Chapter 5: King of Sand.
Narrator' quote: "He stands in front a tiny mirror and says: The Lord spoke to Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron who died when they approached the Lord". Holy Bible Lv. 16:01.
Narrator: The wanderer was walking, like always. He was going into The "One City Zero Coast". The wanderer needed to find a wizard, to help him, in his task.
Narrator: The wanderer have in his bag a big red stone, he thinks that is a ruby, but is something little more special. He will discover the destiny of that stone, only if, he chose "the same" for his own destiny.
Narrator: It's complicated, but some people run away from them destiny. Some people act like thet were somebody else. A mistake. You can only be you, no even, what you want to be.
Narrator: Always moving things are. Hard to say wicht destiny anyone will get. In BACU the sea is hard, the sand is cold, the walds are deep, the woods are dangerous, the fews citys are full with politics and pride. And in the middle, there's volcano. Never came any flame. Orcs live there, as well, miners, underdogs, people with nowhere to go.
Narrator: You can imagine that, ins't a safe place to be. Even more, if you were lost. And the wanderer never went to "the middle". He will be tottaly lost and in danger. That Worth keeping a word? Only he can answer.
Narrator: The wanderer like to talk with and help other species. He bringen things. Or taken things, to any place, most commum is things going to safe places. The wanderer is looking for a wizard to tell him wicht promisse he made about the stone and where is his destination.
Narrator: The wanderer have a good intention in his heart, but a bad memory due to using too much wind, snow and hurricanes. The power to manipulate wind cost vital body energy. He doesn't care.
Narrator: The wanderer was getting close to: "One city zero coast". He already can see the builds, olds and ruined. He tried to talk to some beings. But all were "30". The "30" are humans who made a pact to stay at 30 years, but their minds never change.
Narrator: So they have all the world's knowleged. And still are thinking like they were someone with 30 years. In another words: too busy to help some wanderer.
Narrator: "One City Zero Coast", have no gates or walls, so is difficult to say where ends ou where begin. The wanderer passed through old houses and someone call his attention.
Narrator: "Wanderer!" Claimed a human. He was so skinny and with short black hair. He was tall and asked: "Please! I need some help, i can pay". The humans thinks that payment is everything that someone else waits. The wanderer startet to walk in his direction and said: "There's no need of payment, if i can help, i just do.".
Narrator:The human make a positive sign with the head. " My purse is inside this..." and pointed to a space between the trees and a rock. Without saying anything. The wanderer make a move with his hand and the purse flew to the human hands.
Narrator: The Human, tall and skinny, said with greatness: " I AM THE KING OF SAND"... After no answer. He kept: "I give to you, one wish, to show how thankful i am." The wanderer said: "For me is easy deal with wind, so wasn't a big matter, sir, nice to meet you!"
Narrator: "I...The King Of Sand find nice to meet you as well. There's really nothing that i could do for please you?" Answered the king of sand, a presumptuous human, but impressed with the power of wanderer.
Narrator: "Look sir, I don't think that you can read minds. Or, i will already have in my hands what i want". The wanderer played with the king and after nothing hapen, the wanderer asked: " I been looking for a wizard, do you know someone to help me? "
Narrator: "I know the best, My dear friend Moses. Can you make us fly with the wind?" The king looked into the wanderer eyes with suspicios. The night was chill. Then, the wanderer answered : "Tell me where and grab my hand. Sand's king".