System in Assassin's Creed

Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Ferigo

A loud laughter was shared within a dimmed light room as men were having the time of their life.


"We've done it boss!"

"Yeah boss, we've finally secured a big contract!"

"Of course we have, do you know who you're talking to?" 

This was ferigo, the boss of the Thieves Den, he had created this group for months now and today has been their big break.

"Boss, we have to mobilize everyone by tonight," A man nearby Ferigo stated as he took a seat, "Edward Colston's a big shot, he even gave as the full payment upfront."

"Because he is desperate," Ferigo smirked and placed his two feet on the desk while folded his arms, "But yes, you're right."

The man near Ferigo nodded and also folds his arms, "The son, Edmund Colston, too... I'll also send some of our men to search for him tonight."

"Sure, start with taverns first," Ferigo ordered as he sighed, "Or the brothels, I've seen the guy a couple times in different brothels within this year. Let's find him too so that we can get our bon-"


Everyone turned their heads towards the door that lead downstairs.

"What was that!?"

"By the devil's own beard!?"

Some then turned their heads toward Ferigo as he made a confused face then yelled, "What!? Go and check it out!"

One man near the door grabbed his dagger while others grabbed their weapons, daggers, cutlasses, flintlocks...

As he walked towards the door, he could feel his heart beating really loud. The hand reaching towards the knob was getting colder and colder. However, he grit his teeth and opened the door, only to be met by the sight of a... boy?

The boy then lifts his feet, cocking it back then... BAM! 

With a powerful kick, the man got sent towards Ferigo. Making the boss of the Thieves Den gasp as he got hit by the body.




"Hello boys!"

Alaric grinned as many people were looking at him, 'Some are armed too...'

"A kid?"

"What the hell?"

Alaric used this confusion as his opportunity to flick his two hands, throwing two kunais towards two men that had flintlocks in their hands. 'Dead, good. I mean, not good. I mean... let's just get on with it.'

"Ah shite!"

As they were about to get ready, Alaric sprinted towards the left, kicking a man's balls while reaching for his kunai pouch. The man dropped his dagger as Alaric caught it and stabbed his throat. 


One person aimed his gun towards Alaric but the young Kenway only used the man he killed as the shield. 

He then tilted his head sideways to dodge a slash from behind and turned his body fast, aiming to horizontally slash the man who was behind him but couldn't reach.

'Damn, my special awareness is off too...'

Gathering little chakra on his eyes, a fully matured Sharingan came to life, 'Sharingan: Genjutsu!'

The man now in front of Alaric widened his eyes and then it became dull, making Alaric move and slit his throat.

"Damn, three guys dead!? What in God's teeth are you fools doing!?" Ferigo, who got hit by the body of one of his men, managed to crawl out. "It's just a kid for fuck's sake!"

Alaric, who had his Sharingan out, dashed towards the nearest thief and applied chakra on his fist, punching the thief's stomach. The thief gasped for air and dropped his weapon while Alaric ducked a slash from behind and catch the cutlass, he then applied chakra to the blade and spun while cutting both legs of the other thief.

"By all that's unholy!"

Alaric then side-stepped to a vertical slash and proceeds to just slash another thief's throat. Turning around, the thief who finished gasping widened his eyes in horror as Alaric just stab him.

'This is weird,' Alaric thought as he dodge another cutlass from behind, 'Why am I getting tired?'

Getting two kunais from his pouch, he then stabs the thief who he dodged from on the temple and flicks the other one to another thief. 

'Okay, that's nice... all that's left is...' As Alaric turned around, he heard a click.



A bullet lodged through Alaric's shoulder, knocking back his small body. 'Ah fuck.'

"This fucking shite..." Ferigo grit his teeth and walked forward to take a look at Alaric, "You... I don't know what kind of kid you are... who the fuck are you?"

Feeling his body regenerating on its own, pushing the bullet away from within, Alaric mentally thanked himself as to why he bought Hashirama's Physique. 

Another click from the flintlock pistol could be heard as Alaric stared at Ferigo.

"I'll ask again... this time, if you don't answer," Ferigo now aimed it towards Alaric's head, "Another bullet will fly, but to your head."

Alaric could only look down and sigh, "Maximillion, I was sent to-"

The bullet lodged to his shoulder could now be seen falling down.



"What the hell!?" Ferigo exclaimed and wanted to pull the trigger but alaric was faster.

'Sharingan: Genjutsu!'

Ferigo's eyes dulled as Alaric sighed and stood up, feeling his shoulder. 'Man... I should really train.'

Stealing the flintlock pistol from Ferigo's hand, Alaric analyzed it then aimed it to the Thieves Den's boss' head.


Ferigo's body slumped down, while Alaric nodded his eyes at the power of the flintlock pistol. 'Using these kinds of pistols is actually entertaining...'

Alaric sighed as he replayed what happened on his head, but he shook it off and proceeded to sell every item they had on their bodies, and all the money in their pockets were deposited in the system without a thought. Weapons were sold too, all that remain were their briefs.

[+£44 18s. 4d.]

[Current Balance: £568 0s. 11d.](18,177R)

He then walked towards the desk and found a man groaning. 'Oh, this one's still alive?'

Taking his last kunai from his pouch, Alaric stabbed the man's temple. 'Be thankful I'm granting you guys an easy death...'

'Huh? How does he sit in his chair with this kind of desk?' There was a giant safe below the desk that had a padlock tied to it which makes it basically weird to sit behind on, he shook his head and didn't waste time, using chakra on his hands and just yanked the lock away.

Opening the safe, Alaric could see bags of coins within it. He touched bags the proceeded to deposit all the money to his system.

[+ £450]

[Current Balance: £1,018 0s. 11d.](32,577R)

'What? £450 just find a slave?' Alaric thought at the amount of money he got from depositing. 'It can't be... some of these coins must've come from their savings...'

Shaking his head, Alaric turned off his Sharingan and activating his Eagle Vision. 'I must take everything I can get.'

He looked around but didn't see anything, he sighed but turned his head immediately. A bookshelf turning into a golden hue. 'I knew it, there should be a reason why a bookshelf is behind his desk.'

Alaric nudged the bookshelf, making it move a little. Seeing as his Eagle Vision didn't see any book to pull meant that the lock to this hidden door was connected to some kind of mechanism that was hidden away.

'I'm not going to be bothered by mecha-fucking-nism," Alaric sighed and just proceeds to open the System Interface and press the [Sell] button.

He touched the bookshelf once more, 'Sell... nice.'

The bookshelf disappeared into thin air, making Alaric grin, 'The system's really useful.'

Entering the hidden room, Alaric could only grin once more as shiny colors of gold were to be seen. He approached them and sold every single one. Depositing all the Pound Sherling coins and Bank notes to the system.

[+ £400]

[Current Balance: £1,418 0s. 11d.](45,377R)



[Fine Gold Pocket Watch - £100 (1x)]

[Silver Pocket Watch - £30 (3x)]

[Noble Bracelet - £50 (1x)]

[Gold Bracelet - £25 (6x)]

[Gold Stud Earing - 0.7Ct. Diamond - £50 (16x)]

[Gold Chalice - £250]

[+ £1,440]

[Current Balance: £2,858 0s. 11d.](91,457R)

"Damn... that's a lot," Alaric whistled as he looked at the system. "He must've kept some money on his desk to fool anyone and not find this room. Can't fool me though..."

Seeing as there was nothing left in the second floor, Alaric bought a random shirt from the System and wore it, then headed downstairs.

[Cheap Old Linen Shirt (Off-white) - 6s. 3d.]

[Current Balance: £2,857 14s. 8d.](91,447R)

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