Chapter 11: heaven and hell
Heavens realm was a paradise..or so many think, it was great, and the angels are good beings at their core, but they hid one thing away from other beings eyes, they are just as prideful as lucifer, they just hide it far better.
Sera was in the middle of her work, Adam had stopped working..again, due to him focusing on his music, which happened often but to sera it felt..different, like he didn't care at all about his job, he even spoke about it publicly! "Ugh..what am I gonna do about that man, constantly making trouble..."
Deep in her heart she wished Lilith hadn't been the failure, and adam would take her place, she never cared about adam..not really, she had a hand in making Lilith, and thus when she rebelled it looked bad on her! It had taken thousands of years to earn the respect of her fellow angels again.
"I need him, no other angel can know about the exterminations, adam is the one that spread it by fucking that disappointment eve full of kids and spreading sin all over the place, he can fix his mess." She hated eve, ruining her plans for the earth, under her leadership earth could have been a second heaven, but no..they all failed her.
"No..I can't be thinking that, I must deal with the bigger crisis." She turned to a screen floating in the air, showing all the animal souls going somewhere, somewhere no one in heaven can find. "Why did it suddenly change, who is taking the souls of animals now?."
She left her office, needing a break and found her sister emily happily dancing to some music, finally relaxing as her little sister was pure and innocent, something good in the universe, and one she can help mold into what an angel should be, she would be perfect, just like her.
While that was going on in heaven, hell had a much different reaction, as the same goes for hellborn, who need humanity's sin to live, without the sin of animal souls from earth, many demonic animals died very quickly, farms over hell losing all their animals in one night, luckily new souls of animals were born, so it eventually stabilised, but the amount of animals couldn't reproduce enough for all of hells needs, and without the sin of animals, all of hell was entering a food shortage.
For the sinners it was a nightmare, they couldn't stay dead so whenever they died and respawned they just died of hunger again, until they started eating corpses that is.
The cannibals had slowly taken over the city, without other food, more and more sinners turned to cannibalism, as the thought of dieing from hunger again was to great, hell was becoming even more hellish thanks to this, and to the king of hell, it was bad all over.
Lucifer morningstar was a business man, and when he said busy he meant super, cosmic levels of busy, so busy he needed to put all his focus into it, after all he was making the perfect rubber ducky.
Or he would be, if all this shit wasn't going down, having to meet with the sins over and over again, asking bee to use her powers to help make more food, while mammon was inflationing food prices so high, it felt to high even for hills standards.
"Alright listen, with this strange..soul snatching, clearly some other being out there is taking souls, the animal ones and is leaving are own to die out." Lucifer knew the hellborn and hell beasts are the sinful creations of man and beasts alike, and without them, they were fucked.
Bee just sighed, bags under her eyes. "Yeah, whoever is doing this, I get first dibs on cutting them up, do they know how much work I am doing keeping six rings fed!?." She lays down, just two tired to stay awake.
"I don't know why everyone is freak out, this is great! Look at all the money!." Mammon just rubs his face with his money, food was getting so scarce, he was making a fortune on just a couple of fucking apples!
asmodeus was not happy, his fizz is hurting, their pets are barley hanging on, and he has to pay fucking mammon for food! How much worse could it get for all of them.
"Alright everyone! Listen, we will be fine, if worse comes to worse, we will go to earth under heavens nose and start stealing food, but only if we have to, we have lost way to much, we have to be careful until are numbers grow again." Lucifer looked at the sins, he was their king and for once he needed to act like it, at least for charlie, as she was the most affected by all the deaths and horrible acts around hell.
Lucifer sighed into his hands, wishing Lilith was here, but she was gone for seven years now, abandoning him and charlie for who knows where, he missed her so much, but he needed to be strong for his daughter. "Just leave the sinners, they have a solution for themselves, and just focus on the hellborn, whatever this is, we must have armys ready."
Lucifer regardless of pride, wasn't an idiot, a being who could shift how souls work across all the universe was a power that he didn't know about, and until he did, he would be cautions, for Charlie's sake, since he was the devil he would beat whatever it was no problem, but charlie was half human and therefore weak, if he could have just gotten ride of that side she would be so much stronger, but Lilith refused.
Lucifer in his thoughts was left alone by the sins, while in heaven the very woman who he was thinking about was staring at heavens sea in thought, she had a connection to the animals of the earth, she used to be their queen after all, and feeling this unknownable shift for them was easy, but even then she didn't understand it.
"Charlie.." Lilith knew her daughter was stronger, stronger then her and didn't need her anymore, but still she worried, especially about adam and her dream. "Adam has been..weird, whenever we meet he has this look, like he doesn't care or hate me, like he knows something I don't."
Lilith prided herself on her (false) knowledge that she was smarter then adam, but this..she needed to know what was going on, because if she didn't, then she wasn't in control..she would never let that happen again.
Adam himself was at his home, resting up and watching the news on earth, about the new museum on king boo. " did I never find these things? I did live for nine hundred years..course I mostly lived in one place, and my kids did leave all the time to settle the earth."
Adam sat back, looking up as he thought of everything that happened, everything king boo told him was true, and the angels didn't care about him at all. "Those fucking assholes..they made me, and now they don't care about me? I am gonna destroy the place when I leave."
Adam had informed his kids, the ones that made it to heaven about what had happened, and even showed his memories, proving it all. "They will join me when we leave heaven, I'm not losing my family." He turns off his tv, and went to the training grounds, watching his girls train for the day they all leave. "Not a single one of them gets left behind."
He thought back to vaggie, and smiled at the thought of the demon fucker suffering in hell, having learned about the issues hell is facing, and hoped that she was in pain. "The betrayal..the bitch thought I would let that go, maybe before I leave heaven and hell, I will pay her a visit." He went to a secret room, inside was a war room, mostly full of heavens secrets, and weapons, alot of them. "Lute, let's get them ready." He smiled down at lute, as he was nearly ready to head to king boos world, and rule the souls of humanity again, of course it's under king boo, but he will lead his kids again so he wasn't complaining.