Pokemon dungeon

Chapter 38: Finding the Aerodactyl

Kay decided to keep Growlithe outside its Pokeball. The deeper he went into the forest, the more dangerous it would become.

He needed both Eevee and Growlithe ready to protect him in case of a surprise attack. 

As they walked, they encountered many wild Pokemons. Most of them were in the Inferior Steel stage, and Eevee and Growlithe had no trouble defeating them. 

But Kay wasn't satisfied with just easy fights. He wanted Growlithe to gain valuable battle experience. 

So, whenever they encountered a Pokemon in the Intermediate Steel stage, he let Growlithe handle the battle alone. 

Kay had read something important about wild Pokemons before. Wild Pokemon get stronger by defeating other Pokemons, but they don't train like Pokemons with a trainer. 

A Pokemon in the wild only breaks through to a higher stage after many battles, but it doesn't improve its speed, strength, or mastery over its moves. This was a big difference compared to Pokemons raised by trainers. 

Trainers helped their Pokemons become stronger in many ways. They trained their Pokemons to increase their physical condition, speed, and strength. 

They also helped them master their moves, so their attacks were more powerful and precise. 

Because of this, a trained Pokemon could sometimes defeat a wild Pokemon that had a higher level. 

This was why Kay was letting Growlithe fight against Pokemons in the Intermediate Steel stage even though it was still in the Inferior Steel stage. 

The battles were harder, but they gave more experience than fighting Pokemons at the same level. 

The stronger the opponent, the more experience Growlithe would gain. 

Kay continued on his way, following Growlithe, who was tracking the scent of his teammates. They moved quickly, running through the dense forest. 

After about half an hour, Kay suddenly noticed a group of Aerodactyls flying out of a cave in a nearby mountain. His heart pounded. 

Kay thought that this was the base of Aerodactyls. Maybe he could find the one they had searched inside the cave.

Kay quickly returned Growlithe and Eevee to their Pokeballs to avoid attracting their attention. 

If the Aerodactyls spotted them, things could get very dangerous. He stayed completely still, watching them from a safe distance. 

Once he was sure that the Aerodactyls were far enough away, he released his Pokemons again. 

Kay studied the cave carefully. It was high up in the mountain, carved into the rock.

There was no easy way to reach it, so anyone who wanted to enter had to either fly or climb.

Kay decided to wait for the sun to set before making his move. The darkness would make it harder for any Pokemon to notice him climbing. 

Kay noticed that they had almost reached the island's center, so his teammates couldn't be so far from there.

Also, Growlithe could detect their scent so the three hours that the sun needed to fall wouldn't harm. 

As the last light of the sun disappeared behind the horizon, Kay prepared himself. He carefully put Growlithe into his backpack while letting it open. 

This way, if a wild Pokemon attacked, Growlithe could use Ember to defend them while Kay climbed. 

It was just a precaution but it wasn't enough so Kay should pray that no strong Pokemon could detect him. 

Taking a deep breath, Kay grabbed onto the rough rocks and began climbing the mountain. 

His arms and legs strained as he slowly made his way upward, carefully placing each hand and foot. He had to be careful; one wrong move could send him falling.

Hopefully, humans in this world are many times stronger than humans on Earth, if it was for Kay's body back on earth it would be impossible to climb such a mountain.

After what felt like forever, Kay finally reached the cave entrance. He pulled himself up, breathing heavily, then quickly returned Growlithe to his Pokeball. He had to be silent now. 

Carefully, Kay went inside the cave. After about ten minutes of walking, he found something that made his eyes widen in shock. 

Inside, many Aerodactyls were resting. And among them, he spotted the Aerodactyl with the red mark; the one they needed to catch! 

But then, Kay noticed something even more terrifying. There was also an Inferior Bronze stage Aerodactyl inside the cave; Kay detected it just from its size and aura he didn't need to use his Pokedex.

Kay stared at the strong Aerodactyl inside the cave, his mind racing. It was clear, this Aerodactyl was the leader of the swarm on the island.

It was far stronger than the others. Kay knew he had no chance of fighting it alone. 

He quietly retreated, careful not to make any noise. The mission had changed. Now, his top priority was finding his teammates and telling them about the Aerodactyl's location. 

Kay climbed back down the mountain, moving as quickly and silently as possible. When he reached the ground, he released Growlithe from its Pokeball. 

"Find their scent. Lead me to them," Kay whispered. 

Growlithe sniffed the air, then started moving. Kay followed closely. 

One hour later, as they moved through the dense forest, Kay suddenly heard voices in the distance. 

He stopped. 'Was it the other team?' But Growlithe was still leading him in that same direction. 

Kay moved carefully, staying low and quiet as he approached the voices. He needed to check if they were his teammates or the other team. 

When he finally got a clear view, his eyes widened in shock. His teammates were tied to a tree! 

The two of them were bound with ropes, unable to move. Two men sat around them, casually eating something. 

Kay's mind raced. The other team must have captured them during their investigation. 

Then, he heard one of the men talking. "The Zubat of player number 30 saved us. If it wasn't there, maybe these two could have attacked us successfully." 

Kay listened carefully. 

Another man responded, "Call him to eat dinner with us. This Pidgey meat is so delicious." 

The first man shook his head. "But he's still surveying the other side of the camp. Let him finish first." 

The second man sighed, "It's almost time to change shifts. Just call him and go take your turn at surveying, and stop making excuses." 

The other man groaned in disappointment but agreed to call Zubat's trainer. 

Kay tensed. If the Zubat arrived, it could detect him with its sharp senses. He had to escape before it got here. 

Silently, Kay backed away and ran in the direction of his remaining teammates. He needed to tell them what he saw as soon as possible. 

Before Kay completely lost sight of the camp, he took one last glance to check the Pokemons of the enemy team. 

He could only see two Pokemons: a Metapod and a Vulpix. 

But he also knew they had a Zubat, thanks to the conversation he had overheard earlier. 

Kay didn't wait any longer. He turned and ran, heading straight for the spot where the masked man had teleported them earlier. 


Kay suddenly stepped on a dry branch. The sharp snap echoed through the quiet night, exposing his position. 

Back at the camp, one of the enemy trainers immediately reacted. "Vulpix, use Ember in that direction!" he ordered. 

A burst of flames shot toward Kay. 

Kay managed to dodge, but the bright light from the fire revealed his location and the enemy trainer spotted him. 

"There's someone there!" he shouted. 

Immediately, the rest of the team grabbed their gear and prepared to move. After a quick discussion, they left only the Zubat trainer behind to watch over the captured trainers. 

They chose Zubat because it was nighttime, and Zubat was the best Pokemon for nighttime surveillance. 

The rest of the enemy team left the camp and began chasing after Kay. 

Kay kept running without stopping, his mind racing as fast as his legs. He knew that if they caught him, it would be over for his team. 

The thought of his captured teammates pushed him forward, making him ignore the burning sensation in his legs. 

There was no time to waste. Half of the time had already passed, and only twelve hours remained before the deadline. 

As he ran, Kay started to recognize the path. He realized he was following the same road he had taken earlier. 

That's when he remembered the cave of the Aerodactyls. A risky idea formed in his mind. 

If he could lead his pursuers near the cave, their loud noises might disturb the Aerodactyls, forcing them to fly out and attack anyone nearby. 

It was a dangerous plan, but Kay had no other options. He knew he couldn't fight all of them alone, and he had to act fast before they caught up to him. 

His only hope was that the wild Pokemons would turn against the enemy team, creating enough chaos for him to escape and regroup with his team. 

With his new idea in mind, he changed his direction slightly and sprinted toward the mountain. 

His heart pounded in his chest as he pushed his body to its limits. He had no idea if the plan would work, but he had to try. The fate of his team depended on it. 


See you in the next chapter... 

Drop some Power Stones to help me stay motivated.

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