Chapter 6: The Comeback Song
Narrator: "The Sand King" and "the wanderer" were getting ready to go find Moses. A wizard, friend of the king. And according to the king, he could help "the wanderer" in his quest. The king's will was to repay "the wanderer's" help. When he rescued the king's bag from among rocks and trees.
(Sand King and Wanderer) Both alone, plan to fly to the wizard's location and "the Wanderer" waits for the king to extend his hand. The king doesn't have the ability to fly or manipulate winds. Then, "the wanderer" must carry the highness.
06 - The Comeback Song
Narrator: Near dawn, five o'clock in the morning on the Island of BACU. "One City Zero Coast" is in the southeastern part of the island. With the face pointed towards for the sunrise. Turning your back to the magnificent star. In the exactly seconds before the sun's goes to sleep, in the west.
Narrator: Soon, the sunlight will touch the forest. Awakening the daytime animals and bringing light. Closing the case for some. There are animals that work overtime. Night time is over. The nocturnal creatures run away, scared by the light. Those animals walk only through the darkness. Animals that have returned to their hiding places.
Narrator: Some underground. In the shadows. In the caves. In Houses, buildings, castles, boats, cars, logs, under the bridges, anywhere away from light. Some animals are hurt by the light or killed. Other just have different ways of living. And the third group isn't worried with the ligth, but what it brings.
Narrator: During the day other animals have their jobs and pleasant times. Hunters, Golden humans, Elfs, a long list of animals. Is hard to say what might happen. Many are the possibilities. Some animals hate when their vision cross with different creatures. If you have any information. You know that being different may cost a life.
Narrator: Kings walk any time and do anything. "The King Sand" didn't grab "the wanderer" hands immediately. He was surprised with the calm that "the wanderer" showed about flying. And how "the wanderer" have used wind easilly. "The King Sand" thought: " 'This wanderer' must use too much wind..." And in silence, the king wonder: "Is he thaaat skillful? Very?". "The wanderer" instead was extanding his hand, wainting, and with hurry.
Narrator: "The wanderer" has the bad habit, of always be in hurry. After all, he is obliged to walk. He hates to wait. Means...He is wainting now. He is walking side to side. If, the king take too long to make his mind. "The wanderer" will start walk in circles, like a clock. Never in the counter-clockwise way!
Narrator: Walk agaist the time give bad luck. The funny thing is: the wanderer is only with hurry, while, he is waiting. He almost never walks with hurry. While waits, He start to think in great books sentences. And there is a qoute: "Those who love us never leave us". Then, He never walks alone. His big soul desire. That wish from the deep in our animals hearts. Those who gives us the life's breath.
Narrator: "I want to make a phrase, so beautiful. That a king like you will call me for dinners and say to your closes ones, this friend here: He is wise. A phrase paradoxical. Emocinal. Meanigfull...". "The wanderer" was interuptet by the king. "Can you take us to the other side of the island? Asked the king in a rude manner.
Narrator: "The wanderer" never been there. He didn't know where to go exactily. And how the weathers conditions would be ? Is such a long travel. Would take at least four hours flying. And If, they were have to walk some part, it could take the whole day.
Narrator: "I was saiyng...", the king interuptet again. "After, I listen your beuatiful story, but right now, we losing day time. "Moses" are in the woods of west. Wanderer makes us fly till west. Then, we walk under the shadows. "Moses" will hear when i call.".
Narrator: "Grab the hand then". The king hesited: "Are you sure?". "The wanderer" explained the plan: "We fly high...And sit on a cloud going to west...then we fall down slowly as leafs. Take almost four hours, let's go?"
Narrator: The king stand a hand and they went! The king felt afraid as he never has in his intirer life. Being lifting up to the air with that force was amazing, but dangerous and frightening. Took only a few seconds that felt like years, but sunddenly they were siting on a cloud, travelling to somewhere new for both, and both didn't know that! At leats, "the wanderer" thought the king knew the path.
Narrator: "Tell me now, windmaster, your soul's desire". "The wanderer" was controling the wind and seeing the clouds diretion. And after driving a cloud, he felt calm to speak. "I would like to make this sentence a comeback song, or something like that:
meaningful, philosophical, passionate, funny, ambiguous, essential, childish, innocent, ravishing, delicious to be heard and pleasant to be sung like a cheerleading chant. A phrase for an anthem, that becomes a line, that is always a source of joy, motivation, overcoming and inspiration. One line only. Like a one-hit wonder musician. But most important of all, the non-negotiable of my "chef-d'œuvre" (masterpiece). My "magnum opus" (Latin expression meaning « a work of art of exceptional value). It will be a short sentence. It's easier to remember.
A short phrase that people will sing! That's is my legacy. Until there, I will keep walking and thinking." Said "the wanderer", while smoke and drive the cloud.
Narrator: The bad news is: That was the wrong day to be at west side!