Reincarnated as a Doomed Extra

Chapter 6: Darkness

It has been eleven days since I arrived in this world.

And it has been eleven days since I've been trying to form my mana core.

And just as I expected, eleven days have passed with me embracing only darkness.

Even after eleven days of continuous efforts, I couldn't see anything, let alone touch it.

This was the last time I would do this…

Don't get me wrong, I'm not giving up here.

It's just…I'm dying.

This was something I've noticed since I started intensifying my efforts trying to form my core, which obviously didn't want me.

It felt as if the darkness was chasing me and trying to drown me in despair.

And the longer I continued to see the darkness, the longer I continued to die slowly.

Although I tried to show a calm demeanor as usual as if nothing was happening, I was sure that Solon had noticed something different in me.

Really, it would be bad if he knew what was happening better.

I stared at my hands and let out a cold breath.

They were pale…very terrifyingly pale. Much more than before.

Slowly, I started to resemble those dead people with hollow eyes in the dream.

My body began to weaken more and more until I became unable to leave the house to wander around. Of course, I didn't tell Solon about this so as not to worry him. I was grateful that the former Selas was naturally introverted.

My bones became more fragile and the flesh on my body withered to the point that my bones became visible under my skin.

I began to feel pain throughout my body from the extreme weakness, especially in my head and neck.

Will I die just like that?

Was the script destined to continue as it was? With my death necessary?

That's unfair…

I had never looked at fate or destiny from this angle before. I hadn't even thought about the necessity of the script going the same way, and I didn't find any logical reason for that either.

Yes, my death might have a great development on Solon's character, but even without my death, he will experience many of these events that will change his personality, for better or for worse.

That's why I feel like the idea that fate was killing me to keep me out of the script was a clumsy idea. There had to be another reason.

A darker reason.

…The church.

Now, I was sure it was related to my condition somehow.

There were many evil entities in this world. Entities that transcended mortal boundaries more than ordinary awakened ones did.

Just as there were churches that are sects worshiping certain gods, there were many sects that worship these evil entities.

Of course, everyone who worships them does so for a specific reason. No one would do that without expecting something in return. Even those who worship the gods do so for protection and salvation. There are those who want strength, there are those who want power, and there are even those who want love.


What did Selas want more than anything?

The answer was clear.

He was thirsty for power.

He was not satisfied with being unable to touch mana. Just as I wasn't satisfied with that.

But what I didn't understand was, why is my body affected in the opposite way to what Selas wanted - weakness, when I meditate specifically?

Why does meditation act as a medium here?

This was very complicated.

I couldn't understand anything or connect anything to another. There was nothing similar in the game either…

I rested my head on the soft pillow.

"Ah, this is exhausting. My head hurts from all this thinking."

Even my voice sounded dry and strangely hollow. As if it were empty of life.

In the sky, a group of clouds that had been blocking the moon dispersed, making it shine its beautiful brilliance on the world.

'Moonlight. Beautiful…'

As soon as this thought passed through my head, I felt a tremendous pain in every cell of my semi-dead body, making me almost scream with all my voice.


My body tossed and turned on the bed as I bit the blanket to muffle my pained screams. Hot tears flowed from my eyes uncontrollably and my body trembled violently under the weight of the tremendous pain.

What the hell is happening? Why do I suddenly feel heat and pain?

My breath caught in my throat and I felt like my lungs were burning from the intensity of the heat that was intensifying near them.


I screamed as the tears continued to flow on my cheeks, and I continued to convulse on the bed in an attempt to reduce the pain in any way.

The strength drained from my body completely as if someone had dragged the energy from every cell of my body, pulling it under my lungs.

I'm going to die!

This thought dominated all the other thoughts that were rushing with the rush of pain in my body.

Suddenly, the world around me went completely dark.

My screams faded and the pain disappeared completely as if it had never existed in the first place.

All of this happening in one moment confused me greatly, making me disoriented as I stood in my place.

And before I knew it, I felt a soft and soothing touch, like a mother's embrace, running all over my body towards the bottom of my lungs.

Now that my mind was clear, I realized that everything that was being pulled from my body was going to my solar plexus. Where the mana core is supposed to form.

Wait, mana core?!

I felt stunned by my late realization of what was happening.

I ignored the surrounding darkness and focused my awareness on feeling my surroundings, even though it was only filled with strange darkness.

As soon as I entered a state of meditation, the darkness surrounding me disappeared and was filled with a wide, luminous, and very bright space, to the point of being blinding.

Small particles floated in the air slowly, surrounding me from all sides. All the particles were made up of the color of natural mana, which is blue.

'Mana particles!'

With great enthusiasm, I tried to pull all the particles surrounding me and condense them to create a mana core.

I felt excitement and fear at the same time, which showed a stupid expression on my face.

I was feeling very excited that all my efforts had not been in vain and were being rewarded. Except for the surrounding mana particles, there was a large amount of mana being pulled from my body towards my solar plexus, which worried me besides the fact that this miracle might disappear at any moment.


I let out a shaky breath as I pulled the mana into my body and shaped it into a circle the size of a baby's palm.

The mana core was very small at first, but its small size does not mean that what was inside it was small by any means. This small core may contain thousands of these small particles inside it.

What made my excitement rise to its peak was that I was about to succeed in forming it already!

Whatever the strange event that caused the mana to come out of my body cells to my solar plexus, it helped me tremendously and gave me a wonderful foundation to push the rest of the particles on.

I tried to curb my excessive enthusiasm so as not to rush and spoil it at its peak.

The core was almost a circle now, except that it was slightly open from the top.

Come on…

I called out to the mana particles surrounding me, and their speed of attraction towards me intensified, making me build and close the upper opening faster.

I felt like they were there to do what I commanded them to do. Like loyal followers who would do anything to please their master.

All this time, I felt the heat rising from the intensity of the mana spinning in the same place and at a very high speed, yet I ignored the pain and focused on closing the small remaining part of the core.

Like a group of small ants, the small particles rushed and condensed on top of each other like bricks to close the gap at the top.

After a short period of the small mana particles rushing upwards, a large amount of them entered the inner space of the core as if they were racing with each other to get a place inside until my core was completely full, leaking a little mana from the small gap at the top.

After the core was completely full, the remaining particles immediately closed the small gap at the top, completing my own core and declaring that I had become Awakened.

I felt the heat subside and be replaced by a warm, comforting feeling.

After the heat subsided, the mana particles performed another process, but it was much simpler and easier than forming the core.

Taking the mana core as a channel, the particles shaped themselves into bridges and ligaments spreading throughout my body so that I would be able to pass mana through it.

These were the mana veins. The paths through which mana travels without disrupting the work of any other organ in my body.

During the process, I felt as if someone was tickling me from the inside, which aroused a wonderful feeling that caused my face to twitch.

'Ah, finally…I really did it.' I thought with a big smile on my face.

When I thought that everything was over and that my death was near, this miracle happened without warning, as if it were pushing away the darkness I was drowning in.

After I felt that everything was finally complete, I waited for the floating text to appear in the air to make sure. I still felt like what happened was more like a dream.

After a few seconds, text appeared in the air as I expected.

[You have successfully Awakened!]

However, my smile faded and was replaced by confusion and caution when I noticed a human-like shape behind the floating words from afar.

No, that thing was anything but human.

Maybe the body shape alone was human-like, otherwise, its entire presence was pale white as if it were art made of dim light painted on the world.

No eyes, no nose, no ears, and no mouth, just a body. A body made of pure pale light that took on a human form with very dark and long black hair framing its empty face and drowning in the dark space surrounding it.

I took several steps back involuntarily.

"You…what are you?" My voice trembled and I felt my stomach churn.

Ignoring my question, and in a moment and without warning, the white shape dove into my body before disappearing and the darkness that surrounded us faded away.

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