My Journey: The Reason Why I Will Live

Chapter 64: What The indomitable Human will means

And so a month went on….

Varakiel was giving extra lessons to sona, rias, tsubaki and akeno.

Varakiel: so? What do you think?

Rias: i understand now sensei, thank you.

Sona: me aswell.

Akeno: mhm.

Tsubaki: i do too.

Varakiel: good~ then here you go a reward for you hard work.

Varakiel hands them some candies~

Rias: w-we are not children anymore….*munch*

Sona: thank you sensei.

Akeno: *munch* delicious as ever varakiel-san~.

Tsubaki: *munch* delicious~.

Varakiel: heheh, don't think about it after all you're working hard to improve your grades. Just don't tell Zeoticus or he will get mad, hahaha.


Varakiel: Anyways it's getting late, go home, child's.

Rias: i-i already told you we are not children!

Rias then storms out of the classroom.

Akeno: fufu, then we will go thank you varakiel-san.

Varakiel: be careful akeno-chan.

Akeno: of course~♥.

Sona: then we will go as well varakiel-sensei.

Varakiel: be careful aswell souna-chan~.

Sona: i-i already told you to call me sona, souna is just an alias.

Varakiel: hehe i know, sona suits you a lot more after all, i am just teasing you.

Sona: *pout* hmph.

Sona then like rias storms out of the classroom.

Tsubaki: then take care varakiel-sensei.

Varakiel: mhm, take care tsubaki-chan.

Varakiel pats tsubaki…

Tsubaki: i-i am not a child varakiel-sensei.

Varakiel: hehe, alright go then. I have something to do today so i can't tag along with you today. okay then please be careful.

Varakiel: mhm.

Tsubaki then follows sona.

Varakiel: (today the main story starts, and it begins with you…)

Varakiel takes a look to the outside and sees hyoudou issei together with a girl.

Varakiel: poor child, if it was a normal girl you might have actually gotten yourself a girlfriend…

Varakiel then grabs his case and walks to the teacher's room….


Varakiel: alright then let's go home..


The next day…

Varakiel was taking a stroll around the city and notices a couple walking down the street.

Varakiel: (well poor issei, but i guess this is a punishment from heaven for all the deeds you have done. But death is a little too much.)

Varakiel then walks in the opposite direction of them and he sees people handling leaflets with a magic circle engraved on them.

Varakiel:(well is time to involve in the magic side.) 

Varakiel then asks for one leaflet.

???: of course mister here you go. I hope your wish is granted~.

Varakiel: alright thank you.

As varakiel keeps walking he notices a child in front of a doll's claw machine.

Varakiel: (wait…. isn't that? Well 10000 luck is 10000 luck thank you eris.)....

Then varakiel notices the doll the girl was looking at…

Varakiel then puts a coin in The machine 

And fails..

Varakiel: ha!, i failed. Alright, let's try it again.

???: …..¿?

The girl was a cute young girl with long black hair down to her hips and black eyes. Her ears differ from a normal human's as they have pointed tips, although her long black hair makes this feature difficult to notice. Her dark gray eyes have reptilian slitted pupils.

The girl was confused.

Varakiel: ah i failed again.

???: ...







again again again again again again again again again again again again again again

???:...why do you keep trying even when it's futile?

Varakiel: humanity is like that, they will keep trying and trying and trying, no matter how futile it may seem.


???:....and why not just give up and try something else?

Varakiel: haha, that's probably what a god would do but humanity is different, they have long ago abandoned what god created for adam and eve, today humanity is his own being, shapped only by their will.


???: their will? And what that can give you, if it's not pain, suffering and despair.


Varakiel: mhm, but humans don't see failure like that, we see it has something that lets us grow more, with each failure we improve , and so we go on and on and on.

???: like infinity….


Varakiel: but eventually, there is someone who perseveres and eventually…..


Varakiel: they succeed.

Varakiel then hands the doll to the girl.

Varakiel: humanity is chaotic, but their potential is infinite. There's nothing humanity can't beat with perseverance and will.

???:....who are you?

Varakiel: i am varakiel fateburn, and you?

Ophis: I am Ophis, known as the Ouroboros dragon.

Varakiel: ophis, what a cute name.

Varakiel then pats her head.

Ophis:.....(what is this? It feels fuzzy and it makes me feel something on my chest)

Varakiel: so ophis where do you live?

Ophis: the dimensional gap.

Varakiel:...i will assume that's far away…would you like to come with me for now?


Ophis only observed varakiel.

Varakiel: alright if you want to follow me then.

Varakiel then begins to walk back home…..


Ophis then follows him she doesn't know why but if she doesn't follow him she might lose a chance, but a chance for what.

Ophis:(who are you?.....)....


At home.

Varakiel: okay ophis this is my house feel free to lay down whenever you want.

( She is more important than issei right now.)

Ophis: i feel something, trying to mitigate my power I don't like it, i will destro-

Varakiel: w-wait ophis don't do that is just a security system than i put so no one can attack our house here let me lift it for you.

Suddenly the mitigative feeling banish from ophis.

Ophis:....i feel better….why you can mitigate my powers….who are you?

Varakiel: hehe, i been researching ways to mitigate several powers and the main one i need is mitigate chaos.

Ophis: why? Do you hate chaos?

Varakiel: no, I wouldn't ever hate chaos. Let me explain it to you okay?

Ophis: (he doesn't hate chaos…)

Ophis was somehow relieved…

Varakiel: i come from another world and in this world we might go in war soon with a being called the goddess of chaos.

Ophis:..... otherworld?....i see…. goddess of chaos? Why?.

Varakiel: she wants to destroy all the reality of our world so i am researching how to mitigate chaos and make it retreat, so far it could mitigate you it seems but i need to improve, for the people i love i can't give up, just like i didn't give up for your doll ophis both are very important.

Ophis: for the people you love? Like me?.....(this feeling…..why, why i seem to… it.)

Ophis then looks at the doll on her hand.

Ophis: very important….

Ophis then hugs her doll thighly.

Ophis: (i want more….. i want to experience this feeling…..more).....

Varakiel: then would you like to eat something ophis?


Varakiel: great~, then sit here and wait okay?

Ophis then sits down in the chair and….waits.


Undine: ( this guy….is really dangerous varakiel, are you sure?)

Varakiel: ( don't fear this child undine, right now she is like a blank slate, for the sake of the future of this world i have to write on her all the good things a human should have and the bad things she should hate.)

Undine: (just be careful)

Varakiel: (don't worry i know what i am doing~)


Varakiel: alright here you go ophis~.

Varakiel then puts a plate in front of her….


Varakiel: (hehe we'll have to start from the basics i guess~.) You eat it like this…

Varakiel then takes a fork and takes a bite…

Ophis then take the fork and….


She breaks the plate….

Ophis' eyes went blank….

Varakiel: Oh dear, we have a lot of work to do, but don't worry I will never give up.

Ophis: never give up...(this weird feeling…..happiness? Yes this is happiness but why?)

Varakiel then brings another plate.

Varakiel: try it again.


Varakiel: ¡again!







Ophis:....varakiel is futile i can't do it…..

Varakiel: nonsense if you can't do it then that means i shouldn't have never got that doll keep trying.









Ophis: (why….this….makes me….)


Varakiel: ah congratulations ophis you did it!

Ophis: ( why does this makes me happy?)I did it.

Ophis says with a smile on her face.

Varakiel: Alright now, eat it.

Ophis then opens her mouth and takes a bite.

Ophis:!!!....(happiness to overcome my own…infinity, this happiness i never felt all because of you.) It's delicious.

Ophis says with a smile on her face.

Varakiel: heheh i am glad you liked it ophis, so how does it feel to never give up?

Ophis: it feels (happiness) good…..

Varakiel: is that so? ~.

Something deep inside the darkness of ophis was happening, something good, happiness to overcome herself, the human will. That was the chance she would miss the chance to change.

Varakiel: Alright then let's go to sleep….


Varakiel then takes ophis to a bedroom.

Varakiel: you can sleep here ophis, i will go out i need to do something, good night, if you stay here for tomorrow i will come to wake you up.

Varakiel then leaves the bedroom.


Ophis then lay down in the bed and close her eyes….

Ophis:.....(why? silence…. hurts?)


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