Ino's lap. "He will push you to the brink of exhaustion and beyond. He will make sure you can survive on your own out there."
Ino chuckled as she moved her hair behind her ear. She set the book aside and stood up, looking at the coils of rope in her hands.
"I guess this is karma." Sakura chuckled.
"Karma's a bitch isn't it?" Sakura grabbed Ino and led her to the middle of the room while her mother was watching.
"Now I want you to do a karada."
Ino grunted in frustration as she undid her miserable attempt at doing one of the more complicated styles. Her training dummy, Sakura, was patient and offered words of advice. She was able to do the simple styles and the slightly more complicated ones but these were hard.
Her mother had brought down a full body mirror to help Ino in her lessons and even helped her daughter in tying her up. Of course, being near in such proximity provided Sakura the chance to grope the elder Yamanaka.
Her father came in a few times to check in on them but every time he did made him very uncomfortable and tight in the pants and Sakura knew it so that's why she took him aside and gave him some advice.
Advice on how to keep his erection down.
During her lessons, Ino couldn't keep her eyes off her mother. She couldn't help it. Her mother's body was at its prime, her breasts were nice and plump, and her trimmed pubic and her moist lips seemed to call out to her.
Ino sighed as she tightened the last knot. The thoughts that were racing through her head were scary. She waited until her mother went upstairs to talk to Sakura.
"Hey Saku-chan..." She asked as she put her hands on her shoulders. "The question I'm about to ask you...please take me seriously. I don't think I'll be able to handle anything else."
Sakura nodded and turned around, her arms bound behind her as she heard the seriousness in her voice.
"Is-Is it wrong to think of your mother in a different way than normal?"
Sakura chuckled and looked at her friend.
"Let me tell you something about hedonism, Ino-chan. The path to pleasure knows few bounds. Incest, straight, gay, lesbian, voyeur, and others. They are nothing more than words to describe a person's style. Despite what society has deemed wrong or taboo, there is nothing wrong with it."
"Even rape?" Sakura nodded, frowning.
"As much as it pains me to say it, rape is actually a fetish. Having absolute control gives the male/female a sense over power of their victim. It's less about sex and more about the feeling of absolute power. A lot of people despise rape, even us but there are those who do like it."
"What is master's opinion on it?"
"He despises rape with all his heart, despite him liking BDSM. When he took us both the first time, he made sure we were willing - remember how much pleasure he gave us?" Ino nodded and by unspoken consent, they decided to get off of that topic.
"Incest can be a special bond between a parent and their child. Do you remember when master told you about the deeper meaning of sex? About how it makes a deep bond between the partners?" Ino nodded, remembering the conversation. "This is the same thing, only much more deeper and special. You said yourself that you wanted to be closer to your mother one time. This is your chance. Despite the village thinks, there is nothing wrong with incest."
"So if I wanted to touch her, I wouldn't be doing anything wrong?" Sakura nodded.
"Right. You do what your body and mind wants you do to. If your mind and body are telling you to touch and fuck your mother, than go right ahead. From what your mother said already, she would go with it." Ino groaned and put her head on Sakura's shoulder.
"Why did he have to take me? Why couldn't he knock me out and leave me home and make me think it was a bad dream?" Sakura chuckled.
"He could've done that. He could've left you alone but I knew he wouldn't. Sometimes I would catch him with his eyes on you, moving over your body, undressing you with his eyes and imagining what he would feel like with you writhing under him."
"He has the ability to make people believe actual experiences are nothing more than dreams the morning after. That's what he did to Ami during my domme training." Ino snapped her head to look at Sakura when she mentioned Ami.
"Naruto-sama wanted me to train as a domme in case master obtains another slave and to keep her in line." Ino gaped and started to stammer before Sakura started talking again.
"He would kidnap her after school and replace her with a clone. After the night was over, he was knock her out and take her back home and make it so she was dreaming. It was very tricky and he managed to pull it off until he was satisfied with my training." Sakura let out a feral grin and Ino couldn't help but gulp. "I took her virginity and she had no idea." Ino groaned as she stood up.
"What makes you so sure that I'm even capable of asking my mom to do that?"
"Because you don't have too. After we're done with this, you can go to your bedroom and I'll ask your mother for you. If she comes into your bedroom, then she agrees but if I do then she doesn't and you can be relieved."
Ino thought for a moment and nodded.
"Thank you Sakura-chan." Sakura nodded.
"No problem. I'm happy to help." Ino unbound Sakura and turned the page in her book and started with the next one. As she measured the length of the rope, something finally clicked in her mind. She froze as she realized something big.
"Retire??? But I thought..." Ino muttered, the ropes falling from her hands. Sakura looked behind her when she heard her friend mutter something.
"Sakura...remind me again what master said last night. Did he say we were going to retire after a few months of being chunnin?" Sakura nodded.
"Yeah...what about it?"
"Every single time I see him, he always spouts out that he's going to become `the greatest Hokage ever' so why did he say he was going to retire?"
"That's because the dream to become Hokage died when the Imprint happened."
Every single item in Ino's hands dropped and her jaw dropped as well. He...doesn't want to be Hokage anymore?
"What the hell are you talking about? It can't die. It's the only thing that kept him going all this time." Sakura hushed Ino and explained.
"That was true. Being Hokage was his drive to be acknowledge by the village and to be respected but during the imprinting, Naruto-sama realized that he doesn't care if he has the respect of the village."
"All that is gone now. Now...he has us to take care of. Protecting us, caring for us, loving us is his purpose in life now, just like my only purpose in life is to be master's slave. Everything else, our education, our training is second.
"Alright...what if in the future, they ask him to be Hokage...what then?"
"He would refuse. Being Hokage would cut into his time with us more so than his future duties as a ninja. That's why we're going to retire only after a couple of months of being chunnin. He doesn't want us to be in any danger and he wants us where he can always keep an eye on us."
"If things go bad, we will move out of the village and find a nice quiet spot where nobody will find us and we can be alone."
"What if you moved before he had taken me? How would you explain it to me? You are one of my best friends and we were close even before he took me." Sakura sighed and sat down and Ino followed.
"I had gotten the permission of master and the Hokage to write you a letter. A letter explaining everything to you. After I left, he would give it to you but I have since ripped that letter up because you have joined us. If master moves, we follow."
"You are one of my best friends and I couldn't bear to lie to you about why I left. But that's not going to be a problem now because you belong to master now." Sakura explained while caressing her cheek.
"I love you so much Ino-chan. I couldn't bear to know that you were sad." Ino covered Sakura's hand with her own and she moved it so she could kiss the back of her hand.
"I love you too Saku-chan and thank you. It makes me happy." Both girls smiled at each other and they closed the distance between each other and kissed each other, emotions flowing into each other like a dam.
They broke apart after a while, still smiling at each other. They were sure of their feelings for each other and Ino was glad that she had the love of her friend.
If she could somehow return the love of her master, she could be complete.
"Tell you what Ino-chan...why don't we finish up this style and I'll talk to your mother and you can wait in your bedroom." Ino nodded and gave Sakura a quick kiss on the lips and grabbed the rope on the floor.
Ino wrung her hands together, sneaking glances at the door. It has been five minutes since Sakura sent her in here. Her blood and her mind were racing at what was to come.
She still didn't believe she was actually doing this. Be able to touch her mother in such an intimate way was both terrifying and exciting at the same time.
She was just glad it wasn't her father doing this. She wouldn't be able to handle having her father's dick inside of her and besides...Naruto would kill her if that happened.
The door clicked and Ino looked up but snapped it back down when she saw her mother enter the room. She kept her eyes down as she crossed her sight and her mother sat down beside her.
They stayed silent for a couple of minutes, mostly for Ino to gain some confidence at what she was about to do.
"Mama...d-did Sakura talk to you?"
"She did sweetie and I have to say I'm surprised. I knew you wanted both of us to get closer but this..." Ino gulped and whimpered, causing her mother to place a gentle hand on Ino's shoulder.
"I'm scared mama. I'm scared that things will go horribly wrong." Iris gathered her daughter in her arms as she shed some tears, really scared at the thought of touching her mom.
"I'm scared as well. I mean...the very idea of touching you like that is...well, it feels wrong."
Ino nodded. Even though she talked to Sakura, the very idea of having sex with her own mother is still...weird.
"Saku...Sakura told me that hedonism knows no bounds. If-If m-my body and m-mind tells me that I should masturbate in public, then I should do it. She...she also t-told me about i-incest. T-that it can be a s-special bond b-between a parent and child."
"I-I see."
Silence filled the room after that. Each female nervous about the idea on both of their minds. They wanted to do this but they couldn't get past the fear. Finally, Iris offered a suggestion.
"W-why don't we p-play first? G-get used to the i-idea?"
Ino nodded, liking the idea. They moved so they were facing each other, but not looking at each other in the face, too embarrassed. They scooted up some so they could touch each other easily.
Iris was first as she reached out and placed a hand on her daughter's breast, gently squeezing it in her hands. Ino closed her eyes and let out a small moan at the act. She moved her hand off and ran it over Ino's side causing said girl to let out a gasp.
Ino didn't let her mother do all the work as she put her hands on the Yamanaka's shoulders, moving them down her side and onto her breasts, giving them a firm squeeze. Iris moaned as she felt her daughter's hands on her breasts, squeezing them. She moved closer, moving her head toward her Ino's neck and started to kiss it, sucking it, licking it.
Ino let out a loud moan as she felt Iris. She grabbed her mother's hair, holding her there as she wanted her to keep doing it. After a while, Ino moved her mother's head away, lifting it up to look in her eyes.
"Oh mama..."
Ino closed the distance and claimed her mother's lips for her own. She plunged her tongue through the surprised Iris lips, seeking out the opposite tongue and dancing with it.
Iris gathered her daughter in her arms and pulled her down, her hands moving over her back as they broke the kiss. Ino stared at her smiling mother with an unbelieving expression before letting out a surprised squeak as she groped her ass.
"Oh kami...mama."
Iris hands moved back to her daughter's head and gently pulled her down for another kiss. Ino moaned as she felt the tongue move over her own. This time, she responded to the kiss and moved her own hands in her mother's hair.
Iris broke the kiss with her daughter and gently turned her over, moving downwards the blonde's pussy, spreading her legs and diving in and starting to lick Ino's pussy. The younger Yamanaka let out a surprised squeak as she felt her mother's rough tongue lap at her entrance.
Ino couldn't believe what her mother was doing. This...this was wrong. It had to be but the words of her friends came to mind and she moved that thought to the back of her mind. She cried out as she came all over her mom's face. She looked down as she saw Iris slurp up her juices and looked at her.
"Did you enjoy that sweetie?" Ino nodded, a small smile on her face.
"I did mama."
"The flower he gave you looks beautiful."
"Thank you mama."
Iris nodded and crawled back up to her, stopping when her head was right above Ino's breasts. Seeing her mother's intention, Ino quickly stopped her mother. When she looked up in confusion, she explained.
"M-my breasts...I come easily." Iris nodded and placed a quick kiss on her lips.
"I understand."
Iris bent down and took one of her daughter's hardened nipples in her mouth while the other was grabbed by a free hand. Ino arched off the bed when she felt it. This time, she was gentle with her, making the pleasure last or out of concern for her, she didn't know.
Iris looked up at her daughter. She liked it that's for sure and she wasn't complaining. Switching positions, she started sucking on the other nipple while she pinched and rolled the other earning a louder cry of passion from Ino. Suddenly she slumped down and Iris realized she just came.
She looked at her daughter as she looked up at her. She smiled and chuckled.
"I can see why Naruto likes you." She smirked as Ino glared at her but she suddenly yelped as Ino reached up and switch positions.
"You wanted to know what he taught me? I'll show you."
Iris's eyes widened and she let out a sharp gasp as Ino moved back and reached down and started working on her mother's pussy, putting what she learned to work.
"You like mama?"
"Oh kami yes..." Iris breathes out as she felt fingers pump in and out of her. She stopped after a while and Ino bent down and started licking her entrance, licking and sucking at the same time while Iris arched off the bed at the feelings her daughter was giving her.
Unbeknownst to the duo, a certain pink hair girl stood hidden by the illusion, holding a video camera recording this entire session, grinning like a maniac.
"Oh kami...master is going to love this."
Iris cried out as she came, her juices gushing out all over Ino's face and Ino swallowing every drop she could. Ino looked up at her mother, smiling as she saw her panting. She crawled up and looked at her.
"Saturday night..." She started saying. "I had sex with Sakura-chan. The feelings I felt from her was so amazing and what I felt from Naruto-sama was even more amazing." Iris smiled and cupped her daughter's cheek.
"That's what sex usually feels like when you do it with the one you really love. Whenever I have sex with your father, he always surprises me. He doesn't realize that I know he reads those books made by Jiraiya but I don't complain. Maybe sometime, we can have a threesome with me and your father."
Ino let out a short laugh after that suggestion.
"I'll have to ask him but I doubt he'll let another man touch me."
Iris smiled and Ino bent down and kissed her mother again, this time it was Ino who took control, plunging her tongue into her mother's mouth and massaging it, becoming even more excited from hearing her moans.
She broke the kiss and looked down at Iris's breast, wanting to taste it. She took her hands and grabbed them, squeezing them and taking the nipples into her fingers. She bent down and stuck her tongue out, give the areola a slow lick before circling the tongue around it, hearing her mother cry out in pleasure.
Not wanting to waste any more time, she sealed her lips around her left nipple and started to suck on it. Iris arched the bed when her daughter started sucking. The feelings her daughter was giving her was exquisite that she thinks that Ino is a natural. Wanting to help her orgasm along, Iris moved her hand down and put on of them in her pussy and another in her daughter's, earning a surprised squeak from Ino.
Soon enough, both females cried out as they orgasmed, their juices mixing together as they clashed against each other. Ino collapsed on her mother's bosom, a smile on her face on what she was doing.
She was becoming closer to her mother.
She looked up at her panting mother, reached up and cupped her cheek, causing her to look down just in time for Ino to reach up and claim her lips for her own. Iris chuckled as they broke the kiss.
"And to think...twenty minutes ago, you were so scared of doing this." Ino chuckled.
"Master once told is kami's way of bring people together. Not the sex that whores and sluts do but between people who love each other. It doesn't matter if their siblings or lovers."
"That master of yours knows what he's talking about mmm?" Ino chuckled and nodded.
"Hey you know how to do a rim job?" Iris looked down at her daughter's question. "Saku-chan did it to me when we had sex and I would like to experience it again." Iris chuckled.
"That depends. Is your butt clean?" The blonde nodded.
"Sakura gave me an enema before this." Iris nodded and told Ino to turn around. She complied and Iris was soon looking at her daughter's rosebud. She grabbed the butt cheeks and spread them apart so she could dive in and stick her tongue out.
Ino squealed as she felt a tongue travel up the valley of her cheeks, making her shudder at the sensation as she felt it travel down, ending at her rosebud which she started circling her hole, her ass twitching at the elder Yamanaka's teasing.
Finally, Ino let out a loud squeal as Iris pushed her tongue into Ino's ass, thrusting it in and out and even sealed her lips around it and sucked it some. Every few thrusts, she would take out the tongue and give her valley a long, slow lick enjoying the shudders it brought to her child.
Finally, Iris stopped and Ino collapsed, loving the feeling the rim job gave her. Maybe later, she would be given an opportunity to learn how to do the rim job like Naruto promised.
"Child, turn around and sit up."
Ino complied, turning around and sitting up so her crotch was in her mother's face. She braced against the wall as Iris started sucking on her pussy once again. Ino cried out as she felt her suck on her lips, fucking her pussy with her tongue and massaging her walls.
It didn't take long for Ino to come, her juices gushing onto her mother's face and swallowing the sweet liquid. It didn't take more than a few seconds for Ino to recover and she decided that there's one more thing she wants to do.
Moving off her mother's head, she sat down in front of her, moving her legs and seating herself so that her pussy and her mother's pussy was touching. Both females gasped as they felt each other's heat. Iris smiled as she felt her daughter starting to grind herself against her and she started moving herself, increasing the pleasure of both females.
They increased the pace and the pleasure increased, their moans filling the room and they threw each other against each other.
At once, they came. The voices of mother and daughter filling the room as the juices gushed out, mixing with each other as the two females gave one final thrust before collapsing on the bed, panting from exhaustion.
Ino struggled to get up and crawled over to her mother, laying down onto of her and snuggling herself against her.
"I love you mama."
Iris smiled and stroked her daughter's hair in a comforting motion.
"I love you too sweetheart. I'm glad that this experience has helped you." Ino nodded and smiled.
"It really has. D-do you think we can do this again?" Iris nodded.
"Sure honey. If that's what you want, than we can do that." Ino nodded again.
Suddenly they heard a sound and they turned to see the sight of the illusion dissolving and Sakura was seen, holding a video camera, grinning like a pervert, and giving them a thumbs up.
"That was really hot you two. I can't wait to show this to master."
She gave them a wink before walking out of the room, giggling to herself at what she managed to capture.
Ino rolled her eyes at her friend's antics. She should've known that Sakura would be watching their intercourse but she didn't care.
She was closer to her mother than ever before.