Prince of the Land Of Shadows-Starting off in Twilight

Chapter 3: Alice and...Jasmina Cullen!?

Rian stared at Alice for a couple seconds then mad his way to his seat, his movements confident even when his mind was in chaos. His dragon blood refused to show weakness, the thought itself disgusts him and makes his blood boil, now mix that with divine blood and the effect doubles. He's always been this way even as a kid, he was often seen as arrogant and prideful. He's learned to control himself but the dragon in him still showed in his own actions. He made it to his seat and sat down while not paying much attention waiting for class to start.

"You're finally here."

The black haired girl muttered under her breath most likely not expecting Rian to hear her. He turned and took in her appearance, as he noticed earlier she had short black hair, but her eyes weren't exactly gold more like a caramel color, and she was pale as in never got any sun pale. Though he knew why he was just suprised at how pale.

"I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that."

Rian replied, Alice looked up suprised but shook her head holding out her hand.

"I'm Alice Cullen, its nice to meet you. I'm sure we'll make good art partner's."

Rian looked at her hand and took it, what confused him was her hand didn't feel as cold as he thought. Don't get it wrong her hand was cold but not ice cold as he imagined it would be.

"Rian Ó Dubhghaill, like I told the teacher it's pronounced as Ree-an. And I hope we get along."

*Riiiing* Rian looked back towards the door as class began to fill up. As the seats filled Mrs. Smith stood up and began writing on the board.

"Alright class as you all remember today is a pop quiz, after that I want everyone to draw a portrait of your partner."

She then went around handing out papers then went back to her desk and told everyone to begin. The test was actually something he went over in Phoenix so he completed the quiz quickly and turned it in. He then pulled out his sketch pad and turned to his attention to Alice. She was humming a little tune while tapping her cheek with her pencil, it was kinda cute.

He began sketching starting with her face, the small dimple's, and the slight twinkle in her eyes, the shape of her lips, and how she smiled. He added his own little twist as well, once he was done he looked it over. He had drawn a miniature Alice sitting atop a cube of sugar with small fairy like wings. She had specks of dust floating around her with that carefree smile, while a ray of light fell upon her holding a rose about the same size as Alice. He nodded in satisfaction and looked over at Alice glancing between her sketch pad and him.

Once she was done she put down her pencil, looking at me she stood up and waited. Rian got up and both began walking towards the teacher who looked up as we approached. Rian handed her his portrait and waited while she looked it over. She looked at it and laughed clearly pleased, while Alice was trying to look at the drawing.

"Well Rian color me impressed this is quite good though you could have shaded a few spots a little. It's really good I'll give you an A. Though you could have had and A+ had you added the shading."

Mrs. Smith the looked at Alice who was clearly interested and wanted to see her portrait. She handed it to her and Alice quick as a snake took it and looked at herself as a fairy, and the smile she had could have melted the heart of death herself. She squeeled jumping up and down so quickly that it seemed she had downed an entire case of red bull herself. She looked at Rian with a set of puppy eyes.

"Can I keep it please?"

Rian didn't know what to say so he just nodded. Alice smiled beautifully making his heart beat like it was in a race, while a strange thought crossed his mind.

'Can I keep her?'

He shook his head dismissing the thought, he did not want to be ripped to piece's. Alice tilted her head her eyes glazing over for a second, then she looked up at me with a knowing smile. She then handed her work to Mrs. Smith who looked it over and once again was very pleased, handing the drawing to Rian who took it.

He saw himself looking at the viewer with a slight crooked smile, hands in his pockets leaning against a wall, his muscles making the shirt he wore to small. The sky looked like it was about to storm, with his ponytail waving in the wind.

"Alice as always you excel. Again I can find no fault in your work, which as always you get an A+."

Mrs. Smith smiled and waved them back to their desks where Alice rolled up her gift and put it in a tube. Rian did the same with his and decided once he got home he'd have it framed and put it up on his bedroom wall. Then he and Alice began talking about school and their schedule's. This was the only class he had with Alice during the day.

"Hey Rian want to walk with me after class, we are heading in the same direction after all and our classes are in the same building."

Rian looked at her, she is technically the first friend he made since moving to Forks. He nodded with a smile.

"Sure let's go, the bells about to ring anyway."

He grabbed his bag mad sure he had his schedule and made his way to the door. Just as he and Alice reached the door the bell rang, he stepped out into the hallway only to bump into someone. He immediately steadied himself and was about to apologize until he saw who he bumped into. She had honey blond hair and the same caramel eyes that Alice had, she was 6ft and had scars that were pretty much blended in with her skin. And she looked like she was in pain.

'What the...who is this?'

Alice stepped forward and hugged the strange girl then turned around and introduced us.

"Rian this is Jasmina, Jasmina this is Rian we just met today."

"It's nice to meet to Jasmina."

Rian stuck forward his hand, though he was confused as hell. Wasn't it supposed to be Jasper? Then he fell into thought, clearly unsettled though he kept a straight face.

'Is this an AU, if that's true I might not be as safe as I thought. I should continue my training. I don't know how much has changed and it's possible that I might meet stronger beings, I should at least master what I know before I end up dead.'

Rian who was panaking inside felt a warm sensation through his body calming him instantly. He looked at Jasmina who nodded.

"It's nice to meet you too Rian."

'That settles it, the power to control emotions was definitely Jasper's thing, plus the thick southern accent confirms it.'

He looked at Alice who was looking at him with a smile. He just shrugged and decided to deal with it later, for now there was nothing he could do but hope for the best. He shouldered his bag and turned around. He began walking before he paused and looked back.

"You coming Alice, Jasmina?"

Alice just smiled skipping up to him, and Jasmina just nodded. Making their way to their next class. When they made their way outside the wind blew bringing with it a sweet burnt smell. His body froze, the hairs on his neck standing on end, and his eyes for just for second turned into slits.

He looked to the woods his eyes sharp and clear caught a glimpse of a figure dashing away. The smell faded almost immediately, his body relaxed and his eyes returned to normal. But he definitely didn't like where this was going. He looked at Alice and Jasmina they didn't seem to notice but he knew better than that, he decided to just let it go for now. But that didn't mean he would relax his gaurd now knowing that there was a vampire around not related to the cullens.

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