Chapter 63: Beating some sense in a trio of perverts and meeting an adorable cat~
Varakiel: what lovely children we have here, they are very cute~. Now, lets find that famous perverted trio, I can't have that kind of students doing something like that.
Varakiel then walks out of the classroom…
Suddenly a white hair figure follows him…
Varakiel then arrives to the woods nearby the kendo club…
Varakiel: it should be…here.
Varakiel then finds three male students spying on the girls changing room…
Issei: ohh…murayama really has big tits.
Matsuda: ahhh…katase surely has nice legs.
Motohama: hey it's my turn.
Varakiel:...(*sigh* it's this really this world protagonist? Even kazuma wouldn't be as stupid as this...maybe)
Issei: oh, my friend have you come to take a look in the secret hole as well?
Matsuda: i recommend you to look at murayama.
Motohama: no you fool, look at katase.
Varakiel:....*sigh* pathetic.
Varakiel then knocks them up. idiots if what are you looking for is being expelled there's better ways to do it…
As varakiel talks several girls come from the building.
Murayama: Who are you?
Varakiel: Hello students, I am the new teacher. I heard about a certain trio who liked to harass some girls and came to scold them ...but to think they would go this far…
Katase: i-i see…were are they?
Varakiel points at the floor.
Murayama: get them!
Then the girls begin to beat up the unconscious trio….
Varakiel: hm? Hey you.
Varakiel talks to murayama.
Murayama: ah i am sorry teacher you're right we shouldn't do something like this…
Varakiel: i am not talking about that, this scum deserves it, i am talking that you are swinging your shinai wrong.
Murayama: w-wrong?
Varakiel: mhm, here you should do it like this…
Varakiel then takes the shinai from murayama and showcase a series of technique.
Katase: ohhh!! So like this?
Katase tries to replicate to no avail..
Katase: is hard.
Murayama: sensei, are you a master of the sword?
Varakiel: mhm, quite like that, if you want me to become your teacher for kendo try to send an application, but be fast before someone else takes me. For now I'll take these guys out, so see you later.
Murayama: o-okay sensei!
Katase: i would like them to get expelled.
Varakiel: not worry, i will scold them very harshly after they wake up and if they do something like this again they will be directly expelled.
Katase: good!
Murayama: great!
Varakiel: (they are quite scared of them…..) useless bunch.
Varakiel says as he looks at the perverted trio.
Varakiel then picks them up and takes them to the infirmary.
Katase: woah! The new sensei is very strong. He carried them like it was nothing.
Murayama: alright girls we must not miss this chance let's all apply for the new teacher as our coach! Oh!!
The other students cheer with enthusiasm.
Varakiel: So yeah that's what happend.
Varakiel was talking to the nurse.
Nurse: I see, then put them there. I will take care of them after they wake up, they haven't been punished enough.
Varakiel: don't worry i am good at medicine, I will scold them myself.
Nurse: ….okay.
Issei: ouch, ouch, ouch, huh? W-where are we?
Varakiel: oh, you woke up good.
Varakiel says as he looks at the now awake perverted trio.
Matsuda: y-you're the one who beat us up without reason right!? Who are you i will report you to the principal.
Motohama: yeah, I even recorded everything.
Issei: which class are you?
Varakiel: silence brats.
Varakiel release a cold and serious aura.
Varakiel: the perverted trio, i have Heard of you from the rumors but to think you would dare to invade the privacy of your fellow schoolmates, i could have you expelled right here and now, but lucky for you i give second chances, if i ever find any of you harassing any of your classmates i wouldn't doubt to expel you from this academy, you are almost adults, begin to act like one, if you are so damn desperate for attention then get good grades and participate in competitions, don't go around tainting the name of kuoh academy. And also i didn't beat you up it was the kendo club. You totally deserved to get beaten up!, did you know that they were really scared of you!? Think of how it is for them, they can't even feel safe with their friends and within the academy….*sigh* That's all I have to say to you.
*Clap* *clap*
Suddenly someone was clapping. It was sona.
Sona: I've heard that you brought some beaten up students and I wanted to check it out. I wouldn't like to have a violent teacher in our school but it seems I made a mistake.
Varakiel: ah souna-chan, we'll i heard they usually pepped at the kendo club and i was not surprised when i found them.
Sona: mhm, *cof* like he said you three do something like this and you would be directly expelled, we won't give you another chance.
Sona says as she talks coldly to the perverted trio.
Sona: then varakiel-sensei, can you help me out with something? I don't understand this subject.
Varakiel: of course, let's go walk back to the classroom then.
Varakiel and sona then walk out of the infirmary.
Issei: t-they won't stop us from our freedom!
Matsuda: yeah!
Motohama: riot!
Varakiel: so you do it like this and this like this…
Sona: ohh i see, then this is done like…this?
Varakiel: close enough, you are very good at this souna-chan keep up the good work.
Sona: hmph, who do you think i am.
Varakiel: heheh, then let's go back, break time is almost over.
Sona: mhm!
Varakiel: alright guys, you are dismissed, have a good day and be careful when you return home, if any of you have problems with a subject you can find me in the teachers room. I will gladly give you pointers and tips.
Varakiel then exit the classroom.
Sona who was ready to leave, follows him…
Varakiel: hm? What is it souna-chan?
Sona: you don't know about the surrounding areas right? let me give you a proper tour around our academy.
Varakiel: oh, alright then, then I'll be in your care souna-chan.
Sona: this is the student council room here you can find me most of the time. If anything like the perverted trio happens, let me know . I take the safety of my fellow classmates very seriously.
Varakiel: mhm, i can see that, thanks for the good work souna-chan.
Sona: let me present to you the student council members.
Sona then opens the door and goes inside along with varakiel…
Sona: this is tsubaki shinra, she is the vice president and also my best friend.
Tsubaki: nice to meet you face to face sensei.
Varakiel: hello tsubaki-chan, I hope my classes are enough for you.
Tsubaki: There are some subjects I am not familiar with, do you mind helping tomorrow?
Varakiel: Of course, as long as you're my students I will give you all my support.
Sona: this is momo hanakai, one of our members.
Momo: Nice to meet you sensei.
Varakiel: mhm, even if you are not from my class please don't doubt in seeking my assistance knowledge is for everyone to take.
Momo: i will be in your care in the future then.
Sona: this is tsubasa yura, another of our members.
Yura: hello sensei, i heard that you carried those three guys by yourself, you must be very strong.
Varakiel: mhm, after all, since I was young I trained myself and would usually hunt animals in the wild for food.
Yura: t-the wild? Hunt? C-can you teach me those!?
Varakiel: mhm, of course as long you're up for it.
Yura: great! I always wanted to try hunting in the wild.
Sona: *cof*
Yura: ha, heheh, but that would have to wait.
Varakiel: but only four members?
Sona: well the former ones are currently in the college division so only us remain, but don't worry next month is the recruiting campaign so we will have more members.
Varakiel: I see , so next month is it, alright it was nice to meet you, tsubaki,momo and tsubasa. If you ever need help look for me, then souna-chan I will take my leave see you tomorrow.
Sona: thank you for your hard work today sensei.
Tsubasa: take care sensei!
Momo: be safe sensei.
Tsubaki: I'll be in your care tomorrow sensei.
Varakiel: mhm…
Varakiel then walks out and makes his way to the teachers room.
Varakiel: hmm…rias gremory, she needs to improve in human history. Souna shitori, her grades are good but she isn't good when it comes to adapting, tsubaki, she is very good, with a bit of help she can become 1st in score ranking. Akeno himejima, also good and she puts a lot of effort, for the rest is average but they can improve.
Then zeoticus goes inside the teacher's classroom and sits beside varakiel.
Zeoticus: so? What do You think about our students.
Varakiel: lovely, friendly, kind. And they work hard for the name of the academy, you are lucky to have such good students.
Zeoticus: hahaha, indeed, and what about rias gremory.
Varakiel: kind, but very reserved, like she doesn't want others to truly know her, which honestly isn't bad, but her appearance and grades make her be worshipped by the other students, i just hope that doesn't go over her head.
Zeoticus: hahah, don't worry, Rias is a very good child, she really loves her friends.
Varakiel: mhm, honestly i love to work here, so let's keep working for the future of our students zeoticus gremory.
Zeoticus:....i like your attitude!
Zeoticus says as he palms varakiel back.
Varakiel: hey, zeoticus, about that perverted trio, why didn't anyone do something about it.
Zeoticus:....we thought it was just a phase and that they would eventually realize their mistake, but it seems we were wrong, so i am sorry that you had to see that.
Varakiel:... it's okay, nothing is perfect, such an academy like this is fated to have problems.
Zeoticus: you said it, hahah.
Varakiel: well, i am done for today so i will take my leave see you tomorrow principal.
Zeoticus: thank you varakiel-sensei, i look forward to your cooking class this weekend.
Varakiel: mhm.
As varakiel was making his way out of the academy building.
Koneko walks in front of him.
Koneko: sensei….
Varakiel: oh, it's you koneko-chan what is it?
Koneko: Come with me.
Varakiel: ¿? Is something wrong koneko-chan?
Koneko just grabs his hand and pulls him.
Zeoticus: *sigh* this child, maybe her ego is really going over her head or is it genuine interest…it would be better if its the second one, haha.
Koneko then brings varakiel to an old building…
Varakiel: what's the matter koneko-chan? Did something happen? Is someone in trouble!?
Koneko: (kind…) no someone wants to talk to you…
Varakiel: you weren't blackmailed to do this right? If they did, I swear I will scold them harshly!
Koneko: no.
Varakiel: oh…okay then, then?
Koneko: follow me.
Koneko then walks ahead while signaling varakiel to follow her.
Varakiel: (this child really)
Undine: ( i like this child, she is very quiet.)
Varakiel: (hehe, it seems we found our child undine.)
Undine: (like you and salamander?....fine i will accept her, but that souna girl is good aswell so i will take her too.)
Varakiel: (okay~) well no use standing here.
Varakiel then follows koneko…
Varakiel then arrives in front of a door.
Varakiel: alright then koneko, is this the place?
Koneko: *nods*
Varakiel: okay then, excuse my intromission.
Varakiel then enters a wood-paneled room with Victorian-style couches and chairs along the walls. It seems a side is set up to be able to be used as a bath, in the middle a big ritual circle Is draw.
Varakiel: oh so this is the occult research club.
Rias who was sitting behind a desk speaks.
Rias: hello varakiel-sensei welcome to our club please take a seat.
Varakiel: mhm.
Varakiel then sits on the couch nearby where Koneko was already sitting.
Varakiel: so what do you need, gremory-san? Are you troubled with a subject? You don't understand how to do the homework for tomorrow?
Akeno who was sitting at the other couch laughs
Akeno: fufu, nothing like that sensei she seems to be very curious of you.
Varakiel: ah himejima-san, i must say your grades and progress are very good, keep the good work child.
Akeno suddenly blushed from the sudden praise.
Akeno: ah, i,... of course sensei.
Varakiel: hehe, and you…
Yuuto: I am yuuto kiba a student from 2nd grade, nice to meet you varakiel-sensei.
Varakiel: yuuto kiba, mhm…if you also need help with a subject or tips don't doubt to ask for help, okay child?
Yuuto: o-of course sensei.
Varakiel: you aswell koneko-chan.
Koneko: okay, sensei…..can i have another?
Varakiel: of course~.
Varakiel then takes out the recipient where he brought the candies for zeoticus.
Varakiel: here my child enjoy as you please.
Koneko: thank you….sensei.
Koneko then picks one and begins to taste bit by bit.
Koneko: delicious…
Varakiel: heheh.
Varakiel then pats koneko head.
Yuuto: ah sensei tha-
Koneko: (warm and…kind)*purr*
Varakiel: hehe such a cute child.
Rias, akeno and yuuto eyes went blank.
Rias: *cof* is nothing like that, i want to ask who are you?
Varakiel: ¿? What do you mean gremory-san i properly introduced myself today.
Rias: don't lie, i know you're hiding something.
Rias says with an destructive aura.
Varakiel: i don't know what else to tell you gremory-san, like i said i come from britain and i come to japan to fulfill my dream.
Rias: really? (Did i actually made a mistake?)
Varakiel: well if you want me to reveal that secret you have to give something in exchange.
Rias: (i knew it!) Like what?
Varakiel: who is really souna shitori? That name is clearly false even I could come up with something more genuine…
Varakiel: of course , let's see my name is varakiel fateburn and i came here to accomplish my dream but also i came to japan to start anew, in britain i was so famous that i couldn't leave my property without having someone following me…
Akeno:.....*puff*hahaha, that kind of thing? See i told you rias, you were worrying about nothing.
Rias:...i am sorry for taking your time varakiel-sensei i was very rude.
Varakiel: hehe nothing like that child, as the principal daughter you must be worried about what kind of people your father contracted.
Rias: …..hey don't talk about my father he's a serious person…sometimes.
Varakiel: but i must say you have a lovely room, very mysterious, tell me what you do?
Akeno: well, we mainly investigate about myths and legends like youkais.
Varakiel: oh i see….hmm is already getting late please don't leave too late for your home, children. Then i will take my leave.
Varakiel then walks out the old building.
Akeno: see i told you he was normal, just because zeoticus-sama meet him personally doesn't mean he's dangerous.
Rias: no, my intuition tells me there's something else about him and i will take it out if i have to.
Akeno: my,my rias, are you perhaps interested in him? He's almost twice your age. I didn't knew you liked grown up males rias~.
Rias: a-akeno!
Yuuta: hehe, so koneko what do you think about him? It seems you meet him before us….
Koneko: he's kind and warm ... .like a brother. (Like onee-chan…where are you onee-chan)
Rias: a brother?.....
Varakiel then arrives at home.
Varakiel: well that was an experience, haha, i can't wait for tomorrow.
Undine: ( i have to admit meeting new people isn't…. unpleasant, i look forward to the future,) dear.
Varakiel: mhm me aswell undine, so let's eat something take a bath and go to sleep.
Undine: sounds good~.