Chapter 35: Tactic for the game
With all the team members revealing their Pokemon, they finally began discussing their strategy. The man with the number 5 on his shirt spoke first.
"My Onix won't be of much help in catching Aerodactyl, but it can be useful for defense or attacking other teams.".
The man with number 16 turned toward the woman wearing number 29. "Your Ponyta might be a problem, the flames on its neck will make it easy for the other team to spot us. You should order Ponyta to follow Pidgey from the ground and be ready to attack Aerodactyl when we locate it."
The woman with number 29 frowned slightly and shook her head. "If I send Ponyta alone, the other team will target it immediately. It won't stand a chance by itself."
Before the discussion could turn into an argument, the man with the number 33 stepped in.
"You're both right, but I have an idea. What if we send Ponyta to an area far from our actual position, but close enough that we can always see it? This way, we can use Ponyta as bait. The other team will assume it's alone and move to attack it, but we'll be ready to ambush them."
Everyone considered the idea for a moment. It was risky, but it could work. However, there was still one problem.
The man with number 33 turned back to the man with number 5. "The only issue is your Onix. It's too big, it'll expose our position immediately."
The man with number 5 smirked. "Don't worry about that. Onix can blend in with the environment perfectly. When it curls up, it looks just like a giant rock. No one will notice the difference even though they come too close."
Kay, who had been listening carefully, finally spoke up. "I think our team is actually better suited for attacking the other team rather than catching Aerodactyl." His voice was thoughtful as he analyzed the situation.
The man with number 33 turned to Kay, nodding in agreement. "I totally agree with you, if all the team members are okay with this plan, then let's focus on attacking the other team first instead of chasing the Aerodactyl."
One by one, the team members nodded. They all understood that this was a tournament where only the strongest would survive.
After deciding to attack the other team first, Kay and his teammates focused on creating a tactic that would give them the upper hand.
They thought carefully about their Pokemons' strengths and weaknesses, discussing different ideas until they finally agreed on a solid plan.
The key part of their strategy was using Onix to set a trap. Since Aerodactyl was a Rock-type Pokemon, they knew the island would have rocky areas.
They planned to find a location with many rocks and position Onix there. Onix would curl up and stay completely still, blending in perfectly with the surroundings.
It would seem like just another giant boulder to anyone looking from a distance.
Ponyta would stand near Onix in an open area to attract the enemy team's attention.
The team would choose a spot for Ponyta where the other players could easily spot it.
Ponyta would try to increase the brightness of its flames to make it even more visible.
Meanwhile, Sandshrew would dig underground and stay close to Ponyta. If Ponyta got into trouble, Sandshrew could quickly jump out and help defend it.
The plan was simple: as soon as the enemy team approached to attack Ponyta, it would act as if it were running away, leading them further into the trap.
The moment they followed, Onix would launch a surprise attack from behind, catching them off guard.
However, there was one risk in their plan. If the opposing team had a Psychic-type Pokemon, it could detect both Onix and Sandshrew before the trap was triggered.
They needed to find out whether their opponents had such a Pokemon before executing their strategy.
For that, Pidgey would stay hidden and scout the enemy team from above. If it spotted a Psychic-type Pokemon among them, Eevee, along with Machop and Pidgey, would quickly attack that Pokemon first.
Their goal would be to knock it out as fast as possible and then withdraw before the rest of the enemy team could counterattack.
With their plan set, the team decided to get some rest before the important game the next day.
Everyone knew they needed to be in top condition to execute their strategy perfectly.
The next morning, while Kay was still deep in sleep, a strange sound started echoing through the room.
It was music, playing through the speakers in the ceiling. At first, Kay felt confused, but he quickly realized that this was meant to wake up the players.
As the sound continued, he could hear the others beginning to stir from their sleep.
As soon as most of the players were awake, the man wearing the Marowak mask entered the room.
His presence meant one thing, the first game was about to begin. "The game will start in ten minutes, prepare yourself," he announced in his usual cold voice.
When they heard this, the players immediately started preparing. Some stretched their muscles, others checked their Pokeballs, and a few simply stood in silence, focusing their minds on the challenge ahead.
Exactly ten minutes later, while the Marowak-masked man stood in the middle of the room, a sudden flash of light filled the space.
Out of nowhere, an Alakazam appeared beside him, teleporting from some unknown location.
The masked man turned to face the players and spoke again. "This Alakazam will teleport each team to the island where the first game will take place."
Before anyone could react, he added one more detail. "Each team will be identified by a number, which is based on the smallest number of any member in the team."
Kay immediately understood what this meant. The number assigned to their team would be 5 because the lowest number in their group belonged to the trainer of Onix, who had the number 5 on his shirt.
While the teams were busy checking their numbers to determine their team number, the screen above suddenly lit up again.
It displayed the same message as before: 36/36, confirming that all players were still in the competition.
But then, the screen changed, showing the matchups for the first round of games.
Kay quickly scanned the list, searching for his team's number. It didn't take him long to spot it in the second row: Match 2: Team 3 VS Team 5. This meant that his team would be playing in the second match of the day.
Meanwhile, the first two teams, Team 1 and Team 4 stepped forward under the instructions of the Cubone-masked men.
They lined up near Alakazam; Team 1 stood on the right, while Team 4 stood on the left.
Curious about the Pokemon that would be teleporting them, Kay reached into his pocket to pull out his Pokedex.
He wanted to check Alakazam's stats. However, before he could scan it, one of the guards shot him a sharp look. His eyes were full of warning as if silently telling Kay not to do it.
Understanding the unspoken threat, Kay quickly slipped his Pokedex back into his pocket. He didn't want to cause trouble before the game even began.
Suddenly, Alakazam's body began glowing with powerful Psychic energy. A swirl of blue and purple light gathered around it, and then, in an instant "Swoosh!" it disappeared, taking all the members of Team 1 and the Marowak-masked man with it.
The remaining players waited in silence, watching the empty space where the team had just stood.
Exactly five minutes later, Alakazam returned, but this time, it was only accompanied by the masked man. There was no sign of Team 1.
Without wasting any time, Alakazam turned toward Team 4, and with another burst of Psychic energy, it teleported again taking the second group with it.
Another five minutes passed, and Alakazam reappeared in the room alongside the masked man once more. It was clear now that this process would repeat for each game.
Then, the Marowak-masked man reached into his coat and pulled out a walkie-talkie.
He pressed a button and, in a cold and commanding voice, said, "Let the game begin."
See you in the next chapter...
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