Wanderer Ghost

Chapter 7: Little Things, Could Be Really Boring...

Little Things, Could Be Really Boring...


Narrator: "The wanderer" and "The King Sand" are flying to west, looking for moses for asking his help.

07 - Little Things, Could Be Really Boring...

Narrator: The bigs troubles are easy to deal, if you think:"I can't fix. Then: there's no reason to be sad or angry. Because there is nothing that I can do about it, and get angry it's worse".

Narrator: Easy to say, of course. But the point of wiew for today, is, first that sentence is rigth, think about it. As is a rigth sentence, means that in life: we spend more time dealing with little troubles, that we can fix, but are boring, then, the time spended with big troubles. Because we can't fix.

Narrator: Our heroes have chosen the worst day to go. Specifically, for them. Not because a big trouble are coming. The reason is a series of little troubles, those ones very boring at all.

Narrator: The fisrt. The calm wind changed to strongs wind gusts. And the cloud, used as a veicule for "King Sand" and "the wanderer". The cloud started to pull to the left side and then to the right side as a boat, sailing into a angry sea.

Narrator: "How used to be the wind in the west side?" asked "the wanderer". The king didn't know, but said: "Like always are the winds, you should know. "The wanderer" was too busy trying to keep the cloud under control that forgot about what the king's said.

Narrator: "I think you should avoid the desert, there is many sand storms, not a problem to me, but complicated to fly". "The wanderer" wans't expecting a desert, too much wind, means too much dangerous.

Narrator: Desert is like home, for "King Sand", but one sand storms could be fatal to "the wanderer". "I wans't...." "The Wanderer" stoped talking when the cloud hit a sand dune and the were droped it, slipping in the sand.

Narrator: "The wanderer" slipped like a bag of shit, rolling the dune as a drop dead body. But "Sand King" was surffing the dune. And when both reached the end of the dune, "Sand King" help "The wanderer" to stand up. "You fly pretty well, so well as you fall down".

Narrator: "Guess you forgot to mention how tall the dunes are here". The place looked as an Egipt desert. Nothing but sand, with dunes so high that touched the clouds, literally. Which make them hit a wall of sand. "Can't you felt the sand close to us?"

Narrator: The "Sand King" with a smile in his face, pointed with his finger to some direction and said: "I felt, I wanted to see what would happen to you?".

"I could die, you bastard! I never been here. And the more high you are, the less air to manipulate you got. So, I dont't fly too high."

Narrator: The "Sand King" made something like a flying carpet and keep going, as like, the accident wans't a big trouble. It wasn't. "The wanderer" join with the king into the sand carpet and ask: "You know where to go?"

Narrator: "After the "City one zero coast" there is a woods until starts a desert, the desert is growing and i don't know the reason. I admit: i dind't know the path. This sand is evil, brings the evilwithin me. I like de coast sand. Anyway, I know that the west woods are near, because, I feel where the sand ends. And when we got there, I just need to call Moses." The "Sand King" explained.

Narrator: They went with the flying carpet ahead for five minutes. Everything was sand. "the wanderer" was using a shirt and a shorts, good for the ocasion. Then they catch sight of trees and sir.

Narrator: He was black and seems old. No hair and a few beard. The sir rised the both arms and the flying carpet vanish, making "Sand King" and "the wanderer" fall again, this time sitting on the ground.

Narrator: "You don't know what BACU is, you're only "The King Sand". Shouted Moses. "...Only..." the king tried to answer, but the anger made, "King Sand", attack Moses. A huge hand came from the ground, with a punch. The wizard just desapear and apear behind us.

Narrator: "It's nice to see you old friend, "Sand King", spoke Moses. "Sand King" and "Moses" shoke hands. Started to rain. "I told you, You don't know what BACU is, you're only "The King Sand. Today was a bad day for visit, even more, with some wanderer carrying something he must haven't".

Narrator: "The wanderer" wanted to ask how he knew. But the rain make "The Wanderer" weak. He have fights with the rain son's. And he needed to make some snow to feel good again. But he was without resources and away to cold places.

Narrator: The "King Sand" hurry up to said: " We must taken him to some woods, he needs your help. He helped me, I ask you as a friend to help him". The rain gets harder. All of them are wets. "The wanderer" got hit by a big drop of water and passed out.

Narrator: Moses says: "I can't help right now. He is here! Our little troubles are done, now, come the big trouble". "Who is he? "The wanderer"? He just passed out, I can't make anything with this wet sand" the "King Sand" was fast speaking. "Please, help"

Narrador: Moses, once again says: "You don't know what BACU is, you're only "The King Sand". And now, HE IS HERE!" This time the king dind't have to ask "who is he?"

Narrator: The son of rain appears and with a easy movement makes the "King of Sand" flies away, hit a dune and also, pass out. "You are right Moses, the wizard. I AM HERE!"

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