Something called love

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: The new employee

Days went by, and Micah didn't want to think about Stephan anymore. He had broken her heart by cheating on her, she need some space. At the mall, Micah bumped into a man while buying groceries. His items fell to the floor, and she immediately apologized. "I'm so sorry," she said to him, picking up his goods. He had a handsome face; he was really attractive and very polite as well.

"It's okay," he replied as he picked up his groceries.

At work, Micah was glad she had a job that kept her busy and distracted from her thoughts and feelings of depression. Unexpectedly, the guy she bumped into at the mall turned out to be a new employee at her workplace and was in her department.

"Everyone, say hello to Ryan Spincer!" Shola announced. "He is a new worker at MTech Company, so please take care of him," their manager added. The ladies squealed with excitement; they were happy to find a handsome guy in their department. Ryan's gaze landed on Micah, who seemed absentminded and lost in thought. Without her knowing, she looked cute, and he thought it was a pity she didn't notice him.

Ryan had a captivating smile that attracted women. Shortly after he arrived, a lady approached him. She was short and had a lot of makeup on her face.

"I am Sabrina," the lady said.

"That's a lovely name," Ryan replied, and the lady blushed.

"If you need anything, you could ask me," she said seductively.

"And me too I would gladly help," added another lady. "By the way, I am Rose," she introduced herself. Ryan had a friendly, easy going nature, and the ladies were all heads over heels for him. The guys didn't care; they were friendly towards Ryan too. However, the ladies were also crushing on both Ryan and their boss.

It been weeks now After Stephan's affair with Genevieve , he kept an eye on Micah. He wanted to see what she would do. Normally, many women might cheat in such a situation, but Micah didn't follow that pattern. Stefan got information about Micah's lack of appetite through Judith, their housekeeper, a wave of concern washed over him, Judith didn't like Micah because she preferred the younger lady, Genevieve, to marry Stefan instead.

At MTech Company, Micah was working on her report when Ryan walked up to her. The ladies whispered, "Why is he going to her?" Sabrina asked.

"Let's find out," Chloe said, watching as Ryan talked to Micah. Micah was so lost in thought that she didn't realize someone was speaking to her.

"Excuse me," Ryan said, tapping her shoulder.

Micah jolted. "Sorry, I didn't notice someone was talking to me," she said, shaking off what had just happened. "What do you want?" she asked.

Ryan thought she was pretty. "I don't understand how to do this," he said, showing her a file.

"Sure," she replied. He was a really fast learner most people would have needed a month to grasp the basics, but he picked it up quickly.

"Why is he with her? He could have asked us to teach him," Sabrina whined.

"Why is it her?" Sabrina continued, eyeing Micah. "She isn't all that, is she?" Chloe chimed in, wanting to support Sabrina's sentiment. "Yeah, she looks like a lonely, sad kitten. Her clothes aren't even as fashionable as yours."

Chloe laughed, but Rose remained quiet, feeling annoyed by their comments. Micah sensed the ladies must be jealous that Ryan was close to her. Ryan cracked some jokes, and noticing she was disinterested in her work, he made her laugh.

"Thank you for your assistance," he said, then returned to his seat. Sabrina made eye contact with Micah, giving her a hate glare, but Micah ignored it. Since the beginning of her time at MTech Company, Sabrina had never liked her, and Micah didn't know why; she simply didn't care.

Ryan noticed that Micah was spacing out. He noticed the ring on her hand, how she would occasionally touch it, suggesting she was married. He suddenly thought, Was she unhappy with her married life?

Stefan came home but didn't go to Micah's room instead, he stayed in his own, trying to be present, she was surprised to see him come home. He would come late at night, lingering around. I think it was his way of apologizing to Micah, but she didn't feel satisfied or happy about it, and Judith seemed to notice the tension between them. Micah ignored Stephan and continued her work. Hoping that he would apologize for hurting her. For the first time, Stephan admitted to himself that he deserved it, but his heart hardened, not wanting to accept his action, he stopped coming home.

Weeks later In the conference room at MTech Company, a meeting was taking place. The CEO, Iyan, was very handsome, serious, and focused during the discussion. Micah took notes while others contributed and shared their ideas.

Once the meeting concluded, most people left, but Iyan sneakily stayed behind nobody noticed he was still there. Ryan's gaze was fixed on Micah, and Iyan noticed.

"Wrong catch, bro," Iyan said.

Ryan chuckled. "I know.

"You know why you're here," Iyan said.

Ryan grunted. "I know can you stop telling me? I want to know more about her," Ryan said, plopping down on the couch. Iyan gave him an annoyed look. It wasn't a bad idea to share some information, he thought.

"Sure," Iyan said, "but if you give a good report about the company's welfare to Mom and Dad, then I'll tell you."

"Deal," Ryan replied.

"Okay, so she's been working for us for four years. She's hardworking and independent, and she's smart," Iyan said.

"Wow, that's nice! I like that," Rhyan exclaimed.

"I've told you to stay away from her. She isn't as simple as you think ," Iyan warned.

"Okay, okay," Ryan said, clearly annoyed.

A weeks later At work it was lunch time and Ryan and Serena came to invite Micah to lunch, Ryan noticed she wasn't the social type he wanted her to have lunch with them but she told them she had already eaten, which they understood. They had already left when One of Sabrina's friends sneered, "Isn't her husband treating her well? Now she comes here to seek people's attention! If she doesn't want to eat, then let the poor kitten starve." She said this loudly enough for Micah to hear, and while Micah felt annoyed, she chose not to respond to the comment.

Ryan didn't like Sabrina, so he rarely hung out with her, which irritated her. Truth be told, he cared about Micah, especially when he saw that she was reluctant to eat lunch. He had investigated her situation and learned that she was married to Stefan Blake, the billionaire tycoon known for his cold demeanor and excellence in everything he did, he was a proud and egoistic man, which annoyed Ryan. Ryan's brother was planning to discuss a project with Stefan, hoping to become business partners with him. However, he had to establish several connections to make it happen. No wonder his brother had told him to stay away from Micah he didn't care who Stefan was. Ryan felt that Stefan wasn't taking care of his wife, and he hadn't even made their marriage public. No one would know if Micah was even a part of his family if they didn't dig up information about her. Did he love her he wondered.

Micah went outside after everyone had gone for lunch. She enjoyed the afternoon breeze it was pleasant and good for her health. She was so immersed in her thoughts, contemplating how she might get Stefan to open up his heart to her, and praying to God about it, that she didn't notice Iyan was standing behind her. He was incredibly handsome, like a Greek god.

Iyan asked her how work was going; he rarely spoke to his employees. He inquired if she was fine and encouraged her to keep doing her job well. Micah felt happy because people often overlooked her efforts. Meanwhile, some colleagues whispered and gossiped as they saw Iyan and Micah conversing through the glass door. Some threw negative comments, while others simply gossiped. Ryan felt annoyed by the negativity.

When Ryan saw Micah coming out into the office, he noticed she looked better than before. He wondered what his brother had said to her. Micah sat down at her desk, reflecting on her next steps, while Ryan hesitated to approach her. It was getting dark, As the workday came to a close, Micah decided to walk she had left her car at home since her workplace wasn't far from here. Everyone in the office began to leave, but Ryan pretended to go with them. Instead, he headed over to his brother's office.

A man with tousled hair was seated in the office chair.

"You should probably go home," Iyan suggested.

"Nope," Ryan replied.

"I don't want to," Ryan added, settling into the couch. "What did you say to Micah?" he asked.

"Nothing much," Iyan said, focusing on his work.

"Seriously?" Ryan shot Iyan an annoyed look, and Iyan glanced back at him. "Okay, I encouraged her to work hard. She's really dedicated. Happy?" Iyan remarked.

"Oh, that's good. You should come help me with this document," Iyan said.

"But I'm just a newbie," Ryan joked. In reality, Ryan was quite skilled at paperwork and documents. Earlier, he had pretended to Micah that he didn't know how to do some tasks because he wanted to be closer to her

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