HARRY POTTER:Rainbow in the Dark

Chapter 37: 37. Mr. and Mrs

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Harry came out of his room dressed in his school robe and carrying his book bag. He stopped as he saw Lucius and Narcissa. "Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy."

"Good morning, Harry," Lucius replied and then suggested. "Now I think, young man, you should start calling us Uncle Luc and Aunt Cissa."

Harry grinned. "Okay, Uncle Luc."

"Cissa is going to stay with your mother today while we are away," Severus explained to Harry and directed a look at Narcissa. "If you need me for any reason at all, you can send your Patronus. I made some broth for when Lily wakes and it's in the kitchen under a warming charm."

Narcissa nodded in reply and summoned one of the Malfoy house elves to bring her the novel she was reading.

Severus, Harry and Lucius who was on his way to Dumbledore's office walked upstairs to the Entrance Hall. "I did notice the fracas at the Gryffindor table last night," Severus commented.

Harry flushed. "Please don't punish them, Dad. They were sticking up for me."

"On the contrary, Harry. I am awarding Hufflepuff thirty points for the actions of Misters Crabbe, Goyle, and Longbottom and thirty points to Gryffindor for the actions of the Mister Weasley's and Mr. Jordan."

"You go into the breakfast, Harry. I need to talk to your father for a moment," Lucius said.

"Okay," Harry said. He gave Severus a hug. "I'll see you after classes later, Dad. Bye, Uncle Lucius."

"Goodbye, Harry."

"What are you seeing Dumbledore about if it's not confidential business that is?" Severus asked since he knew Lucius was on the Board of Governors.

"The Board is becoming very dissatisfied with Dumbledore's choice of Defense Professors. It's a very important subject for the students to learn and we feel they're falling behind because of the quality of the people he has hired in the last few years. I was elected to speak to him about it," Lucius said with a sigh.

"Well, perhaps things will turn around with Professor Lupin. He is after all a Defense Master and the children seem to like him and feel they are actually learning something from him."

"Perhaps, I will wait a bit then to talk with the headmaster and see how Professor Lupin works out."

"It might be a good idea," Severus agreed.

Lucius turned and went back down the stairs towards Severus' quarters and Severus walked into the Great Hall. He noticed immediately that Harry and his friends were seated at the Slytherin table much to the dismay of Parkinson, Zabini the few others whose families had supported You-Know-Who. The second thing he noticed was that Dumbledore's overly large chair was empty. He walked up to the head table and sat down next to Minerva. "Where is the old barnacle this morning?"

"I don't know, Severus. When I woke up this morning a note flew into my quarters through the floo; it was from Albus and he said he'd had an emergency at the Ministry and didn't know when he'd be back. Apparently they called him out of bed in the middle of the night from what I understand."

"That is strange," Severus concluded. He had an uneasy feeling it had something to do with Lily's return. Surely, the turbulence of it would have been noted at the Department of Mysteries even if it went unnoticed at Hogwarts.

The morning flew by. Harry had double Transfiguration and Herbology and then lunch. After that the rest of his day was free. He was going to spend it with his mum even if she hadn't awoken yet. He'd sit by her and study quietly.

In double Transfiguration Minerva had the class leaning how to focus their magic. They had been doing that since their second week of school at the beginning of each class. It was sort of like the meditation Harry had seen his dad doing, but it was hard to keep his mind blank while attempting to focus his magic especially now with his mum had returned from behind the Veil.

All of them had been able to change their matchsticks into needles and Minerva had decided to their next lesson would be attempting to light a candle magically. It was a bit harder, but she felt the class could handle it. She would begin the lesson on Monday.

After Transfiguration everyone walked outside to the Greenhouse One for their Herbology lesson. Today they were learning about the properties of the Bacopa plant that was a nerve and cardiac tonic and they potted seeds for the plant as they were used in Calming Drafts, nerve potions of all kinds, and the Heart Ease potion.

When Professor Sprout dismissed the class, Harry hurried straight to the dungeon to check on him mum. He hoped she had awakened. There were so many things he wanted to tell her and ask her. He found his dad and Aunt Cissa bent over his mum, calling her name.

"Dad, is mum alright?" Harry asked anxiously.

"Your Aunt Cissa believes she might be coming around," Severus answered.

"Maybe if Harry talks to her, she'll respond better," Narcissa suggested.

"Yes, that might work much better," Severus agreed.

"I'll try," Harry said uncertainly and picked up Lily hand, holding it in his own. "Mum? I know you probably don't recognize my voice since I was probably still babbling the last time you saw me, but it's me, Harry, your son."

Lily stirred and suddenly opened her eyes. Harry noticed immediately that he had his mum's eyes; the very same almond-shape and emerald green. She blinked and looked around her. "Sev, Cissa …" Her eyes fell upon her son. "Harry?"

"It' me, Mum," Harry said. "I've grown a bit since you last saw me."

"Harry," Lily said and opened her arms to him. He flew into her arms and she hugged him tightly and kissed the top of his head. "I'm so sorry for what happened! I should have forced James to make someone else our Secret Keeper. All those years you spent with my horrible sister!"

"It's okay, Mum. You saved me and everything turned out alright in the end."

"Harry, why don't you keep your mum company while I get her something to eat?"


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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